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[edu] 每日一贴学英语语法

 楼主| 发表于 12-11-2009 02:13:36 | 只看该作者
UNIT 112 In/at/on (position) (1)
  a. In Study these examples:
  in a room / in a building in the water in a row/ in a line
  in a garden/ in a park in the ocean
  in a town / in a country in a river
   There’s no one in the room/ in the building/ in the store.
   The children are playing in the garden/ in the park.
   When we were in Italy, we spent a few days in Venice. (not at Venice)
   Robert lives in a small village in the mountains.
   She keeps her money in her bag/ in her purse.
   What do you have in your hand/ in your mouth?
   Look at that girl swimming in the water/ in the ocean/ in the river!
   When I go to the movies, I prefer to sit in the front row.
   Have you read this article in the newspaper?
  Note that we say:
   (sit) in an armchair (but on a chair)
   In a photograph/ in a picture/ in a mirror in the sky
   Who is the woman in that photograph? (not on that photograph)
   It was a beautiful day. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky.
   Don’t sit in that armchair. It’s broken.
  b. In (the) front of In (the) back of  
     The car is in front of the truck. (but not in the truck!)
   The truck is in back of (= behind) the car. (but not in the car!)
   The woman is in the front of the car. (in the car)
   The man is in the back (of the car). (in the car)
   We say in the front/ in the back of a car, room, theater, group of people, etc.:
   I was sitting in the back of the car when we crashed.
   Let’s sit in the back of the car when we crashed.
   John was standing in the back of the crowd.
   but: on the front/back of a piece of paper, photograph, envelope,
   etc: Write your name on the back of this piece of paper.
  c. At Study these examples: 
  at the bus stop at the door at the window at the top (of the page) at the bottom (of the page) at the end of the street
   Who is that man standing at the bus stop/at the door/at the window?
   Turn left at the traffic light.
   If you leave the hotel, please leave your key at the front desk.
   Write your name at the top/at the bottom of the page.
   Jack’s house is the white one at the end of the street.
  d. On Study these examples:
   Don’t sit on the floor/on the ground/on the grass!
   There’s a butterfly on the wall/on the ceiling/on your nose.
   Have you seen the notice on the bulletin board?
   The book you are looking for is on the top shelf/on the table.
   There’s a report of the soccer game on page 7 of the newspaper.
   Don’t sit on that chair. It’s broken. (but sit in an armchair)
   Note that we say:
   on the left/on the right (or on the left-/ right – hand side)
   on the ground floor/on the first floor/ on the second floor, etc.
   In Britain people drive on the left. (or… on the left – hand side)
   Our apartment is on the second floor of the building.
   We use on with small islands:
   Tom spent his vacation on a small island off the coast of Scotland.
   We also say that a place is on the coast/on a river/on a road:
   Vancouver is on the west coast of Canada.
   Montreal is on the St. Lawrence River.
   London is on the river Thames.
   We say that a place is on the way to another place:
   We stopped for lunch in pretty village on the way to Rome.
   e. In/at/on the corner We say “in the corner of a room,” but “at the corner (or on the corner) of a street”:
   The television is in the corner of the room.
   There is a telephone booth at/on the corner of the street.
UNIT 112 Exercises  
   112.1 Answer question about the picture. Use in, at, or on with the words in parentheses (…).
   1. Where’s the label? (bottle) _______ the bottle.
   2. Where’s the man standing? (gate) _______
   3. Where’s Tom sitting? (armchair) _______ Where’s the picture? (wall) _______
   4. Where’s Ann standing? (top/stairs) _______ And where’s the cat? (bottom/stairs) _______
   5. What’s George doing? (looking/mirror) He’s _______
   6. Tom lives in this building. Where’s his apartment? (third floor) _______
   7. Where are the children? (back/car) _______
   8. Tom is at the movies. Where’s he sitting? (back) _______
   9. Where’s the post office? (left) _______ And the bank? (right) _______
   10. Where’s the notice? (door) _______
   11. Where is the woman standing? (corner) _______
   12. Where is the man standing? (corner) _______
  112.2 Complete these sentences. Each time use in, at, or on with one of the phrases from the box.
   the front row New York the west coast
   the third floor the back of the class the Swiss Alps
   my way to work the back of the envelope the window
   the right the front page of the newspaper
  1. The headquarters of the Untied Nations is in New York.
  2. In most countries people drive ______________
  3. I usually buy a newspaper ______________ in the morning.
  4. Last year we had a great skiing vacation ______________
  5. San Francisco is ______________ of the United States.
  6. She spends all day sitting ______________ and watching what is happening outside.
  7. I have to walk up a lot of stairs every day. My apartment is ______________, and there is no elevator.
  8. I read about the accident. There was a story ______________
  9. We went to the theater last night. We had seats ______________
  10. I couldn’t hear the teacher very well. She had a soft voice, and I was sitting ______________.
  11. When you send a letter, it is a good idea to write your name and address ______________
  112.3 Complete these sentences with in, at, or on.
   Examples: Turn left at the traffic light.
   You’ll find the cups on the top shelf.
  1. I’ll meet you _______ the corner (of the street) at 10:00.
  2. We got stuck in a traffic jam _______ the way to the airport.
  3. There was an accident _______ the intersection this morning.
  4. Look at those beautiful horses _______ that field!
  5. I can’t find Tom _______ this photograph. Is he _______ it?
  6. _______ the end of the road there is a path leading to the river.
  7. I wouldn’t like an office job. I couldn’t spend the whole day sitting _______ a desk.
  8. Do you take sugar _______ your coffee?
  9. Ann’s brother lives _______ a small town _______ the coast of Maine.
  10. You’ll find the sports results _______ the back page of the newspaper.
  11. Sue and Dave got married _______ Denver four years ago.
  12. Pair is _______ the river Seine.
  13. Mr. Black’s office if _______ the fifth floor. When you get off the elevator, it’s the third door _______ your left.
  14. We normally use the front entrance to the building, but there’s another entrance _______ the back.
  15. If you want to get away from modern life, you should go and live _______ a small island in the middle of the ocean.
  16. The man the police are looking for has a scar _______ his right cheek.
  17. I wasn’t sure whether I had come to the right apartment because there was no name _______ the door.

