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[language study] 地道日常英语,精彩情景呈现

发表于 5-10-2014 16:30:45 | 只看该作者
Before you enter somewhere unknown, you need to consider your safety or if you are able to make your way back. Then, you would say:

I wouldn't dare to rush in until I see a miner's hat and canary come out. 如果一个矿工跟一个金丝雀出来。只有这样,才证明这个洞是安全的

When people take chances, they need to assess wisely what the odds are for them to escape unhurt!


参与人数 2威望 +100 收起 理由
webster + 50 谢谢分享!
MICHELLE07 + 50 哈哈,有意思



使用道具 举报

发表于 6-10-2014 20:40:01 | 只看该作者
Everything turns upside down and sideways  一切都变得一团糟

After discussion, we decided to take a crack at it 想试一试做做看

Old habits die hard  旧习难改


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 50 谢谢分享!



使用道具 举报

发表于 13-10-2014 14:11:05 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yping88 于 10-4-2015 12:22 编辑

Bottle-brush trees start blossoming---Naturally bestowed gifts to Australia for creativity and innovation!

Now, I am just wondering if the bottle brush was invented by an Australian rather than people of the different nationality! If it's the other way around, I would seriously judge Australia!


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
webster + 50 谢谢分享!



使用道具 举报

发表于 14-10-2014 12:39:21 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yping88 于 19-10-2014 00:18 编辑

Let's talk turkey 让我们认真地谈谈吧, 有话直说吧

This story has us in stitches 笑得前仰后合,大笑不止

Should I just cut to the chase开门见山, 切入重点 and sink the boot in果断have a go at it/being assertive about your opinions, or should I continue to try to reach an amicable solution?


使用道具 举报

发表于 15-10-2014 14:02:48 | 只看该作者
A drunk guy jumped into a cab, he said to the driver straight away:

"I don't know if you have been told this, but you look a lot like Elvis Presley, you know, after he got fat and drug-addicted!"

The driver ignored his remarks and asked him:

"Where to, please?"


"Where is your home?"

"You got me there. How about we drive around and I will pick it out along the way!"

使用道具 举报

发表于 17-10-2014 03:34:47 | 只看该作者
First of all, please allow me to thank FreeOz for always being there for us all whenever needed, for seeing us all through ups and downs.
Through the interpretation of my own, I guess FreeOz has been established on the foundation of democracy, meaning freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom of media. From my own experiences, I am positive that FreeOz has been doing exactly those.

FreeOz is where we can express ourselves carefree. No matter how reluctant we are to take our personal issues up to our relatives and friends, we regard FreeOz as our special refuge to seek the security, support and concerns. No matter how belittled our opinions are, we just take them out to our refuge without worrying about being put down, sneered at, yelled at, judged on or abandoned. Someone will always be there for us to pull us through our difficult time. We can unleash our frustrations and angers in this refuge without worrying about someone might get hurt, because nobody takes things personal; We can take to the open in this refuge our darkest side without worrying about being labelled as a bad human being.

FreeOz is where we can talk about the most sensitive Chinese political issues without worrying about being threatened and sneaked up on by the censoring authorities. By listening to what others have to say on the same issues, we broaden our visions and able to put things into perspective. Therefore, we start to think critically, and deal with issues in an as-a-matter-of-fact approach and not push them out of proportions. Thanks to you all, we gradually learn how to put political issues together and not be cynical and critical on policies with a narrow-mind.

FreeOz is where we can share our achievements, daily living, life experiences, children upbringing, pet raising, living skills, etc…Some people will always be there for us, cheering together, supporting each other. FreeOz is where we can take notes of what we pick up as new experiences in our adopted country. We acknowledge each other’s learning outcome, we make corrections on others’ misunderstandings if necessary. All these activities help us all to settle in the new land much easier and quicker.

FreeOz is where we can always find answers to whatever questions we might raise. As long as we put out there what confuses us, some people will always be there to share their minds, experiences and constructive solutions. No matter what difficulties we are confronted with, we can always be armed with the sound mechanisms by our FreeOz friends and crack a reasonable way through.

