比如我说某同事的头发: Your hair looks like a cactus flower. Do you know why?
他问 why
我说:because your head looks like the cactus...
他们说我:Oh you got an email from David (某bureau的工作人员). He must be hitting on you
我:He's got a girl friend...
他们:that's because he wants you off guard
我:And he's Vietnamese
再比如,我:The gym in Parramatta is filled up with Indians
同事:Yeah, they will blow your mind like Cactus Flower here (因为之前说是cactus flower的也是印度人)
Cactus Flower: Yeah, you can't resist our exoticism
同事早上迟到了,开早会一直等他。下午开会时他又跟律师在打电话,某人问,should we wait for him?
我:why not? Since we've been spending the day waiting for him. A few more minutes make no difference.
众人笑死。。。。。。同事很无辜的show up问大家怎么了怎么了
有一次说错了把blush说成flush了,结果被嘲笑了两周。。。同事:oh wait, everyone's busy flushing 或者:yeah, flushing is the new way of being shy (因为原语境是我在形容某人害羞脸红). 或者:hey *** you got a blush on you. Want to flush it off?
还有就是不停的拿我和我的date开玩笑。。。说我 probably only focus on the food and don't even remember what he looks like......