
楼主 |
发表于 23-6-2008 11:01:46
hehe thanks everyone.
I found that one of my weakness in english is pronunciation.hehe.Each time I said english, baby told me that I was wrong or she didn't understand what I was saying.......
I know possibly it's because I'm not familiar with phonetic symbol and don't know how to guess a pronunciation.
For exp. A shop named "JB Hi Fi", I think you guys should know it because it's a very famous electricity shop brand in OZ. You know how I say "Hi Fi"? I say "hai fei" or "hai fi" (I use PinYin, you guys may understand, don't u? ) But the real pronunciation is "hai fai"...... WHY I SAY "Fi" as "Fei" or "Fi" ??? I don't know..... I just know at the glance of it, I say it with wrong pronunciation..... poor..... If baby didn't hear me and make me correction, I would say the wrong name again next time.....
It's my bad language sense......
The other problem is listening...... when see english TV without title(Zi Mu, is the word correct?) then I don't understand..... if I know the TV program content (I mean I know each sentence the player says) and see it again, then I could understand most of contents.... sigh....
How can I know the content at the first time without title? hehe..... long time... I know..... |