你说的好像不对吧,标这个是因为出于某种原因中介觉得这个property的价格不好确定所以标Price on application. 你只要打电话或者写email给中介他们还是会告诉你大概的价格区间的。
Google 一下就知道了:
1. Price On Application. This means simply that the price of some commodity is available on request but is not made public otherwise.
Price-on-application is used where it is impractical to provide a listed price because of other factors that would affect the price. For example, the price for a hair-dresser to blow dry someone's hair would depend on a number of factors such as the length, thickness and quantity of hair. Since a single price cannot reasonably be given the price is POA.
POA can also indicate that the seller lacks the resources to maintain an up to date public price list.