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 楼主| 发表于 13-11-2009 01:59:06 | 只看该作者
UNIT 113 In/at/on (position) (2) 
 a. We say that someone is at an event. For example: “at a party/at a concert/at a conference/at the movies/at a football game”:
   Were there many people at the party/ at the meeting?
   I saw Jack at the football game/ at the concert on Saturday.
  b. We say:
  at work at an airport at sea at a station at the seashore
  in bed in prison/jail in the hospital on a farm
   I’ll be at work until 5:30 Can you meet me at the airport?
   Have you ever worked on a farm? Tom’s father is in the hospital.
   You can say be home/stay home with or without at:
   We’ll be out during the day but we’ll be (at) home all evening.
   I didn’t go out last night. I stayed (at) home.
  c. You can be in or at college/school. Use at college or at school when you are thinking of the college/school as a place or when you give the name of a college/school:
   Dan will be in college/in school for two more years.
   Tom is away at college right now, but he’ll be home for the summer.
   She’s majoring in economics at Los Angeles City College.
  d. You can often use in or at with buildings. You can stay in a hotel or at a hotel; you can eat in a restaurant or at a restaurant. We usually say at when we say where an event takes place (for example: a concert, a movie, a meeting, a sports event, etc.):
   We went to a concert at the Arts Center.
   The meeting took place at the company’s main office.
   “Where were you last night?” “At the theater.”
   We say at someone’s house:
   I was at Tom’s house last night. (or I was at Tom’s last night.)
   We use in when we are thinking about the building itself:
   The rooms in Tom’s house are very small.
   I enjoyed the movie, but it was very cold in the theater.
  e. We usually say in with towns and villages:  
   Tom’s parents live in St. Louis. (not “at St. Louis”)
   But you can use at when the town or village is a point on a journey:
   Do you know if this train stops at Smithtown?
   We stopped at a pretty town on the way to Los Angeles.
  f. We say arrive IN a country or town:

   When did he arrive in Japan/in Tokyo?
   We say arrive AT with other places (buildings, etc.) or events:
   What time did he arrive at school/at work/at the hotel/at the party?
   We say arrive home (without a preposition):
   When did he arrive home?
UNIT 113 Exercises
  113.1 Complete these sentences. Use in, at, or on with one of the words or phrases from the box.
   bed sea the National Theatre a farm the hospital school prison the airport
   the movie theater the station
  1. My train arrives at 11:30. Can you meet me at the station?
  2. I didn’t feel very well when I woke up, so I stayed ______________
  3. My favorite movie, Gone With the Wind, is playing ______________ downtown.
  4. Many people are ______________ for crimes that they did not commit.
  5. I like the country and the fresh air. I think I’d like to work ______________
  6. Did you get along well with your teachers when you were ______________?
  7. We went to see a play ______________ when we were in London.
  8. Linda was injured in a car accident a few days ago. She is still ______________
  9. It was a very long voyage. We were ______________ for ten weeks.
  10. Our flight was delayed. We had to wait ______________ for four hours.
  113.2 Complete these sentences with in or at.  
Example: Were there many people at the concert?
  1. I didn’t see you ______________ the party on Saturday. Where were you?
  2. It was a very slow train. It stopped _______ every little station.
  3. He speaks French quite well. He studied _______ Pairs for a year.
  4. Tom’s sick. He wasn’t _______ work today. He was _______ home _______ bed.
  5. The exhibition _______ the art gallery finished on Saturday.
  6. There will be a public meeting _______ the Town Hall next week, to discuss the plan to build a new highway.
  7. I haven’t seen Ken for some time. I last saw him _______ Dave’s wedding.
  8. Paul is a student _______ Central Community College.
  9. Don’t call tomorrow evening. I won’t be _______ home. I’ll be _______ Ann’s.
  10. It’s always too hot _______ Linda’s house. She has the heat on too high.
  11. Jane is an anthropology student _______ college.
  113.3 Complete these sentences with a preposition, if a preposition is necessary.
   Example: What time did you arrive at the station?
  1. After many years away, he arrived back _______ Italy a month ago.
  2. The train from Rome arrives _______ platform 4.
  3. What time from Rome arrive _______ Mexico City?
  4. What time do you expect to arrive _______ the hotel?
  5. What time do you usually arrive _______ home in the evening?
  6. What time do you usually arrive _______ work in the morning?
  7. We arrived _______ the town with nowhere to stay.
  8. When we arrived _______ the theater, there was a long line outside.
  9. It’s a strange feeling when you first arrive _______ a foreign country.
  10. I arrived _______ home feeling very tired.

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 楼主| 发表于 13-11-2009 23:16:03 | 只看该作者
UNIT 114 To, been to, into By car/in my car 
 a. To We say go/come/travel (etc.) to a place or event. For example:  
    go to Brazil come to the U.S. return to Italy fly to Tokyo walk to work drive to the airport
   go to the bank go to a party go to a concert be sent to prison be taken to the hospital
   go to bed
   We say get to (but arrive in/at – (see Unit 113f)):
   What time did you get to Montreal/work/the party?
   We say go home/come home/get home, etc. (with no preposition):
   I’m tired. Let’s go home. What time did you get home last night?
  b. Been to I have been to (a place) = I have visited a place; I went there, but now I have come back (see also Unit 13d):
   Have you ever been to Japan? I’ve been to Buenos Aires twice.
   Ann has never been to a football game in her life.
   Jack has plenty of money. He has just been to the bank.
  c. Into “Go into/come into,” etc. = enter (a room/building, etc.):
   I opened the door and went into the room.
   Don’t wait outside! Come into the house.
   The man the police were chasing ran into a store.
   A bird flew into the room through the window.
  d. By car/ in my car We use by… to say how we travel:
   by car by train by plane by boat/ship by bus by bicycle
   also: by rail by air by sea by subway
   “How did you go to Pairs?” “By plane.”
   Sue usually goes to work by bicycle/by car/by bus/by train.
   But we say “on foot”:
   Did you come here by car or on foot?
   But you cannot use by if you say “my car/the train/a taxi,” etc. We say “in my car” (not by my car), “on the train” (not by the train).
   We use in for cars and taxis:
   in my car in Tom’s car in the car in a car in a taxi
   We say get in (to)/get out of a car or taxi:
   He got into the car and drove off. (or He got in the car…)
   We use on for bicycles and public transportation (buses, trains, etc.):
   on my bicycle on the bus on the 6:45 train on a big ship
   We say get on/ get off a bicycle, bus, or train:
   Quick! Get on the train. It’s ready to leave
UNIT 114 Exercises 
 114.1 Complete these sentences with in, to, into, on or by. If no preposition is necessary, leave the sentence as it is.
   Examples: When are you going to Argentina? Tom usually goes to work by car
  1. I’m tired. I’m going _______ bed.
  2. What time are you going _______ home?
  3. I decided not to go _______ car. I went _______ my bike instead.
  4. We went _______ a very good party last night. We didn’t get _______ home until 3 a.m.
  5. I saw Jane this morning. She was _______ a bus that passed me.
  6. Sorry I’m late. I missed the bus, so I had to come _______ foot.
  7. The quickest way to get around New York is _______ subway.
  8. I have to go _______ the bank today to change some money.
  9. I had lost my key, but I managed to climb _______ the house through a window.
  10. Marcel has just returned _______ France after two years in Canada.
  11. I didn’t feel like walking, so I came home _______ a taxi.
  114.2 Use been to. Write questions asking someone if they have been to these places.
   Example: (Australia) Have you been to Australia?
  1. (Africa) Have ______________
  2. (Japan) _____________________
  3. (Rome) _____________________
  4. (Moscow) _____________________
  5. (Canada) _____________________
  6. (Puerto Rico) _____________________
  Now choose four of these places and say whether you have been to these places.
  Example: (Australia) I’ve been to Australia once/twice/many times, etc. or I’ve never been to Australia.
  7. I’ve _____________________
  8. _____________________
  9. _____________________
  10. _____________________
  114.3 Write sentences using get into/out of/on/off.
   Example: You were walking home. A friend passed you in his car. He saw you, stopped, and offered you a lift. He opened the door. What did you do? I got into the car.
  1. You were waiting for your bus. At last your bus arrived. The doors opened. What did you do then? I got ____________________________
  2. You drove home in your car. You arrived at your house and parked the car. What did you do then? I ____________________________
  3. You were traveling by train to Vancouver. When the train arrived at Vancouver, what did you do? ____________________________
  4. You needed a taxi. After a few minutes a taxi stopped for you. You opened the door. What did you do then? ____________________________
  5. You were riding your bike. There was a big hill, and you didn’t have the energy to pedal up it. What did you do? ____________________________ and pushed it up the hill.

