Now, please think about whether or not the anxiety patients show when they develop trouble breathing is due to hypoxemia (低氧血症)?
Well, no matter how tempting the YES answer seems, please be aware that it's not.
Surprisingly enough, hypoxemia leads to Euphoria (欣快感), which means if patients are deprived of (缺乏氧气供应) oxygen long enough to cause hypoxemia, they become paradoxically (令人费解地/讲不通地) excited.
No matter how hard you try to put them back on the ventilator, they would push it away and take on the attitude that suggests "I don't care!"
Well, hopefully you care enough to stick around trying your best to pull them out of the trouble. But please don't say this anymore: "xxx, please don't take it off, the ventilator needs to stay on to help you through your trouble breathing".
Why this doesn't make sense to them anymore? Because they don't care what's gonna happen when they are in the euphoric state due to hypoxemia. So, start modifying your patronizing nursing model now, and trying to explore what is really behind patients' destructive behaviours!
So, what makes patients anxious and lose control?---The fear of not being able to breathe!