本帖最后由 yping88 于 24-6-2013 00:00 编辑
Now, I would like to touch on Harvey's upbringing (抚养) and some thought coming with it ever since we have him.
By the way, for those who don't know who Harvey is, please refer to my profile picture.
He came to my family when he was only 8-week old. He was so adorable and tame that he won our heart over shortly after we became acquainted with each other (彼此熟悉了). He didn't show his true color (原形毕露了) until he was absolutely sure that we were already 100% in love with him and wouldn't return him to the breeder due to doggie's some unbearable behaviours.
After he showed some destructive behaviours, I decided to patiently guide him out of them rather than take on strong stands 采取强硬的立场. Because my daughter still frequently rubs my face with (在我面前抱怨) her strictly disciplined childhood, I thought maybe I could take on different approach with Harvey and see what different outcome could possibly come out. If successful, maybe I can apply this soft approach with the coming generation and make everybody happy.
Then, I started with reinforce-ignore (积极的强调--不理睬) approach, which means "praising the positive behaviours and ignoring the bad ones". This is based on the theory that the puppy will in the long run relate the compliment to his desired doing (理想的行为), and the ignorance to his wrong doing (错误的行为). Therefore, the good behaviours are encouraged and destructive ones are not welcome.
However, it gradually comes to my notice 逐渐地注意到 that Harvey's good deeds can only be reinforced with nice treats 好吃的东东, and naughty behaviours didn't become any less because of our ignorance.
Then, I started questioning my capability of handling the troubling puppy. My friend gave me her puppy-training book after I brought my frustration to her attention, stating that it was considered her bible 很有价值的东东 when she trained her puppy.
I treated this book as my bible and followed whatever written there, hoping that one day, my Harvey would come out as a super puppy as the written models.
Harvey showed a little improvement in behaviours, but not as much as I expected him to (Haahaa, I have higher and unrealistic expectation). I chose to bear with his destructive acts, be patient with his learning process and wait for him to outgrow (长大后不再做了) some naughty habits. Until one day, I totally lost it (丧失控制力) when we were out for walking.
Harvey loved to take his own pace when walking around. He was too fast and dragging me along when I could hardly keep up. When I wanted to carry on strolling, he stayed on the grass and refused to go along. Whenever he sniffed some doggie poop, he enjoyed hanging around no matter how much force I put on his leash. I couldn't help but kicked him in the butt. Amazingly enough, he, all of sudden, could follow my instructions.
Nowadays, whenever I threaten him with the potential butt-kicking, he would drop off whatever he was up to and follow me around. What's more amusing is while walking along with me, he would turn around, eyes laid on me checking out my pace and try to walk alongside with me.
Now, I come to the conclusion that no any other better approaches are more user-friendly than the butt-kicking 啥方法都不如踢它的腚管用 when disciplining a puppy. So, a chinese cliche finds it way in doggie community as well: Spare rod, spoil kid (不打不成器
But, please be mindful that always disciplining your puppy in a private place, just in case somebody walked in on (正巧碰上) your kicking your puppy, you would get judged on. Or even worse, you would be reported to animal protection authorities if they were animal-loving extremists. In this case, I am afraid that your guardianship on this puppy would be reassessed by the authorities and your parenting skills would be put on question mark.
Heehee, tomorrow, I will do some damage-control (补偿一下) for bad-mouthing 说它的坏话 Harvey by posting something nice about him!
Have a nice day, all!!!