如果您还做着三代同堂的天伦之乐梦,我劝您尽早断了这个念头。不如学学幸福妈妈的心态,放开手,你还有未来时不时抓住的可能,如果脑子里想的是抓住下一代,一定会像沙子一样流走,攥得越紧流的越快。我不是说您一定不可能实现三代同堂,放开手,有可能,但可能性很低,所以don't count on it. 如果一门心思想去营造这样的结果,那我撂下话来,您一定会成为一个麻烦制造者,甚至是杯具制造者。
Economic abuse is a form of abuse when one intimate partner has control over the other partner's ...
我来贴一下完整的吧:Economic abuse is a form of abuse when one intimate partner has control over the other partner's access to economic resources,[1] which diminishes the victim's capacity to support him/herself and forces him/her to depend on the perpetrator financially.
英文维基在下面举了几个Economic abuse的例子,其中一条是:
spend victim's money without his/her consent and creating debt, or completely spend victim's savings to limit available resources.
比如 A 和 B 是配偶。你认为 A 可以禁止 B 花钱 (任何金额,而且不需要理由,因为你的公有财产理论)。是不是这样? 那么很简单的逻辑, A 有权掐断B的所有经济权,B不能使用任何钱(假设A不同意)。既然B实际上不能使用任何钱,他自然无法在经济上支撑自己的生活,从而符合维基economic abuse的定义。换言之,如果你的公有财产理解成立,A有权进行economic abuse (从而反证你的公有财产理解不成立). 简单的逻辑(一步推理),还需要我在这里给你说明,真让人着急你的智商。正常人瞄一眼就明白了,我还得给你掰指头说。
Here, I would like to share something with those who have not grown into an extraordinary human being yet (Me included): The majority of people will do a whole lot better loving each other from a distance.
Wish we could all keep that in mind if we call ourselves ordinary people!
People have to be sophisticated enough to understand this. Problem is many of we Chinese people ar ...
Growing up in the traditional chinese culture, we are kidnapped by the long-established customs, which sometimes don't help us at all.
But we are supposed to stick to them, just because they make sense to our culture!
Now, as a grown up woman and someone's daughter plus daughter-in-law, I decided that all of us in my family could have done a whole lot better loving each other from a distance!