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[language study] 雅思<6的进。。。(To whom with ielts score<6)

发表于 20-6-2008 11:03:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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To whom with ielts score is 5.5 or below:

May I share my idea with you guys please? Is my idea the same as you?
Our english level is lower than others, of course. So here would be a problem for me. It is:
I found most of posts in this space are difficult and quite long... which means I have to check dictionary usually and maybe lose my confidence when I'm reading hard posts...
Also, sometimes I don't post long post because I have no resource/topic and I'm shy when I show my poor english to public ppl.  And further more, most of time, I don't know I made mistake...

Do you guys have the same problem(s)? If so, shall we share with each other? How to solve it/them?

Hope my post becomes a focal one LOL.

And let's show our poor english in may post. LOL

To BZ: Is there any mistake in this post? Please mark them. Thanks a lot. LOL


参与人数 2威望 +40 收起 理由
vivi0905 + 30 加油!跟帖慢慢回答你。。。
喜鹊 + 10 有些同意



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发表于 20-6-2008 16:05:06 | 只看该作者



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发表于 20-6-2008 16:05:47 | 只看该作者
my ielts score is A 5.5 too

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发表于 20-6-2008 17:29:22 | 只看该作者
Yes,  as an  English learner ,  i suggest  to shorten  these posts aim to  spark learner's intrerest, but as possible as you can.   also, more  eye-catching story Maybe  we like it most.

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发表于 20-6-2008 18:07:20 | 只看该作者
My IELTS result is Band 5  in Sep.2005, and the score of speaking is  4 only.

But after I have been to Melbourne, I listen more and speak more as well. my australian boyfriend always praise me for my english , but I don't think my english is good.

Anyway, " more practice, more perfectly"

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发表于 20-6-2008 19:12:29 | 只看该作者
原帖由 Rondy 于 20-6-2008 15:07 发表
My IELTS result is Band 5  in Sep.2005, and the score of speaking is  4 only.

But after I have been to Melbourne, I listen more and speak more as well. my australian boyfriend always praise me for  ...


Miss Rondy is really a hard-work and genuine lady.

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发表于 20-6-2008 22:53:00 | 只看该作者

回复 #1 qian403 的帖子

  Yes, frankly speaking, I also think that some posts here are too long and a little  difficult.

Plz don't be shy or shamed to read and write/speak, because there won't be any unfriendly critics

I will try to share some interesting and short posts with u all, and hope that everyone can keep practices here as well as get fun here

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 楼主| 发表于 23-6-2008 11:01:46 | 只看该作者
hehe thanks everyone.

I found that one of my weakness in english is pronunciation.hehe.Each time I said english, baby told me that I was wrong or she didn't understand what I was saying.......
I know possibly it's because I'm not familiar with phonetic symbol and don't know how to guess a pronunciation.
For exp. A shop named "JB Hi Fi", I think you guys should know it because it's a very famous electricity shop brand in OZ.  You know how I say "Hi Fi"? I say "hai fei" or "hai fi" (I use PinYin, you guys may understand, don't u? ) But the real pronunciation is "hai fai"...... WHY I SAY "Fi" as "Fei" or "Fi" ??? I don't know..... I just know at the glance of it, I say it with wrong pronunciation..... poor..... If baby didn't hear me and make me correction, I would say the wrong name again next time.....
It's my bad language sense......

The other problem is listening...... when see english TV without title(Zi Mu,  is the word correct?)  then I don't understand.....  if I know the TV program content (I mean I know each sentence the player says) and see it again, then I could understand most of contents....  sigh....
How can I know the content at the first time without title? hehe..... long time... I know.....


参与人数 1威望 +10 收起 理由
ritaclin + 10 luckily u have an expert to correct u:)



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发表于 24-6-2008 23:40:34 | 只看该作者
I have the same problem. English always let me feel depressed. I don't know how to express my ideas sometimes.

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