For the above mentioned reasons, we love FreeOz as the best network for us who frequent this site, we would like to commit ourselves to making it a better website for us all to stroll through whenever we like; We would like to stick to its start-off ground and do what we can to pass it on to next generation; We would like to be united in the same goal to maintain this website on its intended track and head to its anticipated wonderful future.

使用道具 举报

发表于 17-10-2014 03:37:57 | 只看该作者

I am always stunningly amazed by how much freedom of speech you have been enjoying in FreeOz, and surprisingly enough, our friends always have been open-minded about your behaviours and let you get away with it all the time.

As a result, somewhere down the track, you just let out anything that jumps to your mind without worrying about your targets being offended. Instead, you are self-convinced into the conception that those who got offended wouldn't feel anything and logged off-line unscathed. And then, you are well under self-established impression that we can't possibly enjoy this website without your presence, and you would be sorely missed if you disappeared for a few days (I hate to admit it, but sometimes, it is true ).

To be honest, it's from you that I feel how generous and how tolerable our FreeOz friends can be!

Having said that, you truly are an indispensable figure in FreeOz. But please advised that when it comes to the time that you are offering your help, it will be nice for you to sound like you are helping rather than pissing our friends off. I understand it will be a mission unachievable for you, but it is nice for you to feel a tap on the shoulders.

In the meanwhile, please remain who you are, keep your quick-wit approachable to us all, bring on your sense of humor to us all, present more of your talents to us all, enlighten us all with your vast knowledge, and enjoy your amazing journey in FreeOz!

使用道具 举报

发表于 17-10-2014 03:46:45 | 只看该作者

I first met him in his English post, then I was in an impression that maybe he is only good at English rather than anything else, that he might be an ambitious, academic professional, lack of real life experiences until I met him again in @格菲 's English topic, he weighed in on some controversial issues under my invitation.

It's until then I started realizing I have been wrong about his life experiences and his visions on how this world works.   

Then, he brought on his delicious festival dinner on house hunting and settlement. Oh, it's safe to say that's the most informative, tasteful and entertaining house hunting topic I have ever, ever been! It was until then I was completely convinced that x24 is on top of both English and chinese topics.

The most wonder to me is what kind of a person can master a language in a way all the words are beautifully, humorously put together and serve the master well enough to a point nothing else can be said to achieve the same purpose!

I wonder, wonder and keep wondering!

Here, I would like to make a public confess, x24, meeting you in person is one of my dreams to be realized!   

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发表于 17-10-2014 03:47:29 | 只看该作者

As long as his name jumps to my mind, a vivid, generous, honest and humorous gentleman's image appears straight away.

I first met him in @格菲 's English topic, he caught my eyes immediately by his wonderful sense of humor and quick wit. As this topic goes along, he showed his persistent support and his sensitivity.  

As our friendship progresses, I got a feeling that he is the kind of guy who will be there for those in need!

I once had a private conversation with him in FreeOz, he showed his honesty, caring attitude towards FreeOz's dynamics. I felt our opinions click with each other in many ways, which makes me always wonder what if we meet in person, will he turn out to be the one in my imagination?

使用道具 举报

发表于 17-10-2014 03:48:02 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yping88 于 17-10-2014 03:49 编辑


I have never had any encounters with him anywhere! But I couldn't help showing my most interests in this gentleman, who is generous, helpful to the new-comers in Albury according to some FreeOz friends! But what intrigues me more is that what wonderful characters he has on board to be attractive to one of my goddessess--@格菲 who is one of the most talented, kind and sensitive writers in FreeOz! He must be an outstanding gentleman in many ways to be attractive to my goddess!

So, I would like to meet him in person and find the answers to my curiosities!


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 50 又看一遍,感动一遍



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发表于 17-10-2014 03:49:04 | 只看该作者

The first impression he has given me is he has been always there quietly, but if you need his help, he always comes to the rescue! It seems to me that he provides us all the instrumental equipments and lights on this stage, while we are the ones to enjoy ourselves and show off, he sits somewhere in the audience quietly. But, whenever the show comes across some problems, he will leap to the stage to take us out of trouble!

Because of my wonder about him, I figured out what his ID means---Ubuntu: I am because we are!

So, I would like to ask him: Did he take on this ID just because he has already been doing what this ID directed him to? Or it is what he meant to be?

