呵呵,应大家的要求,上配方,其实特简单, 材料也很少。
• 150g 黄油
• ¾ cup Nestle Sweetened Condensed Milk
• 1½ cups plain flour
• 2 tbsp cornflour
1 烤箱预热到 180ºC.
2 融化黄油,加入condensed milk,一起搅拌一直到light and creamy, 之后加入面粉和淀粉,mix to firm dough. 冰箱冷藏30分钟(一定要放冰箱哦,这个为了更好定型)
3 Roll dough out on lightly floured surface to 5mm thickness. Cut into shapes using your cutters.
4 Place biscuits on greased oven trays, bake 10 to 12 minutes until light golden. Remove from trays, cool on wire rack.
到这里,就烤好了,然后开始画,大家可以买现成的糖粉做的writing icing,有好几个颜色,发挥你的想象力,随便花了,其实要是有小朋友的家里更好,他们画的肯定比我好,呵呵。