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[language study] 大男子主义

发表于 23-10-2008 11:04:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 23-10-2008 22:00:15 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 23-10-2008 22:19:42 | 只看该作者

did a Baidu translation

编辑词条大男子主义 Editor term male chauvinism
目录 Contents
大男子主义的来历 Big man's origin
大男子主义的含义 The meaning of male chauvinism
大男子主义的表现 The performance of male chauvinism
大男子主义的产生原因 Big man's cause
大男子主义的危害 Against the male chauvinism
真正的大男子主义 The real machismo
真正的大男子主义的表现 The real big man's performance
对两种大男子主义的评价 Two of the male chauvinism of the evaluation
男人应该怎样做 Men should do
男人应该怎样做 Men should do

编辑本段 Edit this paragraph 大男子主义的来历 Big man's origin
大男子主义,是和我国几千年"男尊女卑"封建思想影响分不开的。 Big man, is in China for thousands of years and "men" can not be separated from the feudal influence. 男耕女织的普遍生活方式,造就了第一批大男子主义者:男人是家庭和社会的主体,在当时的生产力水平下,上帝赋给男人的力量是社会前进的充分必要条件。 Men and women weave the farming way of life in general, created the first batch of male chauvinism: a man is the main body of the family and society, then the level of productivity, God assigned to men the power of social progress is necessary and sufficient condition. 所以妻子无奈下必须遵从丈夫,就是所谓的“三从四德”。 So his wife under no choice but to obey the husband, is the so-called "three from the four virtues." 封建社会社会妇女没有什么社会地位,嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗,一切生杀大权都掌握在男人手中,"娶来的媳妇买来的马,任我骑来任我打",丈夫可以胡作非为,妻子却不能有半点恼怒。 Society of feudal society is no social status of women, married with chicken chicken, marry a dog as a dog, all matters are in the hands of men who "married to the daughter-in-law bought a horse, I can ride my office to play," her husband may Way while the wife does not have the slightest bit angry. 时至今日,这种现象虽然有了很大程度的改变,但在绝大多数男性当中,仍能看到这种烙印的痕迹。 Today, although the phenomenon has changed a lot, but the vast majority of among men, this can still see traces of the mark.
编辑本段 Edit this paragraph 大男子主义的含义 The meaning of male chauvinism
究竟什么是大男人主义? What is the male chauvinism? 无论是《现代汉语词典》还是《辞海》都没有给出明确的定义。 Whether it is "Modern Chinese Dictionary" or "Ci Hai" did not give a clear definition. 从民间语文的角度来看大男人主义者首先是不擅长与女性沟通的一个群体,中国男人在沟通方面能力相对较弱,而大男人主义者因其主观不努力而变得更弱。 From the language point of view of civil male chauvinism are not good at is the first woman to communicate with a group of men in China is relatively weak communication ability, and male chauvinism are subjective because of the absence of efforts to become weaker. 其次,这些男人还是以自我为中心的人,平时无论做什么根本不顾及他人的感受。 Secondly, these men or self-centered person, regardless of what is usually ignored and the feelings of others.
通常而言,所谓大男子主义,是一种理论和一种行为,认为男子应该优于女子并控制女子。 Generally speaking, the so-called big man, is a theory and an act that should be better than that of men and women to control women. 和“厌恶妻子者”不同,“大男子主义者”认为男人应该承担生活中的重要角色,妻子应该满足于她低于男人的地位。 And "disgusted wife", "machismo" that the men should shoulder an important role in the life of the wife that she should be satisfied with less than men.
编辑本段 Edit this paragraph 大男子主义的表现 The performance of male chauvinism
