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发表于 23-3-2010 15:20:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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Specialised Occupations List Published - Likely Basis of New Skilled Occupations List
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  By Mark Webster
20 March 2010
On 5 March 2010, Skills Australia produced a strategy report titled "Australian Workforce Futures". Skills Australia will be responsible for setting the new Skilled Occupations List, and within the report, there is a list called the "Specialised Occupations List". The Specialised Occupations list is likely to be the basis of the revised Skilled Occupations List to be finalised at the end of April 2010 and introduced in July 2010.

The Specialised Occupations List gives an insight into the likely future Skilled Occupations List. The list covers the following broad specialisations:

Medical Occupations - from doctors, nurses, pharmacists through to medical administrators and aged care workers
Architecture, Surveying & Construction
Educational professionals
Accountants and Auditors
Legal Professionals
Selected Trades
It includes a number of occupations which are not currently on the Skilled Occupations List, including:
A broader range of education professionals, including university lecturers and teachers of English as a Second Language
Aviation professionals (pilots and flight instructors)
Judges, magistrates and tribunal members
Police officers and fire fighters
The list has many of the occupations on the current Migration Occupations in Demand List such as engineers, accountants and selected trades.
However, the following occupational groups are excluded from the Specialised Occupations List:

General business occupations such as management, marketing and HR
Hairdressing and Commercial Cookery
Fitters & welders
Accountants are on the list, but only if their qualifications are CPA-equivalent. This would most likely affect a large number of international students studying accounting in Australia, as the CPA qualification generally takes several years of post-qualification work experience to obtain.
Surprisingly, the list is relatively short on science occupations such as mathematicians, life scientists and chemists - the low priority of these occupations under the current system was one of the stated reasons for making drastic changes.

The list is published using ANZSCO codes - we have attempted to translate these through to the current ASCO codings.

Feel free to contact us if you wish to discuss how the new list will affect you.

Below is the list as published by Skills Australia:

1331 Construction managers  
1332 Engineering managers  
1341 Child care centre managers  
1342 Health and welfare services managers  
1343 School principals  
1344 Other education managers  
2211 Accountants(a)  
2212 Auditors, company secretaries and corporate treasurers(b)  
2221 Financial brokers  
2241 Actuaries, mathematicians and statisticians(c)  
2245 Land economists and valuers  
2311 Air transport professionals  
2312 Marine transport professionals  
2321 Architects and landscape architects  
2322 Cartographers and surveyors  
2326 Urban and regional planners  
2331 Chemical and materials engineers  
2332 Civil engineering professionals  
2333 Electrical engineers  
2334 Electronics engineers  
2335 Industrial, mechanical and production engineers  
2336 Mining engineers  
2339 Other engineering professionals  
2341 Agricultural and forestry scientists  
2346 Medical laboratory scientists  
2347 Veterinarians  
2493 Teachers of English to speakers of other languages  
2411 Early childhood (pre-primary school) teachers  
2412 Primary school teachers  
2413 Middle school teachers  
2414 Secondary school teachers  
2415 Special education teachers  
2421 University lecturers and tutors  
2511 Dieticians  
2512 Medical imaging professionals  
2514 Optometrists and orthoptists  
2515 Pharmacists  
2521 Chiropractors and osteopaths  
2523 Dental practitioners  
2524 Occupational therapists  
2525 Physiotherapists  
2526 Podiatrists
2527 Speech professionals and audiologists
2531 Generalist medical practitioners
2532 Anaesthetists
2533 Internal medicine specialists
2534 Psychiatrists
2535 Surgeons
2539 Other medical practitioners
2542 Nurse educators and researchers
2543 Nurse managers
2544 Registered nurses
2611 ICT business and systems analysts
2613 Software and applications programmers
2633 Telecommunications engineering professionals
2711 Barristers(d)
2712 Judicial and other legal professionals(d)
2713 Solicitors(d)
2723 Psychologists
2725 Social workers
3122 Civil engineering draftspersons and technicians
3132 Telecommunications technical specialists
3211 Automotive electricians
3212 Motor mechanics
3221 Metal casting, forging and finishing trades workers
3222 Sheet metal trades workers
3231 Aircraft maintenance engineers
3233 Precision metal trades workers
3241 Panel beaters
3243 Vehicle painters
3311 Bricklayers and stonemasons
3312 Carpenters and joiners
3321 Floor finishers
3322 Painting trades workers
3331 Glaziers
3332 Plasterers
3334 Wall and floor tilers
3341 Plumbers
3411 Electricians
3421 Air-conditioning and refrigeration mechanics
3422 Electrical distribution trades workers
3423 Electronics trades workers
3942 Wood machinists and other wood trades workers
3991 Boat builders and shipwrights
3996 Sign writers
4112 Dental hygienists, technicians and therapists
4114 Enrolled and mothercraft nurses
4115 Indigenous health workers
4231 Aged and disabled carers
4233 Nursing support and personal care workers
4412 Fire and emergency workers
4413 Police

(a) CPA or equivalent
(b) Auditors only
(c) Actuaries only
(d) Legal professionals admitted to practice only

[ 本帖最后由 wlh19781030 于 23-3-2010 22:45 编辑 ]

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