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 楼主| 发表于 15-11-2009 14:20:16 | 只看该作者
UNIT 115 Noun + preposition (“reason for,” “cause of,” etc.) 
 Study this list of nouns + preposition. Sometimes other prepositions are possible – a good dictionary will give you more information.
   a check FOR ( a sum of money):
   They sent me a check for $100.
   a demand/ a need FOR something:
   The company closed down because there wasn’t enough demand for its product.
   a reason FOR something:
   The train was late but no one knew the reason for the delay.
   a rise/an increase/a fall/a decrease IN something:
   There has been an increase in automobile accidents lately.
   an advantage/a disadvantage OF something:
   The advantage of living alone is that you can do what you like.
   but we say “there is an advantage in (or to) doing something”:
   There are many advantages in (or to) living alone.
   a cause OF something:
   Nobody knows what the cause of the explosion was.
   a photograph/ a picture OF someone/ something:
   He always keeps a photograph of his wife in his wallet.
   damage TO something:
   The accident was my fault, so I paid for the damage to the other car.
   an invitation TO a party/ a wedding, etc.:
   Did you get an invitation to the party?
   a reaction TO something:
   I was surprised at her reaction to what I said.
   a solution TO a problem/an answer TO a question/ a reply TO a letter/ a key TO a door:
   Do you think we’ll find a solution to this problem?
   The answer to your question is “No”!
   an attitude TO/TOWARD someone/something:
   His attitude to/toward his job is very negative.
   a relationship/ a connection/contact WITH someone/something:
   Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
   The police want to question a man in connection with the robbery.
   but: a relationship/a connection/a difference BETWEEN two things:
   The police have said that there is no connection between the two murders.
   There are some differences between British English And American English.
UNIT 115 Exercises
  115.1 Read the sentence and then complete the following sentence with the same meaning.
   Example: What caused the explosion? What was the cause of the explosion?
  1. We’re trying to solve the problem. We’re trying to find a solution ____________________
  2. Ann gets along well with her brother. Ann has a good relationship ____________________
  3. Prices have increased a lot. There has been a big increase ____________________
  4. I don’t know how to answer your question. I can’t think of an answer ____________________
  5. Nobody wants to buy shoes like these anymore. There is no demand ____________________
  6. I think that being married has some advantages. I think that there some advantages __________
  7. The number of people without jobs has fallen this year. There has been a fall ____________________
  8. I don’t think that a new highway is necessary. I don’t think that there is any need __________
  115.2 Complete these sentences with the correct preposition.
   Example: There are some differences between British English and American English.
  1. I just received an invitation __________ a wedding next week.
  2. The cause __________ the fire in the hotel last night is still unknown.
  3. Ann showed me a photograph __________ the hotel where she stayed on her vacation.
  4. Money isn’t the solution __________ every problem.
  5. The company has rejected the workers’ demands __________ an increase __________ pay.
  6. The two companies are completely independent. There is no connection __________ them.
  7. When I opened the envelope, I was delighted to find a check __________ $500.
  8. Have you seen this picture __________ the town as it looked 100 years ago?
  9. Sorry I haven’t written to you for so long. The reason __________ this is that I’ve been sick.
  10. The advantage __________ having a car is that you don’t have to rely on public transportation.
  11. There are many advantages __________ being able to speak a foreign language.
  12. There has been a sharp rise __________ the cost of living in the past few years.
  13. The front door is locked. Do you have the key __________ the back door?
  14. Bill and I used to be good friends, but I don’t have much contact __________ him now.
  15. I’ve never met Carol, but I’ve seen a picture __________ her.
  16. It wasn’t a serious accident. The damage __________ the car was only slight.
  17. Tom’s reaction __________ my suggestion was not very enthusiastic.
  18. What were George’s reasons __________ giving up his job?
  19. The fact that he got a job in the company has no connection __________ the fact that his father is the managing director.
  20. When he left home, his attitude __________ his parents seemed to change.
  21. I wrote to Sue last month, but I still haven’t received a reply __________ my letter.

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 楼主| 发表于 17-11-2009 02:36:49 | 只看该作者
UNIT 116 Preposition + noun (“by mistake,” “on television,” etc.) 
 Students often use the wrong preposition before the words in this unit, so study this list carefully:
   to pay BY check (but to pay IN cash or to pay cash): Did you pay by check or in cash?
   (to do something) BY accident/BY mistake/BY chance: We hadn’t arranged to meet. We met by chance.
   a play BY Shakespeare/a painting BY Rembrandt/ a novel BY Tolstoy, etc.:
   Have you read any books by Tolstoy? (= any books written by Tolstoy?)
   (to be/to fall) IN love WITH someone:
   Have you ever been in love with anyone?
   IN (my) opinion: In my opinion the film wasn’t very good.
   IN time (= soon enough for something/soon enough to do something):
   Will you be home in time for dinner? (= soon enough for dinner)
   We got to the station just un time to catch the train.
   ON time (= punctual, not late)   The 11:45 train left on time. (= it left at 11:45)
   The conference was well organized. Everything began on time.
   (to be) ON fire: Look! That car is on fire.
   (to be) ON the telephone/ON the phone:
   I’ve never met her but I’ve spoken to her on the phone.
   ON television/ON the radio:   I didn’t watch the game on television. I listened to it on the radio.
   (to be/to go) ON a diet: I’ve put on a lot of weight. I’ll have to go on a diet.
   (to be/to go) ON strike: There are no trains today. The railroad workers are on strike.
   (to be/to go) ON vacation/ON business/ON a trip/ON a tour/ON a cruise/ON an expedition, etc.
   Did you go to Pairs on business or on vacation?
   One day I’d like to go on a world tour.
   but you can also say “go to a place FOR a vacation/FOR my vacation”:
   Tom has gone to France for a vacation.
   Where are you going for your vacation this year?
   (to go/to come) FOR a walk/FOR a swim/FOR a meal, etc.:
   She always goes for a walk with her dog in the morning.
   After work we went to the restaurant for a meal.
   (to have something) FOR breakfast/FOR lunch/FOR dinner:
   What did you have for lunch?
UNIT 116 Exercises
  116.1 Complete these sentences. Use a preposition with a word or phrase from the box.
   mistake time a meal a swim strike the phone television Shakespeare time love
   business a diet breakfast check
  1. After work we went to a restaurant for a meal.
  2. The factory has closed because the workers have gone __________
  3. I didn’t mean to take your umbrella. I took it __________
  4. I got up late this morning and had to rush. All I had __________ was a cup of tea.
  5. I feel lazy tonight. Is there anything worth watching __________?
  6. The train service is very good. The trains always run __________
  7. They fell __________ with each other immediately and were married in weeks.
  8. It was an extremely hot day, so we went __________ in the lake.
  9. Jim’s job involves a lot of traveling. He often goes to other cities __________
  10. I didn’t have any money on me, so I paid __________
  11. George has put on a lot of weight recently. I think he should go __________
  12. I washed your shirt this morning, so it should be dry __________ for you to wear it this evening.
  13. I can never reach Sue. Whenever I call, she’s always __________
  14. Hamlet and Macbeth are plays __________
  116.2 Complete these sentences with the correct preposition.
   Example: We hadn’t arranged to meet. We met by chance.
  1. I’m hungry. What’s __________ dinner this evening?
  2. __________ my opinion, violent movies shouldn’t be shown __________ TV.
  3. I think I need some exercise. Do you want to go __________ a walk?
  4. A dog ran across the street in front of the car, but I managed to stop just __________ time.
  5. Do you know any songs __________ the Beatles?
  6. I’d better not eat too much. I’m supposed to be __________ a diet.
  7. There was panic when people realized the building was __________ fire.
  8. Next month I’m going to Mexico __________ a short vacation.
  9. Where did you __________ your vacation last year?
  10. I won’t be at next week. I’ll be __________ vacation.
  11. I wouldn’t like to go __________ a cruise. I think I’d get bored.
  12. The store clerk wouldn’t accept my check and insisted that I pay __________ cash.
  13. Ann reads a lot of books __________ American writers.
  14. Did you hear the news this morning __________ the radio?
  15. Please don’t be late for the meeting. We want to begin __________ time.
  16. I would like to get up __________ time to have a big breakfast before going to work.
  17. It was only __________ accident that I found out who the man really was.
  18. When we went to Rome, we went __________ a tour around the city.
  19. I wouldn’t like his job. He spends most of his time talking __________ the telephone.
  20. When I was 14, I went __________ a trip to France.
  21. Ann liked the dress, but __________ my opinion it didn’t look very good on her.

