我没有走公司正规的出差流程,我向老板要求回京办公的理由是家里没人看孩子了,我的evidence只有机票和老板的email,批准我work from home in Beijing以及具体时间段,没写任何理由,我返中国的机票都是自己负担的,公司没负担我任何差旅费用,也没给我任何补助(allowance ),准备通过“D2-Work related travel expenses”做抵税。
“Tax return treatment - Where a travel or overtime meal allowance which does not exceed the reasonable amounts is not shown on the payment summary, and it has been fully spent on deductible expenses, neither the allowances nor the expenses need be shown on the employee's tax return. If an amount less than the allowance has been spent, the income tax return must include the allowance and the expense claimed. Whenever a claim is made for overtime meal or travel allowance expenses the allowance must also be included in the tax return. ”