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[News] Key senator won't swallow alcopop tax

发表于 25-6-2008 10:08:27 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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FAMILY First senator Steve Fielding has hardened his opposition to the alcopop tax, saying the Government is hiding behind a "tax grab".

The Government must look at non-tax policies to rein in binge drinking, he said.

A Labor dominated Senate inquiry into ready-to-drink (RTD) beverages yesterday released recommendations supporting the 70 per cent alcopop tax hike, which came into effect on April 27 this year via regulation.

The Government must have supporting legislation passed by April next year for the $3.1bn rise to stand.

It will need to secure the support of Senator Fielding, all five Greens senators and incoming Senator Xenophon.

"You can't just hide behind a billion dollar tax grab,'' Senator Fielding said ABC Radio.

"Family First has thought that the best way of tackling binge drinking and creating a culture of responsible drinking is to put a range of non-tax measures in place.

"Things like putting health warning labels on alcohol products, things like closing the crazy loophole that allows alcohol ads to appear on television anytime of the day.''

Blatantly putting up taxes by 70 per cent on one category without looking at other issues or looking at the tax across the board did not make sense, Senator Fielding said.

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