本帖最后由 yping88 于 23-8-2013 17:30 编辑
I am writing, on behalf of DCXG TREATMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE, to touch base with you on (跟你谈谈。。。的最新进展) the update of dcxg’s ongoing management.
Recently, I have found myself psychologically taxed (精神上筋疲力尽) and emotionally exhausted (感情上感觉心力交瘁) while witnessing his up-and-down process. It seems that every time I am about to declare his improvement, he just slips back to (溜回到) his usual aggressive and destructive behaviors.
Having seen @dcxg disturbing different social groups in FreeOz makes me feel so nerve-racking (伤脑筋) and put my professional competency in doubt. And I have been psychologically bothered (从心理上深感不安) for not being able to manage his verbal aggressions efficiently.
On top of all the above (在以上问题的基础上), some staffing issues have been brought up to my attention as well.
Unfortunately, @chubbycat has been working unreasonably hard on the side (疯狂地在外走穴) recently, while @newozer has been mentally absent (心不在焉) from his post as a senior security, only @nil and I have been attending our duty regularly.
Nil has done a terrific job in managing dcxg’s untoward (失控的) behaviors and getting him well under control. However, the medication dosage that Nil has prescribed for him has never been tested clinically (在临床上从未试验过). Even though it has been proved effective immediately, the long-term outcome (远期效果) is still to be scientifically proved (需要从科学上论证).
Therefore, I was just wondering if we can help him better in a comprehensive approach and introduce the psychiatric components (引进精神病学的元素) into his treatment regime.
Now, I sincerly invite you to join the advisory committee in a hope that your insights would address his treatment in one more angle from the psychiatric point of view (从精神病学的角度).
If you are interested in this position, could you possibly advise us at your earliest convenience?
Your time and attention on this matter would be very much appreciated!
Sincerely Yours,
Attending Doctor