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[language study] 地道日常英语,精彩情景呈现

发表于 20-12-2013 23:41:56 | 只看该作者
yping88 发表于 20-12-2013 23:13
No, @大米粥 and I are just making up stories!

He started a project similar to our Chinese idio ...

Gosh ... glad to hear it's not true

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发表于 21-12-2013 18:45:04 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yping88 于 21-12-2013 18:46 编辑

A fantastic start for me to embark on the wonderful holiday season by moving into a FreeOz dreamy castle, thanks to everyone's unconditional support all the way along.

A particular big thank-you to @webster for the special Christmas package--the best Christmas present, ever!  


参与人数 3威望 +150 收起 理由
zelovehit + 50 what present have you got from webster?
MICHELLE07 + 50 恭喜你!
webster + 50 恭喜你!



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发表于 21-12-2013 20:17:17 | 只看该作者
yping88 发表于 20-12-2013 11:23
Mary88 rushed outside to the street and was terrified by what she saw: A car just smashed into h ...

With Christmas just around the corner, I guess it would be nice to give this incident a closure, so that both the neighbor and the driver can find the peace with their holiday!

Mary88 and some passers-by rushed to the scene finding that a teenager girl escaped unscathed, but she was crying hysterically on the house owner's shoulder: "My baby...wooowooo, my baby...wooowooo is still trapped inside the car. wooowoooo".

Mary88 and other passers-by rushed frantically to the rubbles and fought as hard as they could to removed the wreckage.

Finally, they reached the front passenger's seat and released a quiet, life-sized doll from the seat belt! As soon as the teenager girl saw her injured doll, she grabbed the doll and cried much harder, leaving everyone in the scene mouth wide-open!


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 50 你太有才了!



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发表于 22-12-2013 20:40:06 | 只看该作者
Get up somebody's nose  让某人心烦意乱


参与人数 2威望 +100 收起 理由
uu + 50 你太有才了!
Lopemann + 50 时不时回来看看给加加分 :P



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发表于 22-12-2013 21:20:30 | 只看该作者
Thanks, @Lopemann

Wish you all the best in this beautiful holiday season! May the bright future be accompanying you for all of your coming endeavors!  

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发表于 22-12-2013 21:34:49 | 只看该作者
yping88 发表于 22-12-2013 21:20
Thanks, @Lopemann

Wish you all the best in this beautiful holiday season! May the bright future  ...


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发表于 23-12-2013 19:03:29 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 大米粥 于 23-12-2013 19:05 编辑
yping88 发表于 21-12-2013 20:17
With Christmas just around the corner, I guess it would be nice to give this incident a closure, s ...

After sometime, the crowd begin to scatter and Mary88 is also getting ready to head back home, suddenly, a whispering voice entered into her ear. The voice is so soft it is barely audible, but somehow MAry88 is able to make out every word, as if the voice is spoken to her form the inside of her body. "Mary, dont leave me behind, take me with you", the soft female voice whispered.

Mary 88 looked around to see where the voice comes from, but it seem that everyone was busy getting on their own business and no one looked like the initiator of the conversation. Mary88 shrugged and thought it must be her imagination, after all, she could have been traumatised by the accident. Just as she turned around, the mysterious voice appeared again, "Mary, take me home, don't abandon me", Mary88 heart begin to tremble with fear, she picked up pace and wanted to get back home as quick as she can. All of sudden, Mary88 realised the teenage girl is standing in her path, holding the injured doll pulled out of the car wreckage, Mary88 felt there is an abnormal aura surrounding the girl, as if a thick fog that blurred her into a white figure, strangely the aura doesn't seem to originate from the girl, but...from the doll she is holding, who is staring right through Mary88's wide open eyes, into her soul....


参与人数 2威望 +70 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 20 你太有才了!
yping88 + 50 Your imagination got my hair standing up



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发表于 23-12-2013 22:33:28 | 只看该作者
大米粥 发表于 23-12-2013 19:03
After sometime, the crowd begin to scatter and Mary88 is also getting ready to head back home, s ...

I am feeling the goose bumps all over me, but I'd like to follow your imagination, @大米粥

The teenager is still crying and seems inconsolable, Mary88 stopped and put her arms around the teenager:

"It's gonna be all right, fortunately, nobody got hurt, that's the main thing!"

To Mary88's surprise, the teenager got more upset and cried harder. Mary88 kept comforting her:

"It's ok, honey. It could have been a lot worse, you know!"

The teenager stopped crying and said: "I appreciate the fact that everybody was lucky enough to escape the accident unhurt, but I feel so sorry for my doll! I am an exchange student from England, and I got this doll, who I named Tess, as a Christmas gift the first year I came here. Through these 5 years I have been here, Tess has been seeing me through the ups and downs, she has been always there whenever I feel lonely or upset. Along the way, Tess becomes an important part of my life! But, I have to leave for England in two weeks, and I will never make a peace with myself if I leave Tess behind in such a broken shape."

Then, she stares at Mary88: "Now, I wonder if you can do me a huge favour?"

"Whatever I can do to help you out, honey!" Says Mary88!

