You have made a perfect point here, MM!
We are lucky that we are able to come to Australia making a life out of our dream!
To reflect on the values and visions we have got so used to is a taxing process we have to experience, because it requires us to recollect our well-believed values, talk to our own heart, acknowledge or deny what have got us through our childhood and partial adulthood so comfortably, pull ourselves out of the comfort zone and fight a battle against our well-formed believe system, it is a tough battle.
However, we are ready to take on this challenge, to explore what impact this adopt culture will bring about onto us. Because accepting different views, reconsidering what we have to believe in are the only way to guide us to the wisdom and objectivity!
I wish we all could come back to this discussion ten years later and share what our believe system would turn out to be!
Thank you for sticking around to walk us all through this amazing journey! It has been given so much meaning and wonderful component due to your persistence and generosity!