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 楼主| 发表于 18-11-2009 20:32:17 | 只看该作者
UNIT 117 Adjective + preposition (1)
  Study these groups of adjectives + preposition. Sometimes other prepositions are possible – a good dictionary will give you more information.
   nice/kind/good/generous/mean/stupid/silly/intelligent/sensible/(im) polite/rude/unreasonable OF someone (to do something):   Thank you. It was very nice/kind of you to help me.
   It’s stupid of her to go our without a coat. She’ll catch cold.
   but: (to be) nick/kind/good/generous/mean/(im) polite/rude (un) pleasant/ (un) friendly/ cruel TO someone:   She has always been very nick/kind to me. (not with me)
   Why were you so rude/unfriendly to Bill?
   angry/annoyed/furious –ABOUT something/ WITH someone FOR doing something:
   What are you so angry/annoyed about?
   They were furious with me for not inviting them to the party.
   delighted/pleased/satisfied/disappointed WITH something:  
   I was delighted with the present you gave me.
   Were you disappointed with your exam results?
   Bored/fed up WITH something:  
     You get bored with doing the same thing every day.
   I’m fed up with doing the dishes all the time.
   Surprised/shocked/amazed/astonished AT/BY something:
   Everybody was surprised at/by the news
   I was shocked at/by the condition of the building.
   Excited/worried/upset ABOUT something:
   Are you excited about going on vacation next week?
   Ann is upset about not being invited to the party.
   Afraid/frightened/terrified/scared OF someone/something:
   “Are you afraid of dogs?” “Yes, I’m terrified of them.”
   Proud/ashamed OF someone/something: 
  I’m not ashamed of what I did. In fact I’m quite proud of it.
   Jealous/envious/suspicious OF someone/something:
   Why are you always so jealous of others people?
   He didn’t trust me. He was suspicious of my intentions.
   Aware/conscious OF something:
   “Did you know they were married?” “No, I wasn’t aware of that.”
   Good/bad/excellent/brilliant AT (doing) something: 
  I’m not very good at repairing things.
   Married/engaged TO someone:
   Linda is married to an American. (not with an American)
UNIT 117 Exercises  117.1 Say how you feel about George in each situation.
   Example: George has kept you waiting for hours. (annoyed) I’m annoyed with him.
  1. George hasn’t been eating well recently. (worried) I’m __________ him.
  2. George has been telling lies about you. (angry) I’m __________ him.
  3. George is much better at everything than you are. (jealous) ____________________
  4. George is big, strong, aggressive, and violent. (afraid) ____________________
  5. You’ve had enough of George. (fed up) I’m ____________________
  117.2 Complete these sentences with the correct preposition.
   Example: I was delighted with the present you sent me.
  1. It’s very nice __________ you to let me use your car. Thank you very much.
  2. Why are you always so impolite __________ your parents? Can’t you be nice __________ them?
  3. It wasn’t very polite __________ him to leave without saying thank you.
  4. I can’t understand people who are cruel __________ animals.
  5. Why do you always get so annoyed __________ little things?
  6. The people next door are annoyed __________ us __________ making so much noise last night.
  7. We enjoyed our vacation, but we were disappointed __________ the hotel.
  8. I was surprised __________ the way he behaved. It was out of character.
  9. She doesn’t go out at night very much. She’s very excited __________ it.
  10. I’ve been trying to learn Spanish, but I’m not satisfied __________ my progress.
  11. Jill starts her new job on Monday. She’s very excited __________ it.
  12. I was shocked __________ what you said. You should be ashamed __________ yourself.
  13. Did you know that Linda is engaged __________ a friend of mine?
  14. I had never seen so many people before. I was astonished __________ the crowds.
  15. Bill has been doing the same job for too long. He’s bored __________ it.
  16. These days everybody is aware __________ the dangers of smoking.
  17. Are you still upset __________ what I said to you yesterday?
  18. She’s very nice, but I wouldn’t like to be married __________ her.
  19. Mr. Davis spends a lot of time gardening. His garden is very well-kept, and he’s very proud __________ it.
  117.3 Write sentences about yourself. Are you good at these things or not? Use:
   brilliant very good pretty good not very good
   Examples: (repairing things) I’m not very good at repairing things.
   (tennis) I’m pretty good at tennis.
  1. (repairing things) ______________________________
  2. (tennis) ______________________________
  3. (remembering people’s names) ______________________________
  4. (telling jokes) ______________________________
  5. (languages) ______________________________