Please address my wonders, Ubuntu!

使用道具 举报

发表于 17-10-2014 03:50:06 | 只看该作者

He is one of the friends with whom my FreeOz path comes across the most! I would like to say that every time I talk to him, there has been some wisdom passed on to me, which makes me become wiser and wiser (I only wish I could pick up from him a bit quicker)!

I will never forget our first direct conversation in @格菲 's English topic. He shared his mind on one of the ethic delimmas and completely shone himself through. At that time, his capability to control the language left me so stunned that I had to turn to Chinese to find my tongue back.  

As time passes, another impression has become noticeable to me that he also got his unique, wonderful sense of humor in a very civilized way. You would know what I mean if you read his travelling diary in Perth/his post regarding the coin collection!

What amazes me further more is how knowlegeable a person he is! If you must know, please read his visions in 闻香识茶, hosted by 格菲!

On top of all above, he also comes to my notice as a caring father, who loves his little girl with his whole! I can see a very much supportive, caring and protective young father in him all through his posts related to children's upbringing, education and family dynamics!

ZhiWen, I know you are one of the organizers for this most dreamed meet-up, but I still couldn't help calling on you and making it public how I have been picturing you through your written words!

I am so looking forward to meeting you in person and putting together my positive imagination with the real and perfect version of you!


使用道具 举报

发表于 17-10-2014 03:53:10 | 只看该作者

Here, I don't want to make any effort to hide my admiration and respect for you! From some posts that got you involved, I can clearly see a young, bubbly and inspirational girl in you!

But what surprises me the most is that how you can keep your calm and graceful when confronted by some unreasonable and inconsiderate challenges. I am aware that you are young and naive, who has little experience to draw up on in terms of interpersonal skills, but you showed your amazing communicating expertise to always navigate through those unpleasant conversations without losing any respect to the relevant IDs. I believe this will be one of the fundamental elements that makes you a perfect lawyer!

The above is the first reason that makes you very attractive to this invitation! The following would be my other personal preferences to meet you!

From the dresses you posted the other day, a big wonder keeps hovering around me: What a talented and confident professional will be dress-smart like this to send out her personal message to the surroundings: By dressing myself in those, I would show everyone the respect, self-confidence and professionalism even before any verbal messages are sent out. What a smart win in the working place!

Beside your most challenging work, you live your personal life to the fullest and smartest!

Playing guitar, singing, playing tennis and taking care of a little puppy......, I wonder how energetic you could be to make your days so colorful and joyful!

The last but not the least, I would desperately need you to be there to legalize a living will for 周星星1832 and me---He promised me that all his FreeOz dollars and real-estate would be a heritage to me after he quits FreeOz! I wouldn't get a sense of security until this living will gets official due to some potential competitors!  

Please respond to this invitation at your earliest convenience! Very much appreciated!


使用道具 举报

发表于 17-10-2014 03:53:46 | 只看该作者

It has been well known that 妮南 is a public figure in FreeOz! I have been following her in this forum ever since I joined in. So, it's safe to say that my way of dealing with the life issues was changed to a positive, practical and as-a-matter-of-fact approach under her influence.

She is always calm and approachable in this forum, she is willing to talk to someone who holds the different, sometimes even opposite opinions. What is more amazing is that she will still hold her own grounds in a peaceful manner even when approached in an offensive way!

As a migrant, she holds a positive attitude to her future and makes most of what the reality can offer. She never complains of any difficulties that all of us could be confronted with as a foreigner, she just gathers around all the cards she could deal with on the table and shuffles them in a constructive and productive way. What a wise and beautiful lady!

Her posts have been the ones I have always followed and will be remaining so as long as I would like to stay smart and real!

Rondy, please be there in this wonderful get-together, let's talk to each other in person, let's exchange our visions about life in person, let's learn from you how to get real about the reality and become less grumpy about less favorable situations that we have to face!

If you see this invitation, Rondy, please respond to it at your earliest convenience! Very much appreciated!

使用道具 举报

发表于 17-10-2014 03:54:24 | 只看该作者

I have always been under an impression from the few conversations we have had in this forum that Don must be a girl, who is talent, positive and funny. She hasn't spent so much time in this forum, but I can tell that this girl must be a very easy-going person that everyone can make friends with.

