本帖最后由 yping88 于 8-7-2013 13:32 编辑
I haven't done a lot of traveling around Australia yet so far, but I have been around a bit in Victoria. Among all the places I have been to, I would like to single out (特意挑出) The Great Ocean Road to talk about.
What strikes me to core (使我的心灵感到震撼的) is not only the spectacular views of it, also the soul-touching history attached to it!
Until now, I presume that I can get everybody who's been there on board (去过的人们都会同意我的说法) about how a breath-taking (令人惊叹的) the scene is. But what I would like to touch on is its history and the people who made it.
The Great Ocean Road was built after World War One and ran wildly (狂奔) about 300 kilometers all the way from Geelong to Warrnambool, Victoria.
Post World War One, those survived soldiers returned to their homeland, limbs missing, physically exhausted, heart broken from losing countless mates, psychologically striken (招受精神上的创伤) by cruel battles. Many of them suffered from the post traumatic stress syndrome and depression, and many others could hardly function in civilian life.
However, what hit them more was that there was no more jobs available due to the great economy recession, every family was doing their best to combat a battle against starvation.
So, after surviving the filed battle defending their country and their belief, they had to fight a different battle defending their civil existence (贫民的生存). Soon after they were reunited with families and their loved ones, they had to say goodbye again and got redeployed to the coastal mountains to build a path that could possibly be beneficial to the generations to come (后来的一代又一代人).
(I have never considered this project a profit-driven (以赢利为目的的) one, since no any level of government ever made money out of it).