拜金女:I got from the Lonely Heart Ad that you’re looking for a partner?
洋凯子:Yeah. Are you interested? Your voice sounds sweet.
拜金女:Thank you. You said in the AD you have a car? What brand is it?
洋凯子:It’s a BMW 7 Series Sedan.
拜金女:What colour is it?
洋凯子:Silver. I like it very much. It goes with my skin.
拜金女:My favorite colour too. And you have a house? How big is it?
洋凯子:120 square meters. My parents left me the house and the farm when they passed away two years ago.
拜金女:Oh that’s wonderful! Sorry, I mean…I am really sorry to hear that.
洋凯子:How about you? What colour is your skin?
拜金女:Wait, why?
洋凯子:Nothing. I want to imagine how you look like? How tall are you?
拜金女:170. Actually I don’t think you’re being polite to…
洋凯子:Hmm, it’s OK. But I do prefer taller woman. What is your weight?
拜金女:Pardon? Are you looking for a girlfriend or a model?
洋凯子:Are you looking for a boyfriend or a house and a car?