牧马人 发表于 26-7-2013 09:12
你说是事实当然就是事实了,我没法证明那是错的。就好比一个人如果声称他掷100个色子,连续掷了100次每次 ...
Maybe the GOD created the world, but how do you know, just by a book called Bible? What if the book lies? You can't prove your book is right or wrong, under that context no one could, since it's simply a belief that requires only trust among people though the trust to the book or God. It's meaningless for all parts of the book to be correct and it could do the job the same, the first page might be the most important and lest important.
That's another system, not a scientific system.
A scientific theory can be questioned, the more the better. It gets closer to the ultimate truth after surviving from questionings. The origin of species is a book that has been questioned again and again and survived very largely. It doesn't explain everything in detail, but provided a great clue how the abundant of life forms come.
Under this clue, advances have been made on many aspects. Such as the speed of evolution you mentioned, reasons of a life form booming were found and became to be cover story. http://www.scientificamerican.com/sciammag/?contents=2013-06
Life is too complex that a theory of its full picture which stands on evidences or fundamental theories might be far beyond to foresee. Before that comes if it would, origin of species and theories around it are the best we would have.
Before all the questions about the human, life and universe are answered, the Gods are still respected. That seems to be impossible, as new theories like parallel universe have boomed our imagination space once again.