1. concern noun1 [countable, uncountable] a feeling of worry about something important, or the thing that worries you:
• There is growing concern about/over ocean pollution.
• There is concern that the war could continue for a long time.
• The police officer said that there was no cause for concern.
2 [countable, uncountable] something important that worries you or involves you:
• The destruction of the rainforest is of concern to us all.
• Our main/primary/major concern is safety.
3. concern verb [transitive]
1 to affect someone or involve him/her:
• What we're planning doesn't concern you.
2 to make someone feel worried or upset:
• My daughter's problems at school concern me greatly.
3 to be about something or someone:
• Many of Woody Allen's movies concern life in New York.
4 concern yourself (with something) to become involved in something that interests or worries you:
• You don't need to concern yourself with this, Jan.