I love her wonderful sense of humor, I love her quick wits when engaging herself in a conversation, I love her special capability to get people motivated to carry on a communication.

Frankly speaking, I couldn't draw more conclusion than the above from just a few of her posts, but I am very curious about her and interested in knowing her better. Now, I would like to send out this invitation in a hope that she can do us this honor to turn up for this wonderful get-together!

Don, if you are out there, please get back to us on this invitation at your earliest convenience! Your attention on this matter would be gratefully appreciated!

使用道具 举报

发表于 17-10-2014 03:57:19 | 只看该作者
"A book is the only place in which you can examine a fragile thought without breaking it, or explore an explosive idea without fear it will go off in your face. It is one of the few havens remaining where a man's mind can get both provocation and privacy." - Edward Morgan

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发表于 17-10-2014 04:06:52 | 只看该作者
FreeOz ID:   周星星1832

Middle Name: 猩猩

Nickname:   Melbourne Zoo Chimpanzee

Personal Signage:     

Best Friend: He will be tight-lipped about this list

Highest Degree: FreeOz 生活百科 moderator

Pet Phrase (口头禅): 我在这里说的任何话都是为了论坛,不能当真的

Personal Property (个人资产):Nearly 350,000 FreeOz Dollars

Real Estate (不动产):TV weather broadcast studio in channel 7, 9, 24, where the hot weather chicks frequent  

FreeOz Forbes Rank (福布斯排行): Number 4  

Career: " 给发帖人宾至如归受到重视的感觉是我的责任"

Hobby:  Bring the umbrella in the sunny day, but get himself drenched without umbrella in a stormy day

Motto (座右铭) : 哥正在FreeOz 灌水呢,哪有时间跟你瞎掰

Weakness: Play big shot (耍大牌) in public events

Family Pet: Still deciding

Gardening Skill: Good at planting things on the yard without dirt and fertilizer

Favorite flowers: Lavender  


This profile credit is to @格菲

FreeOz ID:@newozer

2013-10-04 22:00  yping在36楼的补充。(显然每个人眼里的小帅不一样)
Career: FreeOz security, but always off the ball while on duty

Strength: Excels in THE ART OF WAR --孙子兵法----三十六计,跑为上

Weakness: Frequently turns up for FreeOz duty after crisis resolves--Neglect duty of care

Lip Phrase: 江湖有风险,行走需谨慎。。。低调,低调,再低调,做人一定要低调!

Favorite House Chore: Bribe his LD with sweet talks to get what he wants

Favorite Food:  Seafood

Favorite Activity: 玩单反

Motto: 成功婚姻秘诀:第一: LD 说的对,听LD 的。第二:当LD 说得不对时,请参考第一条。。。

Frustration: 做人难。。。做低调滴人。。。更难。。。

Recent Activity: 在Sydney微服私访体察民情。。。Has been currently reported missing to FreeOz

FreeOz ID:    CHUBBYCAT chubbycat

Middle Name: 团团

Nickname:   高压灌水

Personal Signage:

Best Friend: Maybe dcxg Definitely 李天真  

Highest Degree: 山不在高,有猫则名,水不在多,能灌则灵

Pet Phrase (口头禅): dcxg,李天真你怎么看呢

Personal Property (个人资产):1.05 million FreeOz Dollars

Real Estate (不动产):Wherever, whatever

FreeOz Forbes Rank (福布斯排行): Number 1

Career:  CEO in Red-Light Zone in 灌水乐园/Ambulance officer for DCXG TREATMENT ADVISORY GROUP

Hobby:  Selling out others' personal life for FreeOz money/Gossiping

Research: MBA majoring in gossiping parties

Family Pet: Probably a female cat, no indication suggests he might be involved in animal cruelty

FreeOz ID:    DCXG  dcxg

Middle Name: 丫

Nickname:    泥玛

Personal Signage:

Best Friend: Chubby Cat chubbycat yping88 nil

Highest Degree: PHD—Permanent Head Damage

Pet Phrase (口头禅): 介孙子还有木有一点节操

Personal Property (个人资产):140,000 FreeOz Dollars

Real Estate (不动产):A FreeOz Castle

FreeOz Forbes Rank (福布斯排行): Maybe next to 10th

Career:   FreeOz professional trouble maker

Hobby: Representing Anti-social population in various talk-shows

Research: The Scientific components of Chinese Traditional Medicine

Family Pet: Probably a turtle, in the process passing his good behavior background check regarding animal cruelty

FreeOz ID:   ubuntuhk

Middle Name: FreeOz network specialist

Nickname:  I am because we are—小我因集体而存在

Personal Signage:   ~~~~~

Best Friend: Too many to be named

Highest Degree: IT big shot (IT 大拿)

Pet Phrase (口头禅)  OMG! Sorry!

FreeOz mission: I’ll be there for you whenever you are in need

Personal Property (个人资产):Nearly 408,000 FreeOz Dollars

Real Estate (不动产):FreeOz’s database

FreeOz Forbes Rank (福布斯排行): Number 2

Career:   Manager in FreeOz finance department

Motto (座右铭) : 一切随风。。。

Strength: Exceptionally gifted for music/mechanic

Staring work: FreeOZ网友首度倾情大合唱《相亲相爱》

Room for improvement: Could be less reminiscent, be colder than stone

Reference: Ubuntu

“An anthropologist proposed a game to children in an African tribe. He put a basket full of fruit near a tree and told the children that whoever got there first won the sweet fruits. When he told them to run, they all took each others hands and ran together, then sat together enjoying their treats.

When he asked them why they had run like that when one could have had all the fruits for himself, they said, ‘UBUNTU, how can one of us be happy if all the other ones are sad?’

(‘UBUNTU’ in the Xhosa culture means: ‘I am because we are.)”

PS: Special acknowledgement to @格菲  

FreeOz ID:   @格菲

Middle Name:  追梦人MICHELLE07

Nickname:  I am serious about what I post here

Marital status: Married to事后诸葛亮

Personal Signage:  To be collected  

Best Friend: yping88

Debating opponent: @Newozer , who has been currently reported missing to FreeOz, +50 FreeOz dollars bounty was put in place for his whereabouts

Highest Degree: MBA in FreeOz human resources (人力资源)

Achievement: 让资深FreeOz 潜水员们情不自禁地浮出海面

Pet Phrase (口头禅): Probably/Maybe……Not

Personal Property (个人资产):140,000 FreeOz Dollars

Career:   FreeOz’s Oprah Winfrey   

Real Estate (不动产):FreeOz’s top secret, definitely not as rich as Oprah Winfrey   

FreeOz Forbes Rank (福布斯排行): To be shortlisted (快排上号了)

FreeOz mission: 在FREEOZ 钱途上一展宏图


Motto (座右铭): 做一个心灵自由的人,用指尖跳舞,象没有观众一样

Strengths: Always bring out the best in people/Passionate about FreeOz’s future

Room for improvement: Could be less sensitive, could let it go if it meant to be

Prize: The best director in FreeOz movies


不要不理它 - 关于refinance与broker会晤笔记

闻香识茶  http://freeoz.org/ibbs/thread-1079390-1-1.html

趣味面试英语 http://freeoz.org/ibbs/thread-1084144-1-1.html





参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 50 虽然已经在记忆力珍藏,但文字也会认真收藏.



使用道具 举报

发表于 21-10-2014 14:10:19 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yping88 于 22-10-2014 16:29 编辑

Glib question 油腔滑调的问题

Blow things out of proportion 把事情主观夸大到远离事实从而无法客观地应对


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 50 谢谢分享!最近好吗?



使用道具 举报

发表于 24-10-2014 22:45:23 | 只看该作者
She's dressed up to the nines  她穿着盛装, 衣着华丽, to the nines=to the perfection, to the highest degree

Everything seems at sixes and sevens = Crazy, chaotic, confusing, unsettling. 乱七八糟, 不着边际


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
yearshappy + 50 interesting era for the west, 60s



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发表于 1-11-2014 15:35:58 | 只看该作者
A gentleman was known to me as a drunk man, whose marriage went broken and life fell apart due to his unresolved drinking issues and irrational behaviours. However, when he was talking about his sister's difficulty settling down in a marriage, he was complaining about how irresponsible some men could be these days!