[ 本帖最后由 smallmoon 于 18-11-2009 20:38 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 19-11-2009 20:11:25 | 只看该作者
UNIT 118 Adjective + preposition (2)
  Study this list of adjectives + preposition:
   Sorry ABOUT something: I’m sorry about the noise last night. We were having a party.
   But: sorry FOR doing something: I’m sorry for shouted at you yesterday.
   You can also say: I’m sorry I shouted at you yesterday.
   (to feel/to be) sorry FOR someone: I feel sorry for George. He has no friends and no money.
   Crazy ABOUT something: Ann is crazy about Westerns. She’d go to the movies every night if a Western were playing.
   Impressed BY/WITH someone/something: I wasn’t very impressed by/with the movie.
   Famous FOR something: The Italian city of Florence is famous for its art treasures.
   Responsible FOR something: Who was responsible for all that noise last night?
   Different FROM someone/something
(in informal English we sometimes say different THAN):
   The movie was quite different from what I expected.
   Interested IN something: Are you interested in art and architecture?
   Capable/in capable OF something: I’m sure you are capable of passing the examination.
   Fond OF someone/something: Mary is very fond of animals. She has three cats and two dogs.
   Full OF something: The letter I wrote was full of mistakes.
   Short OF something: I’m a little short of money. Can you lend me some?
   Tired OF something: Come on, let’s go! I’m tired of waiting.
   Similar TO something: Your writing is similar to mine.
   Crowded WITH (people, etc.): The city was crowded with tourists.
UNIT 118 Exercises
  118.1 Complete the sentences. Each time use the most appropriate word in the box with the correct preposition.
   different full sorry responsible interested short similar tired capable impressed
  1. I don’t feel ___________ George. All his problems are his own fault.
  2. I can’t stop to talk to you now. I’m a little ___________ time.
  3. “Do you want to watch the football game on television?” “No, thanks. I’m not ___________ football.”
  4. Your shoes are ___________ mine, but they’re not exactly the same.
  5. My new job is a completely new experience for me. It’s very ___________ what I did before.
  6. The human race is now ___________ destroying the whole world with nuclear weapons.
  7. We’ve got plenty of things to eat. The refrigerator is ___________ food.
  8. I wasn’t very __________ the service in the restaurant. We had to wait a long time before getting our food.
  9. Can’t we have something different to eat for a change? I’m ___________ having the same thing day after day.
  10. The editor is ___________ what appears in the newspaper.
  118.2 Complete these sentences with the correct preposition.
   Example: Sorry about the noise last night. We were having a party.
  1. I’d rather not go to an Indian restaurant. I’m not crazy ___________Indian food.
  2. Ann is very fond ___________ her younger brother.
  3. This part of town is always very lively at night. It’s usually crowded ___________ people.
  4. In the closet I found a box full ___________ old letters.
  5. I felt sorry ___________ the children when we went on vacation. It rained every day, and they had to spend most of the time indoors.
  6. He said he was sorry ___________ the situation, but that there was nothing he could do.
  7. France is famous ___________ its foods.
  8. They looked bored. I don’t think they were interested ___________ what I was saying.
  9. Joe failed hiss driving test many times. He isn’t capable ___________ driving a car.
  10. The man we interviewed for the job was quite intelligent, but we weren’t very impressed ___________ his appearance.
  11. Traveling is great at first, but you get tired ___________ it after a while.
  12. Do you know anyone who might be interested ___________ buying an old car?
  13. Our house is similar ___________ theirs, but my accent is different ___________ hers.
  14. Sue and I come from the same country, but my accent is different ___________ hers.
  15. The police are responsible ___________ maintaining law and order.
  16. We’re short ___________ staff in our office at the moment. There aren’t enough people to do the work that has to be done.
  17. I’m sorry ___________ the smell in this room. It’s just been painted.

[ 本帖最后由 smallmoon 于 6-12-2009 01:10 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 21-11-2009 15:11:01 | 只看该作者
  UNIT 119 Verb + preposition (1)
Study this list of verbs + preposition:
  Apologize (TO someone) FOR something (see also Unit 57a): 
  When I realized I was wrong, I apologized to him for my mistake.
  Apply FOR a job/ admission to a university, etc.: I think you’d be good at this job. Why don’t you apply for it?
  Believe IN something: Do you believe in God? (= Do you believe that God exists?)   I believe in saying what I think. (= I believe that it is a good thing to say what I think)
  Belong TO someone: Who does this coat belong to?
  Care ABOUT someone/something (= think someone/something is important):
   He is very selfish. He doesn’t care about other people.
  Care FOR someone/something:  i) = like something (usually in questions and negative sentences):
   Would you care for a cup of coffee? (= Would you like…?)
   I don’t care for hot weather. (= I don’t like…)
  ii) Look after someone: She is very old. She needs someone to care for her.
  Take care OF someone/something (= look after):
   Have a nice vacation. Take care of yourself!
   Will you take care of the children while I’m away?
  Collide WITH someone/something:
There was an accident this morning. A bus collided with a car.
  Complain (TO someone) ABOUT someone/something:
   We complained to the manager of the restaurant about the food.
  Concentrate ON something: Don’t look out the window. Concentrate on your work!
  Consist OF something: We had an enormous meal. It consisted of seven courses.
  Crash/drive/bump/run INTO someone/something: He lost control of the car and crashed into a wall.
  Depend ON someone/something:
“What time will you arrive?” “I don’t know. It depends on the traffic.”
  You can leave out on before question words (went/where/how, etc.):
   “Are you going to buy it?” “It depends (on) how much it is.”
  Die OF an illness: “What did he die of?” “A heart attack.” 
  UNIT 119 Exercises  
119.1 Complete the sentences. Each time use one of the following words with the correct preposition:
   belong applied apologized die concentrate believe crashed depends
  1. When I realized that I had taken the wrong umbrella, I immediately apologized for my mistake.
  2. I was driving along when the car in front of me stopped suddenly. Unfortunately I couldn’t stop in time and ___________ the back of it.
  3. “Does this bag ___________ you?” “No, it isn’t mine.”
  4. Don’t try and do two things at once. ___________ one thing at a time.
  5. Jane is still unemployed. She has ___________ several jobs but hasn’t had any luck yet.
  6. “Are you playing tennis tomorrow?” “I hope so, but it ___________ the weather.”
  7. If you smoke, there is greater chance that you will ___________ lung cancer.
  8. I don’t ___________ ghosts. I think people only imagine that they see them.
  119.2 Complete these sentences with a preposition (if a preposition is necessary).
   Example: There was an accident this morning. A bus collided with a car.
  1. He loves to complain. He complains _________ everything.
  2. Our neighbors complained _________ us _________ the noise we made last night.
  3. She doesn’t have a job. She depends _________ her parents for money.
  4. You were very rude to Tom. Don’t you think you should apologize _________ him?
  5. Are you going to apologize _________ what you did?
  6. Jill and I ran _________ each other downtown yesterday afternoon.
  7. He decided to give up sports in order to concentrate _________ his studies.
  8. I don’t believe _________ working hard. It’s not worth it.
  9. A soccer team consists _________ 11 players.
  10. It is terrible that some people are dying _________ hunger while others eat too much.
  11. As I was going out of the room, I collided _________ someone who was coming in.
  12. There was an awful noise as the car crashed _________ the tree.
  13. Do you belong _________ a political party?
  14. I don’t know whether I’ll go out tonight. It depends _________ how I feel.
  119.3 Put in the correct preposition after care.
   Example: He’s very selfish. He doesn’t care about other people.
  1. Are you hungry? Would you care _________ something to eat?
  2. He doesn’t care _________ the exam. He’s not worried whether he passes or fails.
  3. Please let me borrow your camera. I promise I’ll take good care _________ it.
  4. I don’t care _________ money. It’s no t important to me.
  5. Don’t worry about arranging our vacation. I’ll take care _________ that.
  6. “do you like this coat?” “No, I don’t care _________ the color.”