有大男子主义思想的男人,不管在家庭还是在社会上,他都歧视妻子的能力和地位,认为一切权力都掌握在男人手中,任何事情都是自己说了算,大小事儿都不让妻子知道和干预。 There are big men, the idea of a man, whether at home or in society, he and his wife's discrimination, that all power lies in the hands of men, no matter what they say is, things do not let the size of his wife Aware of and intervention. 不管事情的孰是孰非,自己说的就是对的,在任何时候,他都不能在妻子面前低下高昂的头。 No matter what the charge that he said is right, at any time, he can lower high in front of his wife in the head. 在对待妻子方面,基本上没有感情和心灵的沟通,一切随他所愿,稍不如意则横加痛斥,动则拳脚相见,从来不顾对方的感受。 In the treatment of his wife, virtually no communication between the spiritual and emotional, with all he wants, is a little rough denounced the arbitrary, is moving to meet fists, never disregard the feelings of each other. 在夫妻生活方面也是如此,想什么时候过性生活就什么时候,不管对方的身体状况如何,也不管对方有无兴趣,疾风暴雨过后,倒头便睡,对妻子来说,大有被强奸的感觉。 Husband and wife in the same is true of life, like when sex on when, no matter how each other's physical condition, and no matter whether the other party interested in high winds after the storm, they slept the end, his wife, a great sense of rape .
这种主义在家庭中的具体表现是: This is in the home is a concrete manifestation of:
一切大小事都由他说了算,妻子没有决定权、发言权,甚至是知情权; All things are the size of the final say his wife had no power to decide, say, or even the right to know;
他永远是对的,妻子永远是错的; He is always right and the wife is always wrong;
他不做家务、不照看孩子、不愿意陪老婆逛街; He no home, no child care, and his wife do not want to go shopping;
他在外面生气,受气,所受到的委屈全到妻子身上找补回来,妻子是他的出气筒; In his anger out, be bullied, by the wronged wife who Zhaobu to full-back, the punching bag of his wife;
他是主,妻子是仆,妻子应该包揽一切家务,他习惯坐享其成; He is the owner, his wife is a servant, and his wife should be taking home all that he used to stand;
在外面,他对妻子大呼小叫,来维护他的男人“尊严”,妻子只能忍气吞声; Outside, yell it out loud his wife, to defend his men's "dignity", his wife could do was to swallow;
他霸道地要求妻子对他好,自己却不付出; He handed his wife called to him, not to pay their own;
他自己有外遇,却不允许自己妻子与任何男人有正当来往,甚至妻子的吊带衫、迷你裙都只能在家穿给自己看。 He was having an affair, but his wife does not allow any men to and from a legitimate, and even the Non-wife, wearing a miniskirt at home only to see their own.
编辑本段 Edit this paragraph 大男子主义的产生原因 Big man's cause
一般来说,男人在社会上因本事太差、能力有限而难以立足、缺乏自信心,难以指挥别人、难以用自身的魅力赢得别人的尊重,只好回到家里对妻子颐指气使,寻找心理平衡。 In general, men in the community as a result of poor ability, capacity is limited and difficult footing, lack of self-confidence, difficult to command others, it is difficult to use their charm to win the respect of others, had no choice but to return to the dictates of his wife at home, look for psychological balance. 妻子之所以能忍受这种所谓的大男子主义,都是因为爱! His wife has been able to put up with this so-called big man, because love! 否则早就离之而去! Otherwise it away from long ago! 他们把妻子的爱,当作寻找心理平衡的工具,以获得满足感、优越感,以满足自己的控制欲、占有欲,于是产生了大男子主义。 They love his wife as a tool to find the psychological balance in order to obtain satisfaction, superiority in order to meet their wish to control, possessive, they have had male chauvinism.
编辑本段 Edit this paragraph 大男子主义的危害 Against the male chauvinism
大男子主义的危害是多方面的,轻的可造成家庭不和睦,子女有抵触情绪。 Machismo of a variety of hazards, the light can cause family disharmony, there is resistance children. 如果这种现象恶性膨胀,走向极端,常常是导致婚姻破裂的主要原因。 If this vicious expansion, go to the extreme, often leading to the main reason for the breakdown of the marriage. 一些情况下甚至导致犯罪。 Some cases even lead to crime.
编辑本段 Edit this paragraph 真正的大男子主义 The real machismo
真正的大男子主义,是一个男人在社会、单位、家庭始终处于举足轻重的地位,与妻子和睦相处、互相尊重,为妻子和孩子带来幸福和安全感。 The real big man, a man is a social unit, the family has always been a pivotal position, and his wife live in harmony, mutual respect, in order to bring his wife and child well-being and sense of security. 他的言行让人信服、让人敬佩,他对妻子的缺点晓之以理,动之以情,以求其改正。 His words and deeds of convincing people admire his wife Xiao shortcomings with reason and moving people with feelings, with a view to its correct.
