ozbird 发表于 23-7-2013 15:58
的确是很多所谓转基因食品对人体健康的危害,多是一些没有太多生物知识的人,从非生物学和非健康学的角度等 ...
Yeah, I intend to believe that a trans-genetic food is safe if it is ensured by a government that is capable and credible.
Mutation happens everyday in nature, each grain of soyo bean might be different from any other, which is one is safe to you? Life is so strong that have existed on this earth billions of years, it will survive. Maybe only those who reject trans-genetic food would, who knows. But by all the means possible today it is safe, then it is safe. Otherwise you have to redefine the word of safe, for example is a TV/PC SAFE?