[ 本帖最后由 smallmoon 于 21-11-2009 15:12 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 22-11-2009 13:51:44 | 只看该作者
UNIT 120 Verb + preposition (2)
  Study this list of verbs + preposition:
  Dream ABOUT someone/something: I dreamed about you last night.
  Dream OF being something/doing something (= imagine): I often dream of being rich.
  Also: “(I) wouldn’t dream (of doing something)”: “Don’t tell anyone what I said.” “No, I wouldn’t dream of it.”
  Happen TO someone/something:
   A strange thing happened to me the other day.
   What happened to that gold watch you used to have?
  Hear ABOUT something (= be told about something):  
   Did you hear about the fight in the club on Saturday night?
   Have you heard about Jane? She’s getting married.
  Hear OF someone/something (= know that someone/something exists):
   “Who is Tom Brown?” “I have no idea. I’ve never heard of him.”
   Have you heard of a company called “Smith Electronics”?
  Hear FROM someone (= receive a letter/telephone call from someone):
   “Have you heard from Ann recently?” “Yes, she wrote to me last week.”
  Laugh/smile AT someone/something: I look stupid with this haircut. Everyone will laugh at me.
  Listen TO someone/something: We spent the evening listening to records.
  Live ON money/food: George’s salary is very low. It isn’t enough to live on.
  Look AT someone/something (= looking in the direction of): Why are you looking at me like that?
  Also: have a look AT, stare AT, glance AT
  Look FOR someone/something (= try to find): I’ve lost my keys. Can you help me look for them?
  Look AFTER someone/something (= take care of): She’s very old. She needs someone to look after her.
  Meet WITH someone (= have a meeting with): Our representatives met with the president of the company.
  Pay (someone) FOR something: I didn’t have enough money to pay for the meal.
  But: pay a bill/a fine/$50/a fare/taxes, etc. (no preposition)
  Rely ON someone/something: You can rely on Jack. He always keeps his promises.
UNIT 120 Exercises  
120.1 Complete these sentences. Each time use one of the following words with a preposition:
   rely listen look live laughing glanced paid happened
  1. Where’s the newspaper? I want to look at the television guide.
  2. I haven’t seen Susan for ages. I wonder what’s _________ her.
  3. You must _________ this record. You’ll love it.
  4. I _________ the newspaper to see if there was anything interesting in it.
  5. When you went to the theater to _______ if there was anything interesting in it.
  6. The bus service isn’t very good. You can’t _________ it.
  7. What are you _____________? I don’t understand what’s funny.
  8. It’s a very inexpensive country. You can _________ very little money there.
  120.2 Complete these sentences with a preposition (if a preposition is necessary).
   Example: She smiled at me as she passed me in the street.
  1. Don’t listen _________ what he says. He’s stupid.
  2. What happened _________ the picture that used to be on that wall?
  3. A: You wouldn’t go away without telling me, would you?
  B: Of course not. I wouldn’t dream _________ it.
  4. I dreamed _________ Ann last night. We were dancing together at a party when she suddenly hit me. Then I woke up.
  5. The accident was my fault, so I had to pay _________ the damage.
  6. I didn’t have enough money to pay _________ the bill.
  7. You know that you can always rely _________ me if you need any help.
  8. The man sitting opposite me on the rain kept staring _________ me.
  9. She doesn’t eat very much. She lives _________ bread and eggs.
  10. When are you going to meet _________ your professor to discuss your paper?
  In these sentences put in the correct preposition after hear.
  11. “Did you hear _________ the accident last night?” “Yes, Ann told me.”
  12. Jill used to write to me fairly often, but I haven’t heard _________ her for a long time now.
  13. A: Have you read any books by James Hudson?
  B: James Hudson? No, I’ve never heard _________ him.
  14. Thank you for your letter. It was nice to hear _________ you again.
  15. “Do you want to hear _________ our vacation?” “Not now, tell me later.”
  16. The town I come from is very small. You’ve probably never heard _________ it.
   In these sentences put in the correct preposition after look.
  17. When I looked _________ my watch, I couldn’t believe that it was so late.
  18. The police are still looking _________ the seven-year-old boy who disappeared from his home last week. Nobody knows where the boy is.
  19. When we went out for the evening, a neighbor of ours looked _________ the children.
  20. I’m looking _________ Tom. Have you seen him anywhere?

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 23-11-2009 21:05:01 | 只看该作者
UNIT 121 Verb + preposition (3)
  Study this list of verbs + preposition:
  Search (a person/a place / a bag, etc.) FOR someone/something:  
I’ve searched the whole house for my keys, but I still can’t find them.
   The police are searching for the escaped prisoner.
  Shout AT someone (when you are angry): He was very angry and started shouting at me.
  But: shout TO someone (so that they can hear you): He shouted to me from the other side of the street.
  Speak/talk TO someone (“with” is also possible):
   (on the telephone) Hello, can I speak to Jane, please?
   Who was that man I saw you talking to in the restaurant?
  Suffer FROM an illness: The number of people suffering from heart disease has increased.
  Think ABOUT someone/something (= consider, concentrate the mind on):
   You’re quiet this morning. What are you thinking about?
   I’ve thought about what you said and I’ve decided to take your advice.
   “Will you lend me money?” “I’ll think about it.”
  Think OF someone/something (= remember, bring to mind, have an idea):
   She told me her name, but I can’t think of it now. (not think about it)
   That’s a good idea. Why didn’t I think of that?
  We also use think OF when we ask for or give an opinion:
   “What did you think of the movie?” “I didn’t think much of it.”
  The difference between think OF and think ABOUT is sometimes very small. Often you can use OF or ABOUT:
   My sister is thinking of (or about) going to Canada.
   Tom was thinking of (or about) buying a new car, but changed his mind.
   When I’m alone, I often think of (or about) you.
  Wait FOR someone/something: I’m not going out yet. I’m waiting for the rain to stop.
  Write TO someone or write someone (without to):
   Sorry I haven’t written (to) you for such a long time. I wrote her a letter.
  We do not use a preposition with these verbs:
  Call/phone someone discuss something enter (= go into a place)
  Did you call/phone your father yesterday?
  We discussed many things at the meeting.
  She felt nervous as she entered the room.
  For verb + preposition + -ing see Unit 57a.

