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The moment when I saw you once again at Town Hall station
18 June 2009
I have to work hard... to get a better life.
My friend said it's a way of Chinese thinking... money is not everything. In my defense is:
I want the life that I can be in control of it.
I wished to have a job over a boyfriend when I first arrived in Sydney.
Well, I think a job is something that I can work on it.
I am sure if I work hard, I can get one, and I can get hold on to it... to improve my life quality.
On the other hand, I have no control of a relationship with another human being.
My theory is simple: if I get more money, then I can spend more money on every thing,
such as on cloth, on drinks in the bars, giving free drinks to the boys i like in the bar,
invite the cute boys for dinner, and stuff.
Sounds like a plan,
but maybe love is not a plan
Sad, isn't it?
Not, love definitely isn't a plan, and planing for getting love, it never worked for me.
So... just live life... and if love happens ... it does, if it doesn't... I don't know...
I met a boy once back in a few months ago... actually it was my first month in Sydney.
Then I saw him once again, unexpected, at Town Hall station....
He didn't even recognize me at the very beginning...
He was talking to a girl,
I wasn't sure whether I should, or should not approach him
Just looking at him as I was watching something I have been longing for,
Till that girl left, then he turned around and seems remembered
Our conversation was short and cut off by the arrival of his train.
But I knew from that moment when I saw him, my heart was melt away.
I became speechless and my heart was fallen, kept falling....
I told him once again, how cute he was.
Tried to let myself easy and pushed him a bit, said let's catch up sometimes.
Then his train came, and my train came after a few minutes after his.
He left me with his smiles full and all over my mind.
It's just life. It sounds so similar to all the other of my experiences before.
But it just kept happening in the same way over and over again.
Same experiences, ...with variations.