"Can you please sew Tess back together and adopt her?"

Mary88 feels that her soul has been deeply touched, she comforts the teenager: "Sure, I can honor you this little favour! Please trust me, I can definitely offer Tess a lovely and caring home!"


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
zelovehit + 50 I do appreciate the doll has a happy end



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发表于 27-12-2013 18:50:58 | 只看该作者
One of my colleagues had her honeymoon in the States and quite enjoyed it. She had been to San Francisco, Florida, New York, and so on. Recently she started a conversation regarding her trip over there and asked me if I had been around a lot when I was there.

I said: Unfortunately, not much! I had been to only a few cities and they were all free trips on my friends' car! I couldn't afford travelling a lot!

She couldn't understand and asked me: How so?

I sang to her: How so? "Minimal wages with a baby on the way" (From Pink's lyric---Dear Mr President)

For those who are interested, please google it and have a listen. I am sure you would enjoy its contents and music---One of my favorites!


参与人数 1威望 +20 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 20 谢谢分享!



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发表于 27-12-2013 19:32:21 | 只看该作者
Keep something under the wrap  保守机密

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发表于 28-12-2013 09:04:40 | 只看该作者
I found a way  less confronting and more respectful to ask for feedback to my explanations when being with groups from different cultures like myself. After I am done talking, I used to ask them: Do you understand me? But I found it a bit uncomfortable and a bit disrespectful to the other parts. So, I started asking them: Are you with me?

Then, I felt it well receptive from the listeners and helpful for the
therapeutic nurse-patient relationship as well.

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发表于 28-12-2013 23:12:14 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yping88 于 29-12-2013 15:19 编辑

I was talking to Mary about a lady who was under my care. I felt so frustrated with her when I was trying to deliver some discharge education. No matter what safety issues I touched on, she immediately jumped in with some knowledge I couldn't make an assessment on, because she only gave it a swift touch and quickly switched to something else unrelated.

Mary laughed and said: Haaahaaa, Tell me about it. I have been exactly where you were. It felt that she was always there before you go there!  (不管你说啥, 她似乎都知道!)

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发表于 29-12-2013 15:21:42 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yping88 于 29-12-2013 15:54 编辑

You seem hot under the collar,你像是怒气冲冲的样子 do you mind telling what was bothering you?  

Got married to someone while being want of understanding  缺乏理解

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发表于 30-12-2013 09:36:49 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yping88 于 30-12-2013 21:44 编辑

Now that you are on a roll  (接二连三地成功--指能做几道菜in this context)  in cooking, do you mind making us some Italian dishes as well?

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发表于 30-12-2013 10:36:58 | 只看该作者
Haha…you are definitely trying to steer the story into the opposite direction but when there’s a girl with a doll in the story, horror automatically comes to mind, let’s see where the story goes.

Just as Mary88 picked up Tess from the girls hand, something caught her attention, Tess’s damaged body is tainted by some kind of red liquid, it is thick and smells metallic, Mary88 recognizes the smell and texture from her nursing background, this is blood…but where could this come from? Mary88 quickly examined the girl in front of her, there are some scratches on her but no sign of an open wound. Just as Mary88 searched for an answer,  a voice came from behind “Lisa, it is time to get home, we will catch a raid with a friend”. Lisa waved to her parents and signed to Mary88 indicating she is leaving. Mary88 smiled and waved Lisa goodbye, but Lisa seemed hesitant about something, there is obviously something she wanted to say to Mary88. After a brief and awkward moment of quietness, Mary88 was going to break the silence, Lisa suddenly said “Please take good care of Tess, please….she is different to other toys, actually don’t treat her like a toy….otherwise….”Lisa avoided Mary88’s eye contact and continued “bad things will happen….you see, today’s accident was the result of …”

”Lisa, it is time to say goodbye to your friend, our raid has arrived” Lisa mom’s voice interrupted. “Goodbye” Lisa said as she bear hugged unprepared Mary88, then run as fast as she could toward her parents, never looking back.


参与人数 2威望 +70 收起 理由
yping88 + 50 精品文章
MICHELLE07 + 20 nice work



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发表于 1-1-2014 19:09:43 | 只看该作者
Happy New Year to you all
We keep the ball rolling


参与人数 2威望 +70 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 20 happy new year
yping88 + 50 Likewise here, yearshappy!



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发表于 5-1-2014 17:40:48 | 只看该作者
Out of sorts 心情不好,不高兴

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发表于 5-1-2014 20:51:29 | 只看该作者
Recently, Harvey has picked up a cute habit to beg us taking him for walk whenever we put him on the leash in the living room. He refuses to be led to the back yard and fights very hard to head out.

If we don't feel like walking, he would sit right by the door, gaze at us in a silence until one of us caves in and takes him out.

I once said to Zoe: I just started appreciating the fact that Harvey's begging look is something we would never be able to turn our back on (对。。。不理不睬/拒绝)。

Zoe: Yeah, he certainly is aware that he has us between his fingers (把我们支配于其左右).