"You know, it becomes harder and harder for women to find their Mr Right nowadays, I don't think there are enough reasonable men out there for every one!"

I said to him: "Unfortunately, we are on the same page regarding that! Look at you, you have made further one less in Mr Right population!"


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
JunJun2013 + 50 你太搞笑了!



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发表于 1-11-2014 16:04:26 | 只看该作者
While I worked as a carer in age care a few years back, I was well-known to those dementia residents, who lost their independent daily living abilities but still had their speaking skills intact,  as a person with extremely cold hands!

One night, I was trying to help a gentleman to settle down for the night. He was unable to speak the full sentences for quite a while and always expressed his care needs using the broken language. That night, I assisted him with his undressing and wash, and I had to apply a special cream for his fragile, broken skin on his back.

I warned him about my cold hands, he didn't show any worry about what was coming to him! But, as long as my hands were on his back, he was screaming like crazy:

"Oh, my god! You made me jump to the roof!"

A registered nurse witnessed that and she kept telling our colleagues: "Do you wanna know how freezing cold ping's hands are, those hands made Peter bring out a full clear sentence the second they were landing on his back!"


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
JunJun2013 + 50 你太有才了!哈哈哈哈哈



使用道具 举报

发表于 20-11-2014 20:15:00 | 只看该作者
Make sure you don't lose the moon while counting the stars!


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
JunJun2013 + 50 很形象!也许我犯过这个错。。。尤其对家人



使用道具 举报

发表于 20-11-2014 20:34:53 | 只看该作者
Just repost some jokes my facebook friends put out there to entertain you guys:

Mary: Went to supermarket with Amy to get Christmas ornaments for work, we wanted blue and red to match the work colors. The target guys face was priceless when we marched up to him in the Christmas section and asked "do you have blue balls?" His reply was simple but effective, "not personally but there's some Christmas ones behind you"

Lisa: Must be the day for it, I was in another shopping center today and a lady asked the guy working in the fruit and veggie section: "How fresh are your nuts?" we all just laughed.


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
JunJun2013 + 50 哈哈,带色哦



使用道具 举报

发表于 20-11-2014 21:34:11 | 只看该作者
JunJun2013        + 50        很形象!也许我犯过这个错。。。尤其对家人

It's such a beautiful metaphor, isn't it, MICHELLE?

More often than not, we are so focused on something we believed important to us, instead, we might miss out on what meant to be to us.  


参与人数 1威望 +20 收起 理由
JunJun2013 + 20 是啊是啊。。。。



使用道具 举报

发表于 23-11-2014 22:00:34 | 只看该作者
Shirt-fronting someone---用肩膀猛烈地冲撞别人的胸部!比喻在俩人的对话中,一方严厉地就谋事质问对方

Source: A brutal shoulder charge in Australian rules football (AFL) where a player bumps the opponent brutally in the chest rather than tactically tackles the opponents' advancing. this impact could lead to serious head injury due to incidental crash to the head.

使用道具 举报

发表于 5-1-2015 19:02:34 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yping88 于 5-1-2015 19:23 编辑

Give somebody the elbow  与某人结束情人关系

Just taking one look at that assignment, I knew I am in over my head   不是我力所能及的

使用道具 举报

发表于 13-1-2015 15:10:00 | 只看该作者
You are right on the money ==You are exactly right

使用道具 举报

发表于 27-1-2015 13:24:18 | 只看该作者
If I were put up for this job, I would be out of my element 我会做不来的; 不会做得得心应手的

I am at my wit's end  山穷水尽;穷途末路==at the end of the rope

使用道具 举报

发表于 8-2-2015 22:34:46 | 只看该作者
The hustle and bustle of the metropolitan city 大都市的喧嚣熙攘

You are railroading me 逼迫我仓促地做出决定或判断

使用道具 举报

发表于 22-3-2015 21:09:04 | 只看该作者
I don't ask for quarter, and I don't give any either   我不想别人对我发号施令,也不会对别人指手划脚 Quarter: 方向

Could I ask for quarter? 能不能请你高抬贵手?请您饶恕?quarter, as in HEADQUARTER, means: shelter, mercy

使用道具 举报

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