This joke is about the huge difference between Chinese and western dating culture.
A Chinese boy and his girlfriend were doing really well in their relationship, down the track, he started dreaming about his future with this girl, taking her as The One for him.
One day, he took her somewhere in his car for picnic, on the way over, the traffic was flowing quite well until they were about to get to the picnic area, they started coming across many sets of red lights in a row (遭遇一连串的红灯).
As a very well raised boy, he knew better than (很懂道理而不会) run through any red lights. After he kept stopping before so many red lights, his girlfriend finally lost her patience and snapped at him (对他大为光火): You are not even brave enough to run through the red lights, I seriously doubt what else you could possibly achieve in your life. Sorry, what I am looking for is a real MAN.
Then, she broke up with him!
After being left in darkness and depression from being dumped due to his lack of masculinity (男子汉气概), he came to a western country, hoping that he could find his real love.
Finally, he fell in love with a blonde and both were happy with where their relationship were taking them to. However, one day, his blonde girlfriend broke up with him just in the car after he manly (很男人地) ran through a set of red lights.
He remembered being dumped in the first relationship due to his "coward act"--not run through the red lights. He reckoned he should man up (表现出男人气概) this time and show his blonde how much a MAN he was. So, he didn't hesitate to run through a set of red lights.
The blonde said to him: You just scared the hell out of me by doing that! You even dared to run through the red lights, I wondered what other criminal conducts you wouldn't dare to commit.
Dear friends, please don't take it as an offense, it's just a joke! |