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 50 传神



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发表于 5-1-2014 21:04:47 | 只看该作者
A patient was having his chest X-Ray done on the ward while we were doing the ward round. Right before it was shooting, the radiology staff was shouting at us all: Hey,everyone, it's the time for you all to run for your ovaries (Usually, to avoid exposing other people to X-Ray unnecessarily, the radiologist always warns everyone in the near surrounding before X-Ray was shot, so everybody can evacuate themselves immediately from the exposed area).

Then, every staff, including a male doctor, rushed out of the room. A female cardiologist was laughing at him:

"John, what are you running that fast for? How many ovaries have you got?"


参与人数 1威望 +20 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 20 哈哈



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发表于 5-1-2014 21:27:57 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yping88 于 5-1-2014 21:31 编辑

John was complaining about how lousy his extended family was during the holiday and how much he wanted to be at work rather than stay in the family crowd engaging himself in their boring conversations.

Me: "Do you mind me asking what kind of conversations they were trying to drag you into?"

John: "Well, while we were sitting at the table, they always asked me how I could make the dishes that delicious; while I was ironing my shirts, they came to me and said how wonderful a husband I was to do those things, etc, etc....."

Me: "Oh, poor John, they were just trying to make the conversations, that's what we call 'Socializing'. Aren't you socially awkward?"

John: "Socially awkward (社交难堪)? I am much better than them, they are socially inept (社交无能). Anyway, I am so glad to be at work now."

Another staff joined in: "Do you mean you just come to work for respite care (临时的照顾), John?"

John: "Exactly that!"

Me: "Are you sure you could get the peace and quiet you came for with me around?"

Another staff: "Yeah John!I suggest you not to get your hopes up, I am pretty sure Ping will jinx it."


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发表于 6-1-2014 17:47:52 | 只看该作者
A young man has been on illicit substances such as Marijuana, Heroin and Amphetamine and has turned his life absolutely upside down. His mental status has been significantly affected as well and he couldn't even make much of a sense in the social activities.

His friend told me: Oh, he was in a pretty bad mental status known as "Sandwiches short of picnic"---神神道道,古古怪怪,不知所云

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发表于 6-1-2014 17:51:02 | 只看该作者
His elevator doesn't quite go to the top  愚钝,不是那么正常

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发表于 7-1-2014 18:13:22 | 只看该作者

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发表于 7-1-2014 20:14:44 | 只看该作者
To make the best out of the worst  在最糟糕的情形下, 找到有利的一面

The worst comes to the worst 最糟糕的情况也只不过是.....

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发表于 8-1-2014 11:25:36 | 只看该作者
Make money hand over fist  毫不费力地赚大钱

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发表于 10-1-2014 17:10:04 | 只看该作者
Get out of the bitter barn and play in the hay  忘记不愉快的事儿,让自己高兴起来

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发表于 11-1-2014 21:22:04 | 只看该作者
大米粥 发表于 30-12-2013 10:36
Haha…you are definitely trying to steer the story into the opposite direction but when there’s a g ...

Sorry, @大米粥

It took me so long to get back on this post!

I have been doing a lot of thinking about where we could possibly take this story. It becomes a bit hard for me to follow your lead now, but I still decided to stick around and find out what this amazing fiction would possibly offer!

So, bring it on, you!

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发表于 11-1-2014 21:37:34 | 只看该作者
大米粥 发表于 30-12-2013 10:36
Haha…you are definitely trying to steer the story into the opposite direction but when there’s a g ...

"Wait, Lisa! How could I treat Tess? As a puppy or a family member or a best friend? Can you tell me a bit more about Tess?...." Holding Tess carefully against her chest, Mary88 desperately threw all these questions at Lisa's disappearing back.

After getting no answers in return and totally losing sight of Lisa, Mary88 walks back to her house and starts assessing Tess's injury and sorting out how she would sew Tess back together!

To her very surprise, Mary88 finds Tess' eyes welling up!

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发表于 12-1-2014 01:45:29 | 只看该作者

It is ok @Yping88

Don't feel pressured, just write down whatever comes to mind, this is not a essay competition but a fun way to let our imagination go wild.  


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
yping88 + 50 Absolutely right!



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发表于 13-1-2014 18:17:08 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yping88 于 13-1-2014 19:02 编辑

Today, we had a critical call running in the hospital for a very sick patient, I was one of the team members who attended the emergency call.

And I had to stay at the scene for almost an hour, offloading all my working loads on one of my best working parterners.

After I was back to my ward, my parterner asked me: "How is the patient doing now?"

I told her: "He has come back to us and got stable vital signs now."

Her: "Well done to all of you then, I bet it will be counted as one of your beautiful professional days."

Me: "Of course it will. We actually brought a person back to life, where else do you think I could be? Cloud nine?"

Her: "Haaahaaa, you could fly over there later on. Now you need to be back on your work. Did you have to stay at the scene that long? Weren't there many staff there to help the patient?"

Me: "Yeah, you are right, there were truck loads of staff there attending the patient. But they were almost all bosses (Doctors who gave medical orders), I was only one of the few Indians (Nurses who carried out the orders)."

Her: "Heeeheee, you totally cracked me up."


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 50 很幽默!



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