新西兰健康食品有限公司[Healtheries of New Zealand Ltd.] 始创于1904年,是新西兰国内历史最悠久、规模最大的国际性乳品及健康食品企业之一,享有全球领先的制造技术和卓越品质的盛誉,多次荣获国家出口勋章,赢得新西兰总理多次亲临考察。公司集健康食品的研发、生产、销售于一体,产品畅销于世界各地一百多个国家和地区,其产品和服务的专业一直倍受全球专家学者、医护人员和亿万消费者的钟爱。
培芝是新西兰健康食品有限公司[Healtheries of New Zealand Ltd.]百年品牌Healtheries用于中国市场的中文品牌。
A range of Healtheries Colostrum Products are sold throughout China.
Products include: 1% Colostrum Powder (500g can) and Chewable Colostrum Tablets (300 tablets)
All enquiries should be directed to:
The International Department, Healtheries New Zealand Ltd
Ph: +64 9 573 3730 Fax: +64 9 573 3732
Email: international@healtheries.co.nz
Link to distributor website: www.biolife.net.cn