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一阵郁闷,结果刚才发了PLE,不到15秒就回复了,都是说些废话~~我一冲动,就回复邮件狂骂回信给我的TX: Eddie V.爱怎么就怎么着吧。反正我现在对澳洲没什么期望了,专心搞搞新西兰移民吧~~~
Dear Ms ,
Thank you for your email in relation to your visa application under Australia's General Skilled Migration program.
The Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Senator Chris Evans, has set new priority processing arrangements for certain skilled migration visas. These arrangements are designed to address the needs of industry and state and territory governments. The current priority processing Ministerial Direction began on 8 February 2010.
The Direction applies to applications in the pipeline that have not been finalised, and to applications lodged with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship on or after 8 February 2010.
The priority processing arrangements apply to the following visas from 8 February 2010:
* Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS);
* Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS); and
* General Skilled Migration (GSM) visas except for:
- Skilled - Recognised Graduate Subclass 476;
- Skilled - Graduate Subclass 485;
- Skilled - Designated Area - Sponsored (Residence) Subclass 883 and
- Skilled - Regional Subclass 887.
Under the Ministerial Direction the following processing priorities (with the highest priority listed first) apply:
1. Applications from people who are employer sponsored under the ENS or the RSMS.
2. Applications from people who are nominated by a State/Territory government agency under a State Migration plan agreed to by the Minister.
3. Applications from people who are nominated by a State/Territory government agency and whose nominated occupation is on the Critical Skills List (CSL).
4. Applications from people who are neither nominated nor sponsored in priority groups 1, 2, or 3, but whose nominated occupation is listed on the CSL.
5. Applications from people who are nominated by a State/Territory government agency whose nominated occupation is not listed on the CSL.
6. (i) Applications from people whose occupations are listed on the Migration Occupation in Demand List (MODL).
(ii) Applications from people who are sponsored by family and whose nominated occupation is not listed on the CSL.
7. All other applications are to be processed in the order in which they are received.
The CSL is a list of occupations developed in response to the changing critical skills needs of Australia. Only those occupations which are currently on the CSL are eligible to receive 3rd or 4th priority processing. The complete list of occupations on the CSL is available on the Department's website at: <http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/g ... cal-skills-list.pdf>
As your nominated occupation is not on the CSL and you are not sponsored by an employer or nominated by a State/Territory government in accordance with an occupation on the State Migration plan, your visa application will not be finalised until those visa applications which meet the higher processing priorities are finalised.
This priority processing Direction supersedes all previous Directions and applies to all unfinalised GSM applications with the exception of the subclass 476, 485, 883 and 887 visas identified above. This Direction applies irrespective of whether the application is newly lodged, has been assessed and is in the final stages of processing, or is nominated by a State/Territory government or family sponsor.
Applicants who have applied for an offshore GSM visa and do not have a nominated occupation on the CSL and are not nominated by a State/Territory government in accordance with an occupation on the State Migration plan, are unlikely to have their visa finalised before the end of three years.
To be granted a visa this program year, you will need to meet visa requirements and be sponsored by an employer, nominated by a State/Territory government in accordance with an occupation on the State Migration Plan or have a nominated occupation listed on the CSL.
If you wish to have your application processed as a priority, you may wish to consider seeking an Australian employer to formally sponsor you.
Further information is available on the Department's website at: <http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/g ... ation/whats-new.htm>
Information on our current processing timeframes can be obtained by sending a blank email to: aspc.processing@immi.gov.au <mailto:aspc.processing@immi.gov.au>
This is an automated service providing processing information only. Please do not send any other enquiry or information to this email address.
Further enquiries may be directed to the Department's General Skilled Migration Post-Lodgement Enquiry Form: <http://www.immi.gov.au/contacts/forms/gsm/post.htm>. Please do not contact the Department to request your application be exempt from the new priority processing Direction. Case Officers must adhere to the Minister's Direction.
Yours sincerely,
Eddie V.
General Skilled Migration
Department of Immigration and Citizenship |