Brahms在1853年20岁时认识一生挚友,22岁的优秀小提琴家Joseph Joachim,大提琴家Robert Hausman(他是Joachim四重奏的其中一员)。Brahms 和Joachim三十多年无话不谈,从在专业的合作、到生计的探讨再到私人生活的交流,两人非常亲近。并且是Joachim把Brahms介绍给他的伯乐Robert Schumann的, 从而Brahms又认识了大他17岁的Shumann的太太Clara Schumann,并把她作为一生知己。然而因为1880年发生的一段小插曲导致两人长达七年没有互相说话。Joachim在私人感情方面比较无助与妒嫉,他怀疑自己那女低音妻子Amalie
Spies与Brahms的出版商有私情,而Brahms做了一个clumsy attempt笨拙的尝试,他写了一封长信来从中调停,并帮朋友妻子辩解,结果这个笨拙的举动加速了他们离婚,并且使得这两个男人之间的友谊也终止。
直到1887年,Brahms在瑞士安居,他写给昔日好友Joachim一封信,说到:“我有一种强烈的愿望,想写一首曲子给你和Hausman, 如果你不感兴趣就只用在明信片上说:I decline我拒绝。如果你感兴趣的话,我的问题就来了:你要看一下样品吗?我现在复制几分独奏部分给你,你不觉得有必要和Hausman聚在一起讨论一下这首曲子的可演奏性?你能试想一下你们两个加上我钢琴演奏一起排练,然后我们再和乐队排练,而后再去一些城市演出这首曲子?我不想大声说出,只是安静地期待…”
最终Joachim当然不能拒绝Brahms的示好,于是三人在Clara Schumann(舒曼夫人)的家里重聚一堂,在Clara的钢琴上三人排练,而后和当地交响乐团排练,最后成为经典曲目,而这两个音乐家男人也比以前更加友好。
协奏曲一般指一件独奏乐器以及乐队的协奏,大型多乐章曲目。而这首位两件独奏乐器写的协奏曲是罕见的、创造性的,所以名字为double concerto.
he idea of writing a concerto for more than one soloist was
unfamiliar in the late nineteenth century, and even Brahms, who knew music history better than any composer of the day, probably could not think of any distinguished models other than
the double violin concerto by Bach; Mozart’s Sinfonia concertante for violin and viola; and Beethoven’s Triple Concerto for violin, cello, and piano. Brahms’s pairing of
violin and cello was particularly unexpected. “Surely this wonderful combination has never been tried before,” Clara wrote at the time, and it is truly without precedent.
Brahms himself described the score simply as a “strange flight of fancy,”although it is the logical culmination of his longtime interest in the baroque concerto grosso form,
with its team of soloists. (Brahms,incidentally, was a great champion of Handel’s music, and in 1874 he conducted a performance of Solomon in Vienna).
Concerto for Violin and Cello in A Minor, Op. 102 (Double)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WKpSDBvn9w |