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8 April 2011
Dear Mr XX,
I refer to your application review of your pre-migration skills assessment, which was received by the Australia Computer Society on 31 January 2011.
For the purpose of your application you have as of October 2007 satisfied the requirements of the ACS PIM 3, Group A.
Your work experience has been calculated as follows:
Your skills have been assessed to be suitable for migration under 261313 (Software Engineer) of the ANZSCO Code, being the skilled occupation indicated that you intend to nominate in a General Skilled Migration application.
Dear Mr XX,
I refer to your recent application for the review of your pre-migration skills assessment notified to you in the letter of 17 January 2011.
I have reviewed your application and agree that you meet the requirements for Group A of the ACS PIM 3, ANZSCO code 261313 Software Enginner.
A revised letter of advice is attached for your information.
有个问题是, 我是review的, 收到的有两封信, 一个是结果信, 一个是修正信, 我需要把上次的评估结果, 加上这次的修正信以及结果信一块扫描上传吗?
还是说, 我只扫描最终的结果信?
以上结果应该表明我可以申请e175了吧, 这回职业没有问题了吧? |