我始终觉得,中文和英文的巨大不同。中文的语法就是收敛,英文是发散。两种迥异的语言,造成思维的巨大差异。要中国人学好英文,本身就是勉为其难。诸如以下的英文:Employee Undertakings. Each of the Parties may disclose the Confidential Information only to those of its directors, officers, employees and suppliers, who require it for the purposes permitted by this Agreement and shall use its best efforts to prevent any unauthorized disclosure of the Confidential Information by them. In this connection, each of such directors, officers, employees and suppliers, to whom any Confidential Information is to be disclosed shall first enter into a written agreement of secrecy in favour of the Party from which it has received such Confidential Information, whereby he agrees to keep the Confidential Information strictly secret in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, and each Party agrees to provide a copy of such undertakings to the other Party hereunder upon request.--我的翻译:雇员着手. 每一方仅可向协议许可的主管、高管和雇员开放机密信息,这些人员应尽可能防止任何未授权机密信息泄漏。关于这一点,每一个主管、高管和雇员,凡接触机密信息者,为开放信息一方的利益,须先缔结书面保密协议,特此同意根据本协议的条款严格保守机密信息,并且每一方同意因对方需求,提供一份保密协议的拷贝。见笑了。有高手帮忙以下
[ 本帖最后由 uniwg 于 11-1-2012 18:29 编辑 ] |