在6,7月签收群里很多同志的帮助下,试验了一下http://www.ato.gov.au/individual ... =/content/38760.htm
在这里申请税号,如果显示是:Your details indicate that you are eligible for a TFN but you have not yet arrived in Australia. Please wait until you arrive in Australia before applying for a TFN.
The information that you have provided does not match that held by DIAC. Please check that the information you have entered is correct and try again.
If the information you have entered is correct, please contact DIAC on (02) 6223 8384 or visit them at the DIAC website. The Tax Office is unable to help you with this application until the information you enter matches the information held by DIAC.
添了护照号和国家,就要填写个人信息了啊, 再往后 就是问
Have you ever lodged a previous TFN or Australian Business Number (ABN) application?*
Yes No
Have you ever had a TFN or ABN before?*
Yes No
If yes, please enter your TFN and/or ABN if you know them.
Have you ever lodged a tax return in Australia?*
Yes No
Do you own property or have other business interests in Australia?*
Yes No
Please note that it is not an offence not to quote your TFN or ABN.
Address details
What is your postal address?
Your TFN advice will be sent to this address. Please ensure that it is an Australian address.
Street 1: *
Street 2:
Town or suburb: *
State or Territory: *
Postcode: *
Country: * Australia
What is your current home address?
If you are applying as a temporary visitor your residential address may be your home country address. Your home address cannot be a post office (PO) box number.
Is your current home address the same
as your postal address (as above)? * Yes No
If 'No', please enter your current home address:
Street 1:
Street 2:
Town or suburb:
Australian State or Territory:
Australian Postcode:
Country (If not Australia):
我都没有啊 也不敢乱填,所以只好关上这个页面了
Your details indicate that you are eligible for a TFN but you have not yet arrived in Australia. Please wait until you arrive in Australia before applying for a TFN.
Our records and checks with DIAC indicate that you do not have the relevant visa to apply for a TFN. If you believe that you do have the relevant visa, please contact DIAC on (02) 6223 8384 or visit them at their website: DIAC website. To view the requirements for TFN eligibility, follow this link: TFN eligibility
经过测试,如果他们有你的信息的话出来的结果是you do not have the relevant visa to apply for a TFN,如果你的信息他们差不到,出来的结果是he information that you have provided does not match that held by DIAC并且要求提供地址信息.