absoluately right. Thinking it over.
I told you how many first yr nursing students are studying in QUT? more than 600 per yr.
Do u know how many Unis are in Queensland? more than 5 which can recruit nursing students.
So 600* 5 =3000 nursing students each yr
Do u still think Australia will short of nurse? I don't think so.
I caluated the whole Australia Unis and then found about 10,000 nursing students who they are studing in the first year now.
( I am a current nursing student, to be honested)
Yes. If u really wish to work in health section, MD is a better idea. Actually the english requirement for MD is same as RN, but obviously they are not in the same level.
我想请教下,悉尼的天主教大学好么?有没有知情者可以透露些,还有ORIENTATION PROGRAM 可以不去吗?最后就是那个SENIOR FIRST AID。COURSE DESCRIPTION里有这样一句话Assumed knowledge: All students entering the course must have a Senior First Aid Certificate, including CPR, from St John Ambulance Australia or the Australian Red Cross Society, preferably with three years� currency, or other approved first aid qualification.
我想请教下,悉尼的天主教大学好么?有没有知情者可以透露些,还有ORIENTATION PROGRAM 可以不去吗?最后就是那个SENIOR FIRST AID。COURSE DESCRIPTION里有这样一句话Assumed knowledge: All students entering the ...
悉尼的情况不太清楚。ORIENTATION PROGRAM 就是给新生介绍学校情况,我也没去过。等你拿到Offer以后再去学First Aid吧,Australia Red Cross, St John都有,学校应该也会有提供课程。就是1-2天的课程,拿个证书。那个是开始实习前所必须具备的文件。
Other Prerequisites to Undertaking this Course
As nursing brings students into contact with various communicable diseases it is a requirement of some facilities used for clinical experience that students have appropriate immunisation.
Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Certificate
Students are required to have a current CPR Certificate from an accredited source prior to undertaking clinical practice. The currency of the certificate will need to be validated each year.
Queensland Commission for Children and Young People
In Queensland, all students who work with children and young people as part of their studies will need to apply for a Blue Card. This means that all students of the Bachelor of Nursing course undertaking off campus Clinical Placements will be required to apply for a Blue Card prior to their clinical experience. Failure to hold a Blue Card may prevent students from gaining access to their Clinical Practice placement.
Students will be required to wear the approved University nursing students uniform during the clinical components of the course. Details concerning the uniform and place of purchase will be given after enrolment.