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发表于 30-9-2014 01:23:04
本帖最后由 yping88 于 30-9-2014 05:31 编辑
Day 3 challenge of gratefulness
1. I have been grateful to the administration team in Hartford Hospital, CT, USA, for granting me a generous nursing scholarship to study in Hartford Hospital more than ten years ago. That truly gave me a head start to marching into the amazing journey to explore a different culture and different nursing environment. Among many of my friends in The States, I am especially grateful to Dr Charles Nightingale and his family, Bonnie Howard Nightingale, Peggy Bliss, Willa Bloch and her family, Kathy Emannulsen, Donna Rascal, Dadong Li and his family, Rhonda Anderson, for showing me what American hospitality and generosity were really about. While I was there for a whole year, they truly made Hartford a sweet home away from home for me. As a visitor depending on the hospital’s generous financial aid for an existence, I never felt being treated any different by them, but only supported and respected!
Although my America dream has been replaced by an equally wonderful Australia one, I will forever hold dearly what America had offered me, I will forever be grateful to you all for inspiring me to hold onto what I have been fighting for, to be certain about where I should be heading for!
2. Now, I get to express my whole-hearted appreciation to my adopt country, my beloved second home—Australia, where I have gained the true sense of what the freedom means—Australia, you have ticked all the boxes in freedom: Freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom of press!
I will be forever grateful to Australia immigration department for granting me a student visa 7 years ago, which opened the door to my amazing journey in this great country. I will be forever grateful to Australia customs for stamping my entry and welcoming me with open arms. I will always appreciate the lecturers and teaching assistants for easing me in both the environment and academic field. I will be forever grateful to the student organization in Adelaide for holding a huge rally to light up a candle night in the honor of the Chinese earth quack victims in 2008. I will be forever grateful to the authorities in UniSA for offering us special counseling services, for setting up a hotline dedicated to those who were affected. I will forever hold a special place in my heart for the mayor of Adelaide (2008), who joined us in grief, fighting against the chilly wind in Victoria Square for a vigil night in honor of our lost sisters and brothers! While the church knell rang the bell again and again, I realized that we were not in this alone, we were embraced by a wide Australia community, and we would by all means pull us all through the ordeal. Now, 6 years passed by, my memory for that touching event has never faded a bit.
Please allow me the privilege to shout out: Thank you all, Adelaide, my first sweet Australia home!
3. I have been grateful to my first Australia employer—St Basil’s nursing home and it’s administration team: Lindy McBurnie, Donna Farley, who first showed me in reality Australia’s great value—Fair play, fair go. That’s then I realized I came to a country where employee’s performance will be equally recognized independent of their background, where employee’s effort will be truly respected regardless of their working role. I have been grateful to Lindy for assisting me in my private matters when I turned to her for help, for accommodating my working schedule in order to echo my academic activities, for taking a very favorable stand for me when I pursued different adventure in acute nursing care settings. I have been also grateful to Donna for providing clear answers to all my questions in nursing, for filling me in on Australia nursing system while I knew little about it, for standing by me whenever I needed her back-up.
I am grateful to you two for gaining me that sense of belonging in St Basil’s, for giving me that sense of security to fall back on whenever I felt vulnerable and insecure. You were both my rock!
Tonight, I would like to nominate my dear friend @Serin to take on the 7 days of challenge of gratefulness!