UNIT 121 Exercises
 121.1 Complete these sentences with a preposition where necessary. If no preposition is necessary, leave the sentence as it is.
   Example: He was angry and started shouting at me.
  1. I’ve searched everywhere _________ John, but I haven’t been able to find him.
  2. Ken gets very jealous. He doesn’t like his girlfriend talking _________ other men.
  3. I don’t want to go out yet. I’m waiting _________ the mail to arrive.
  4. Please don’t shout _________ me! Be nice to me.
  5. We passed Tom as we were driving along. I shouted _________ him but he didn’t hear.
  6. Ann doesn’t write _________ her parents very often, but she calls _________ them at least once a week
  7. Can I speak _________ you a moment? There’s something I want to ask you.
  8. Sally is not well. She suffers _________ severe headaches.
  9. The police have been searching the woods _________ the missing girl.
  10. She’s a little lonely. She needs someone to talk_________.
  11. I don’t want to discuss _________ what happened last night. I want to forget about it.
  12. We’re going out to eat tonight. I’d better call _________ the restaurant to reserve a table.
  Use the correct preposition (of or about) after think. Remember that sometimes you can use either of or about.
  13. Before you make a final decision, think carefully _________ what I said.
  14. I don’t know what to get Ann for her birthday. Can you think Before you make a final decision, think carefully _________ what I said.
  15. You’re selfish. You only think _________ yourself.
  16. “I’ve finished the book you lent me.” “Really? What did you think _________ it?”
  17. We’re thinking _________ going out to eat tonight. Would you like to come?
  18. I don’t really want to go out to dinner with Tom tonight. I’ll have think _________ an excuse.
  19. When he asked her to marry him, she said that she wanted to go away and think _________ it for a while.
  20. She is homesick. She’s always thinking _________ her family back home.
  21. I don’t think much _________ this coffee. It’s like water.
  121.2 Complete these sentences with one of the following word. Use a preposition if necessary.
   phoned shouted discussed entered wrote waited
  1. He got angry and shouted at me.
  2. I _________ Ann last week, but she hasn’t replied to my letter yet.
  3. I _________ Tom yesterday, but there was no answer. He must have been out.
  4. We _________ the problem, but we didn’t reach a decision.
  5. We _________ Jim for half an hour, but he never arrived.
  6. The children stopped talking when the teacher _________ the room

[ 本帖最后由 smallmoon 于 23-11-2009 21:07 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 25-11-2009 20:15:02 | 只看该作者
UNIT 122 Verb + object + preposition (1) 
 Study this list of verbs + object + preposition:
  Accuse someone OF (doing) something (see also Unit 57b):   Tom accused Ann of being selfish.
   Three students were accused of cheating on the exam.
  Ask (someone) FOR something:
   I wrote to the company asking them for more information about the job.
  But: “ask (someone) a question” (no preposition)
  Blame someone/something FOR something: Everybody blamed the accident on me.
  We also say: “(someone is) to blame for something”: Everybody said that I was to blame for the accident.
  Borrow something FROM someone: I didn’t have any money. I had to borrow some from a friend of mine.
  Charge someone WITH (an offense/a crime): Three men have been arrested and charged with robbery.
  Congratulate someone ON (doing) something (see also Unit 57b):
   When I heard that she had passed her exams, I called her to congratulate her on her success.
  Divide/cut/split something INTO (two or more parts):   The book is divided into three parts.
   Cut the meat into small pieces before frying it.
  Do something ABOUT something (= do something to improve a bad situation):
   The economic situation is getting worse and worse. The government ought to do something about it.
  Explain (a problem/a situation/a word, etc.) TO someone: Can you explain this word to me? (not explain me this word)
  Also: “explain (to someone) that/what/how/why…” (note the word order): Let me explain to you what I mean.
  Invite someone TO (a party/a wedding, etc.): Have you been invited to any parties recently?
  Leave (a place) FOR (another place): I haven’t seen her since she left home for work this morning.
  Point/aim something AT someone/something: Don’t point that knife at me! It’s dangerous.
UNIT 122 Exercises  
122.1 Complete these sentences with a preposition.
   Example: I didn’t have any money, so I had to borrow some from a friend of mine.
  1. You’re always asking me _________ money. Why don’t you ask someone else for a change?
  2. I’ve been invited _________ the wedding but unfortunately I can’t go.
  3. When I saw Dave, I congratulated him _________ passing his driving test.
  4. Be careful with those scissors. Don’t point them _________ me!
  5. It’s not very pleasant when you are accused _________ something you didn’t do.
  6. The driver of the car was taken to the police station and later charged _________ reckless driving.
  7. “Is that your own book?” “No, I borrowed it _________ the library.”
  8. It’s a very large house. It’s divided _________ four apartments.
  9. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts are on a tour of Europe at the moment. They’re in Rome now, but tomorrow they leave _________ Venice.
  10. The roof of the house is in very bad condition. I think we ought to do something _________ it.
  122.2 Use the correct preposition after blame. Sometimes you have to use for, and sometimes on. 
  Examples: Tom said that the accident was my fault. Tom blamed me for the accident.
   Tom said that the accident was my fault. Tom blamed the accident on me.
  1. Ann said that what happened was Jim’s fault. Ann blamed Jim _________
  2. You always say the everything is my fault. You always blame everything _________
  3. Do you think that the economic situation is the fault of the government?
  Do you blame the government __________________?
  4. I think that the increase in violent crime is the fault of television.
  I blame the increase in violent crime __________________
   Now rewrite sentences 3 and 4 using …to blame for…
   Example: Tom said that I was to blame for the accident.
  5. (3) Do you think that the government is ___________________________?
  6. (4) I think that ____________________________________
  122.3 Make sentences using explain. Ask someone to explain some things you don’t understand.
   Examples: (I don’t understand this word.) Can you explain this word to me?
   (I don’t understand what you mean.) Can you explain to me what you mean?
   1. (I don’t understand this question.) Can you explain __________________?
   2. (I don’t understand the system.) Can you ___________________________?
   3. (I don’t understand how this machine works) ___________________________
   4. (I don’t understand why English prepositions are so difficult.) ________________

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 26-11-2009 19:36:33 | 只看该作者
UINT 123 Verb + object + preposition (2) 
 Study this list of verbs + preposition:
  Prefer someone/something TO someone/something (see also Unit 61): I prefer tea to coffee.
  Protect someone/something FROM (or against) someone/something:
   He put suntan lotion on his body to protect his skin from the sun. (or …against the sun.)
  Provide someone WITH something: The school provides all its students with books.
  Regard someone/something AS something: I’ve always regarded you as one of my best friends.
  Remind someone OF someone/something (= cause someone to remember):
   This house reminds me of the one I lived in when I was a child.
   Look at this photograph of Carol. Who does she remind you of?
  But: remind someone ABOUT something (= tell someone not to forget)”
   I’m glad you reminded me about the party. I had completely forgotten it.
  For “remind someone to do something” see UNIT 53b.
  Sentence someone TO (a period of imprisonment): He was found guilty and sentenced to six months in prison.
  Spend (money) ON something: How much money do you spend on food each week?
  Note that we usually say “spend (time) doing something”:
  Throw something AT someone/something (in order to hit them): Someone threw an egg at the mayor while he was speaking.
  But: throw something TO someone (for someone to catch): Ann shouted “Catch!” and threw the keys to me from the window.
  Translate (a book, etc.) FROM one language INTO another language: George Orwell’s books have been translated into many languages.
  Warn someone ABOUT someone/something (of is also possible sometimes):
   I knew she was a bit strange before I met her. Tom had warned me about her.
   Everybody has been warned about the dangers of smoking.
  For “warn someone against doing something” see Unit 57b.
  For “warn someone not to do something” see Unit 53b.
  For verb + object + preposition + -ing see Unit 57b
UNIT 123 Exercises 
 123.1 Read the sentence and then complete the following sentence with the same meaning. Each time begin in the way shown.
   Example: Many people think he is one of the greatest pianists in the world.
   Many people regard him as one of the greatest pianists in the world.
  1. I don’t mind rock music, but I prefer classical music.
  I prefer ___________________________
  2. He has enemies, but he has a bodyguard to protect him.
  He has a bodyguard to protect __________________ his enemies.
  3. I got all the information I needed from Sue.
  Sue provided ___________________________
  4. I bought a pair of shoes this morning – they cost $60.
  This morning I spent ___________________________
  5. Ann said to Tom, “Don’t forget your appointment with Mr. Fox.”
  Ann reminded ___________________________
  123.2 Complete these sentences with the correct preposition.
   Example: Ann shouted “Catch!” and threw the keys to me from the window.
  1. Do you prefer your present job _________ the one you had before.
  2. They wore warm clothes to protect themselves _________ the cold.
  3. She’s written many books, but most people regard her first book _________ her best.
  4. Do you spend much money _________ clothes?
  5. Do you see that woman money _________ clothes????
  6. Remind me _________ the meeting tomorrow night. I’m sure to forget otherwise.
  7. I love this music. It always makes me feel very happy. It reminds me _________ a warm spring day.
  8. When we went to our skiing vacation last year, the organizers provided us _________ all the equipment we needed.
  9. Before he went to Seattle, many people had warned him _________ the weather. So he was prepared for plenty to rain.
  10. He was sentenced _________ life imprisonment for the murder of a police officer.
  11. Don’t throw stones _________ the birds! It’s cruel.
  12. If you don’t want to eat that sandwich, throw it _________ the birds. They’ll eat it.
  13. I couldn’t understand the letter because it was in Spanish. So a friend of mine translated it _________ English for me.
  14. I prefer traveling by train _________ driving. It’s much more pleasant.
  15. What do you spend most of your money _________?
  16. She got really angry. She even threw a chair _________ me!
  17. You remind me very much _________ someone I used to know a long time ago. You are really like him in many ways.
  18. Some words are difficult to translate _________ on language _________ another.
  19. Before you go into the house, I’d better warn you _________ the dog. He likes to jump up on people.