编辑本段 Edit this paragraph 真正的大男子主义的表现 The real big man's performance
男人在社会、单位、家庭始终处于举足轻重的地位,尽管这个男人时常表示出他的霸道,但他能挑起生活的重担,为周围的人带来幸福和安全感;他一言九鼎,让人信服和敬佩,能得到妻子的赏识;他有一颗男人宽容慷慨的心,不会为了鸡毛蒜的小事妻子斤斤计较,把保护妻子和孩子作为己任,因此,能得到妻子的尊重。 Men in the social unit, the family has always been a pivotal position, even though the men often expressed his high-handed, but he can stir up the heavy burden of life for people around the well-being and bring a sense of security; he have kept their promises, people And admiration convinced, can be appreciated by his wife; he was a man of tolerance generous heart, not the garlic chicken feathers to his wife over trivial matters, the protection of mission for wives and children, so that they can get the respect of his wife.
这种主义在家庭中的具体表现是: This is in the home is a concrete manifestation of:
他认为照顾妻子和孩子是他的义务,妻子、孩子受冷受饿,受委屈是他的不对,他会感到难过; He believes that his wife and children to take care of his obligations to his wife and children affected by the cold hungry, he's been wronged is not, he will feel sorry;
他不让妻子为他担心,在外受了委屈一个人抗着; He let his wife worry about him, out of a person wronged by an anti;
他不主动挑起对妻子的战争,以理服人,他知道吵架解决不了问题,即使再生气,也不会动手打妻子; He did not take the initiative to provoke a war to his wife, reasoning that he knew a row can not solve the problem, even if angry, not beaten his wife;
在外面妻子要给他面子,在家可以不要面子; On the outside to give his wife face at home can not face;
所有的错误在家说,尽管他口头不服,但是心里会接受妻子的建议; All wrong at home, said that although he refused to accept the verbal, but thought his wife would accept the proposal;
对家庭的爱虽然不挂在嘴上,但是他会把妻子和孩子放在心里; The family's love is not hung on the lips, but his wife and children will be on the mind;
对妻子的生活他会提出建设性的意见,但不会强迫妻子; His wife's life that he would put forward constructive suggestions, but will not force his wife;
他宽宏大量,对妻子放心,相信妻子。 His generosity, his wife at ease, I believe his wife.
编辑本段 Edit this paragraph 对两种大男子主义的评价 Two of the male chauvinism of the evaluation
对于一个男人的大男子主义是与非,最有发言权的是女人! For a big man is a man with non-most women have a say in that! 同样是“大男子主义”,两种境界却相差甚远。 Similarly, a "big man", the two are very different realm. 女人所崇尚的“大男子主义”是一种温和的爱情管理方式,而不是一种居高临下的压迫与统治。 Woman hailed the "great man" is a gentle love management style, rather than a condescending and oppressive rule. 有一个女人回忆她和“霸道”丈夫的浪漫故事时,满脸充满了让人羡慕的甜蜜。 One woman recalled that she and the "hegemony" of the romantic story of a husband, his face full of people envious of the sweet. 很多年前,这个女人和丈夫都是穷学生。 Many years ago, the woman and her husband are poor students. 一次外出游玩回家途中,两人又累又饿,他便带着她到一家小吃店休息,两人各自点了自己喜欢吃的东西,可摸摸钱袋,却发现钱已经不多了。 Time to go out to play on the way home, the two tired and hungry, he took her to a snack break, the two points of their own to eat, can feel the purse, they found that money is running out. 这些钱本来可以买两份便宜却能充饥的馒头,但是他毫不犹豫地买了她喜欢吃的牛肉米粉,他知道南方人喜欢吃米粉,不爱面食。 The money would have been able to buy two cheap to eat the bread, but he did not hesitate to buy her love to eat beef noodles, he knew that southerners Chi Mifen like, not love pasta. 她建议他多买几个馒头充饥,但他语气非常坚定地说:“我决定了!”这个已为人母的女人回忆起那一刻,甜蜜地说:“那一刻,我被镇住了!我喜欢他当时的霸道。”接下来,她要跟她一起分享。 