
楼主 |
发表于 1-6-2013 13:45:59
1.back of bourke: a very long way away
eg: Larry lives out the back of bourke.
2.bail,bail out: leave, depart, usually angrily
eg:I'm sick of this place, I'm going to bail.
3.banana bender: a person from Queensland
eg:Barry is a banana bender.
4.bananas: someone going crazy with anger
eg: Wally has gone bananas!
5.banged up: pregnant
eg: Sally got herself banged up.
6.bar flies: men who drink and talk in the front bar of a pub for hours and hours
eg:The pub is full of bar flies tonight.
7.barney: argument, flight, punch up
eg:Tom and Mike got into a right, royal barney.
8.barrack: to support, or cheer on, your favourite team
eg:I barrack for the mighty Roos.
9.basket case: someone on the edge of mental collapse
eg: Larry is a real basket case
10 bathers: swimming costume
eg: Bring your bathers, so you can have a swim.
11.battler: someone working hard and only just making a living
eg: Old Jack is a real battler.
12.beak: your nose
eg:Check out Larry's beak!
13. bean counter: accountant
eg:I'm off to see the bean counter
14.beating around the bush: not getting to the point on a subject
eg:stop beating around the bush!
15.beauty: great, fantastic
eg:What a beauty!
16.beer o'clock: knock off time, time to finish what you are doing and have a well earned beer
eg:Is it beer o'clock yet?
17.belly flop: diving incorrectly into water with the stomach breaking the water
eg:If you belly flop, it's going to hurt.
18.betcha: I bet you, a wager
eg: I betcha you are wrong.
19: better half: your partner
eg:Where's the better half?
20:beyond the black stump: a long way away, the back of nowhere
eg:Jack lives beyond the black stump.
21:big bikkies: lots of money
eg:My new car cost big bikkies.
22.big note: brag or boast about yourself
eg: He's big noting himself again.
23.big smoke: a big city
eg: I've got to drive to the big smoke.
24.bikey: motorbike, cycle rider
eg:My brother is a bikey.
25.bikkie: biscuit, cookies
eg: pass me another bikkie, please?
26.bities: biting insects
eg: Watch out for the nasty bities!
27. bloke: man, guy, male
eg: He's a good bloke.
28.bloody: very
eg: That's bloody funny!
29. boody oath: of course, that's certainly true
eg: Bloody oath mate!
30. blow in: stranger in town, newcomer, just arrived
eg: That bloke over by the bar is a blow in. |