澳州有一个信息高度共享的生活环境,不管是学校、政府部门、社区、医院,对于各种服务都有详细介绍说明,哪些是你可以享受的待遇,申请享受这些待遇你需要出示的证明材料。 并非持有PR身份就自动地享受福利待遇,所有这些都需要你首先提出申请,因为他们需要相关文件备档,使一切都有章可循 。那么提出申请和出示相关证明文件就是你的义务了。
你不确定自己是否符合条件?--------“Am I eligible for....”
你不知道申请步骤?------------“How to Apply”
在线注册入学后,需要Claim一下自己符合享受PR学费优惠政策的条件,提交Request for Commonwealth Support and HECS-HELP,该表格一般是到你入学的教育机构去申领,不接受自己打印的表格,还有少数学校也提供在线提交表格,QUT就有该在线提交系统。参照样本请见附件PDF,然后学校会给你一个期限,在此日期前出示你是PR的文件证明。以下是学校发出的邮件:
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 12:37:50 +1000 15 of 23
From: SBS Fees <sbs.fees@qut.edu.au>
Subject: Semester 2 2008 Please provide a certified copy of your passport [VIVIAN, Student ID No., NS40]
To: "vivian@student.qut.edu.au" <vivian@student.qut.edu.au> (该邮件地址是杜撰的)
Dear Vivian
QUT records indicate that you are the holder of a permanant visa, residing in Australia for the duration of your course.
QUT is required to confirm your residency status and would appreciate if you would provide information as follows:
New Zealand Citizen / Australian Permanent Resident Visa holder:
Please provide your passport at any Student Centre or forward the certified copy of your passport including the first page with your photo to Student Fee Management by 4 July 2008.
Please do not disregard this notice as this will affect your enrolment in the course.
Change of status to Australian citizenship
If you have been granted Australian citizenship, please provide your Certificate of Australian Citizenship or send the certified copy of your Certificate of Australian Citizenship to Student Fee Management. As an Australian citizen, you are permitted to choose the following payment options:
1、Pay the full amount upfront and receive a 20% discount
2、Pay a partial amount and defer the balance
3、Defer the full amount
If you wish to pay the full amount upfront and receive the 20% discount, the payment must be received by QUT on or before the census date of the relevant teaching period.
If you wish to exercise option 2, you must pay the partial amount and provide your Tax File Number to Student Fee Management on or before the census date of the relevant teaching period. To be eligible for the 20% discount, partial payments must be at least $500.
If you choose option 3, you must provide your Tax file Number on or before the census date of the relevant teaching period. Information on census dates is available from: http://www.studentservices.qut.edu.au/info/dates/
Please note that the Higher Education Support Act does not permit QUT to accept student contribution payments after the census date. Additionally, QUT is not permitted to change your student status retrospectively if documentation is received after the census date of the relevant teaching period.
If you have any queries, please visit a Student Centre on your campus or call QUT Information Services on 07 3138 2000 or send an enquiry via at AskQUT http://ask.qut.edu.au or refer to the Higher Education Loan Program webpage at http://www.studentservices.qut.edu.au/costs/help/
Kind regards,
Student Fee Management | QUT
Student Business Services | Level 6, F Block, Kelvin Grove
ph 3138 2000 | fax 3138 8742 | sbs.fees@qut.edu.au | studentservices.qut.com
1、填写并提交 Commonwealth Support and HECS-HELP Form
我收到该邮件后,马上到KG Campus学生服务中心出示了护照和签证,他们复印并盖章,存档。在信件所提到的最后期限前一天,有点不放心,写信问了缴费办公室的Fee Maneger,收到回复说已经查过我的状态已经是PR了,开心 ,如果没有及时申请,就会导致被按照留学生收费政策来收学费 ,甚至取消入学注册。我选的是付清所有CSP政策下的up-front部分。
PR的学费是根据选课数目来交的,一般是每个学期交一次,提交CSP Form和出示有效护照Visa后,会在每个学期的第一周即Week 1收到缴费办公室的信件,有需要缴的学费数额、缴费期限、缴费方式等,即Stament of Account(SOA),每个人都有一个缴费帐号代码,然后根据SOA上的信息去交学费。我还在等我的SOA~~
[ 本帖最后由 vivian80212 于 4-7-2008 13:20 编辑 ] |