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 楼主| 发表于 30-11-2009 16:07:31 | 只看该作者
UNIT 124 Phrasal verbs (get up, break down, fill in, etc.)
  a. We often use verbs with these words:
  on off in out up down away back over about around forward through along
  We often use these words with verbs of movement. For example:
  get on The bus was full. We couldn’t get on.
  drive off She got into the car and drove off.
  come back Tom is leaving tomorrow and coming back on Saturday.
  turn around When I touched him on the shoulder, he turned around.
  But often these words (on/off/up/down, etc.) give a special meaning to a verb. For example:
   Sorry I’m late. The car broke down.
   Look out! There’s a car coming.
   It was my first flight. I was very nervous as the plane took off.
   I was so tired this morning that I couldn’t get up.
  These verbs (break down/get up/take off, etc.) are phrasal verbs.
  b. Sometimes a phrasal verb has an object. Usually there are two possible positions for the object. So you can say:
   I turned off the light. or I turned the light off.
   Here are some more examples:
   Could you fill our this from/fill this form out?
   It’s warm. Take off your coat./ Take your coat off.
   The fire fighters soon arrived and put out the fire/ put the fire out
   I think I’ll throw away these old newspapers. / throw these old newspapers away.
   The police got into the house by breaking down the door/breaking the door down.
   Sometimes the object of a phrasal verb is pronoun (it/them/me/you/him/her/us). These pronouns go before on/off/in/out/up/down, etc.:
   They gave me a form and told me to fill it out. (not fill out it)
   Ann’s asleep. Don’t wake her up. (not wake up her)
   “What should I do with these old newspapers?” “Throw them away.”
   Here’s the money you need. Don’t forget to pay me back.
  c. Sometimes we use a phrasal verb + preposition. For example: look forward to / keep up with/ cut down on. The object always comes after the preposition:
   Are you looking forward to your vacation?
   You’re walking too fast. I can’t keep up with you.
   Jack has cut down on smoking. He only smokes five cigarettes a day now.
UNIT 124 Exercises  
124.1 Complete the sentences using an appropriate phrasal verb from the box. Use the correct form of the verb each time.
   break down clear up (= become bright – for weather) take off
   speak up (= speak louder) grow up turn up (= appear/arrive) show off (= show how good you are at something) fall off close down move in
  1. Be careful on that horse! Don’t fall off!
  2. Sorry I’m late. The car broke down on the way here.
  3. What time did the plane finally __________________?
  4. There used to be a very good store on the corner, but it __________________ a year ago.
  5. “We’ve bought a new house.” “Oh, have you? When are you __________________?”
  6. Susie is eight years old. When she __________________, she wants to be a pilot.
  7. I arranged to meet Jim at the club last night, but he didn’t __________________.
  8. The weather’s horrible, isn’t it? I hope it __________________ later.
  9. We all know how wonderful you are. There’s no need to __________________
  10. (on the telephone) I can’t hear you very well. Can you __________________ a bit?
  124.2 Complete these sentences as shown in the examples.
   Examples: He told me to fill out the form, so I filled it out.
   He told me to throw away the newspapers, so I threw them away.
   1. He told me to put out my cigarette, so I ___________________________
   2. He told me take off my shoes, so I ___________________________
   3. He told me to turn on the TV, so ___________________________
   4. He told me to call up Ann, so ___________________________
   5. He told me to give up smoking, so ___________________________
   6. He told me to put on my glasses, so ___________________________
   7. He told me to write down my address, so ___________________________
  124.3 Complete these sentences using an appropriate phrasal verb from the box. Where necessary use the past tense of the verb. Each time use it/them/me with the verb.
   look up turn down wake up shave off
   pick up cross out knock out try on
  1. The radio is a little loud. Can you turn it down, please?
  2. There was a $20 bill lying on the sidewalk, so I __________________
  3. The children are asleep. Don’t __________________!
  4. If you make a mistake, just __________________
  5. I saw a jacket I liked in the store, so I went in and __________________ to see if it fit me.
  6. There were a few words that I didn’t understand, so I __________________ in my dictionary.
  7. He had a beard for a long time, but he got tired of it. So he __________________
  8. A stone fell on my head and __________________ I was unconscious for half an hour.

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 楼主| 发表于 1-12-2009 12:14:43 | 只看该作者
that's all 全部都发完了,现在要做的事,每天从后向前复习一篇,努力。。。

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发表于 10-2-2010 15:08:01 | 只看该作者
grammar is not that important, just copy what they say.

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发表于 6-3-2010 23:01:43 | 只看该作者

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发表于 27-3-2010 16:50:08 | 只看该作者
make a mark first now

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发表于 13-4-2010 08:54:05 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2-6-2010 17:28:24 | 只看该作者

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发表于 29-7-2010 13:10:37 | 只看该作者

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发表于 14-9-2010 10:30:35 | 只看该作者

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发表于 29-11-2010 02:25:32 | 只看该作者
Thank you for your sharing.

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发表于 4-1-2011 18:41:03 | 只看该作者

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发表于 13-1-2011 07:11:52 | 只看该作者

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发表于 29-1-2011 07:40:29 | 只看该作者

回复 #1 smallmoon 的帖子

真好, 谢谢

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发表于 9-6-2011 13:42:19 | 只看该作者

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