移民局不是有下面的政策吗,你申请个州担保给他们,那样你就是Subclass 175 (processed by the ASPC and where a successful State or Territory Nomination
is held)看看他们怎么处理。你也可以直接给移民局写个信问问。我的建议,所以如果你想申请州担保马上申请就是,先拿到手,又没什么损失。
Applications are now being allocated as follows:
State & Territory Nominated Applications:
Subclass 134, 136, 137, 175, 176, 475, 487, 495, 885 and 886 applications
(processed by the ASPC and where a successful State or Territory Nomination
is held) will all be allocated to case officers for assessment by 13
February 2009.
Applications are now being allocated as follows:
State & Territory Nominated Applications:
Subclass 134, 136, 137, 175, 176, 475, 487, 495, (496)885 and 886 applications
(processed by the ASPC and where a successful State or Territory Nomination
is held) will all be allocated to case officers for assessment by 13
February 2009.
Applications with Occupations on the Critical Skills List:
Applications are not being allocated at present
Applications with Occupations on the Migration Occupations in Demand List:
Applications are not being allocated at present
All Other Remaining Applications
Applications are not being allocated at present
律师你好,我有一个问题想请教你.目前我已经在澳洲读书2年,并且毕业了,我打算申请塔洲的洲担保.如果递487的洲担保,国内的朋友不能一起递,因为487如果有 second applicant这个人必须也在澳洲.我还可以考虑回国递475offshore的洲担保,和国内的朋友结婚后一起递,递 onshore 和offshore洲担保能不能给我一些参考意见呢?
请问我是E175申请了MODL,但是没有申请specific working experience,我是否只需要上传材料到evidence of working experience?不需要上传到evidence of specific working experience吧
职业评估的结果是上传到evidence of skills assessment还是receipt for skills assessment application?
请问我是E175申请了MODL,但是没有申请specific working experience,我是否只需要上传材料到evidence of working experience?不需要上传到evidence of specific working experience吧
MO ...
你自己评估如果分数够的话就不需要重复上传,另外职业评估有positive result的话上传到EVIDENCE OF SKILL ASSESSMENT.
1. Employment References,还附上了一份Instructions for Employment References给我。
请问我是否要推荐人重新写一份推荐信,而且一定要完全按照Instructions for Employment References的要求来写?
2. Company organisational chart,要求写明我所处的地位及每个部门的人数。
3. Detailed duty statement,Duty statements should include evidence and examples of the duties performed。The Chief Executive Officer or Legal Representative of the company must endorse duty statements.
请问我的职责是否一定要与提名职业相同?如果不太相关,只有一点点擦边会有影响吗?我的实际Title是Translator & Administrator,提名职业是Business and Information Professionals。
duty statement是否一定要列举具体的例子?如没有做过具体的项目怎么举例?
是否只要公司的负责人在duty statement上签名就可以,不需要负责人写其他证明我的东西了吧?