She suggested that he buy a few steamed bread to eat, but he is very firm tone: "I have decided!" Has been the mother of the woman recalled the moment, Sweet said: "At that moment, I was the Zhenzhu! I He was like the high-handed. "Next, she shared with her. 他说:“我不吃,我是买给你吃的,我喜欢看你吃的样子。”他把牛肉米粉端到她面前,拆开筷子,夹起几丝,轻吹一口送到她面前:“来,我喂你……小心烫!”那一刻仿佛世界上只有他们两个人。 He said: "I do not eat, I buy for you, and I like to watch what you eat." Ended his beef noodles in front of her, apart chopsticks, Gaqijisi, a light wind to the front of her : "I feed you ... be careful ... hot!" The moment the world as if they are only two people. 她彻底被她收服,这样霸气的男人,骨子里透露出的是一种安全感。 She thoroughly win the support she has been so aggressive men, revealing the essence of a sense of security. 原来,女人并不排斥男人所有的霸道。 It turned out that a woman does not exclude men of all high-handed.
那种炫耀自己在家里如何如何的男人,其实是十分可悲的小男子主义。 The kind of show off his home in the men do, in fact, it was very sad and small men. 他们把妻子的爱,当作寻找心理平衡的工具。 They love his wife as a search for psychological balance. 这简直是对爱的亵渎! It is a desecration of love! 这样的男人哪有一点“大”? How can such a man is "big"? 这是一种用爱乞讨心理优势的乞丐! This is a psychological advantage with love begging beggars! 可恶! Abominable! 可耻! Shameful! 可鄙! Despicable! 可悲! Sad!
编辑本段 Edit this paragraph 男人应该怎样做 Men should do
男人之所以是男人,是因为男人天生就有让他所爱的人幸福的义务。 The reason why men are men, because men are born there so that he loved the well-being of the obligation. 这种义务是需要爱才能实现的。 This obligation is the need of love can be achieved. 没有爱就不可能奉献,就无法实现男人天生的义务,所以并不是所有的男人天生就会做男人的。 It is impossible to not love, dedication, a man will not be able to achieve a natural-born duty, so not all men naturally do men. 男人还需要不断地修练自我,练出宽阔的胸怀、乐于奉献的品质,成为一个好男人。 Men also need to continue to practice self-training a broad-minded, willing to sacrifice quality to become a good man.
爱需要胸怀,需要容忍。 Love need to mind the need for tolerance. 能给所爱的人以撒娇任性的自由空间,甚至是一些无关原则的缺点错误。 Give loved ones in order to the fractious unruly free-space, and even some not related to the shortcomings of the principle of error. 爱的越深,这种容忍就越是能发自内心,成为内在的品质,一种爱的自然流露。 Love deeper, the more he is able to tolerate this from the heart, become a built-in quality, a kind of natural love. 没有这种容忍,就没有爱,就不配做一个优秀的男人! This is no tolerance, there will be no love, not equipped to do a good man!

本词条对我有帮助 I term this will help
参考资料: Reference:
1.百度搜索 1. Baidu search
相关词条: Related term:
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开放分类: Open:
主义 , 思想 , 男人 , 行为 , And thought, man, act

合作编辑者: Co-editor:
闪电高人 、 太3 、 huaner1944 、 sixisik Lightning expert, too 3, huaner1944, sixisik
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浏览次数:约 Views: About 4536次编辑次数: 7 Edit the number of times: 7
最近更新: 2008-08-05 Recently updated: 2008-08-05 22:21:13
创建者: sixisik Creator: sixisik

使用道具 举报

发表于 23-10-2008 22:24:50 | 只看该作者
didn't know this phrase could mean soooo much in Chinese as it is in English...

使用道具 举报

发表于 24-10-2008 18:20:10 | 只看该作者
male chauvinism
男子至上主义, 大男子主义

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 24-10-2008 23:21:08 | 只看该作者

回复 #3 127 的帖子

very true!thanx!

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 24-10-2008 23:21:35 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 10-7-2009 00:53:26 | 只看该作者
male domination

使用道具 举报

发表于 13-7-2009 14:04:46 | 只看该作者
i got it from Lingoes, but don't know how to pronounce it...

使用道具 举报

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