回复 #728 halenzh 的帖子
下面是auto-reply email from LCU.
Please note: This is an automated response. There is no need to reply
this email.
Dear Sir/Madam,
For your general information;
In most cases the LCU will take action on your email within 10 working
days of receipt, as long as you have provided us with all the
we need to address your questions.
If your enquiry does not contain all the information required we may
request further information from you and you may not receive a response
within 10 working days.
Please note that if you are not the applicant or an authorised contact
declared on the visa application forms, then the LCU cannot release any
information to you.
If you are enquiring about the progress of a visa application, then you
should contact your DIAC case officer. LCU officers do not make
on visa applications. Decision-making responsibility remains with DIAC
case officers.
The LCU contracts receipt of mail to Outsource Australia (OSA). They
all health documentation and deliver it to the LCU generally within 1
working day.
The LCU then attempts to process these cases within 20 working days of
providing them to the LCU (excluding weekends and public holidays).
The case officer handling your visa application should be the first
of contact for all inquiries. The LCU can only help you with complex
enquiries in relation to your health assessment. Before contacting the
please check with your case officer as they might already have the
information you require.
When inquiring about your medical results, it is essential that you
provide the following information:
1. Name of Applicant
2. Date of Birth
3. Passport number
2. Visa Applied For
3. Date Medicals Dispatched
4. Method of Dispatch (Courier/Standard)
5. If sent by Courier, then include:
- courier company name
- tracking number
- receipt date
- name of person who signed for the package on receipt
- NB: if you have not checked with the courier company please do so
before contacting LCU
Then please contact the DIAC case officer to check the status of the
results before you contact the LCU. The results may already be with the
case officer.
If you are enquiring about the receipt of health results in the LCU
were sent via courier, please contact the courier company before
LCU. You will need the courier company's tracking number. They can
you whether your documents have been delivered yet.
If you are enquiring about the receipt of health results in the LCU
were sent via standard mail then you will need to allow up to 4 weeks
delivery from the date they were sent. This may vary depending on the
delivery standards in the country the documents were sent from.
The following Visa subclasses are processed by the LCU. If the subclass
your visa is not here, you should contact your DIAC case officer for
further information. The LCU has no access to health processing
for other visa subclasses.
· 103 Parent Migrant visa
· 119 Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme
· 120 Labour Agreement
· 121 Employer Nomination
· 124 Distinguished Talent Visa
· 132 Business Talent
· 134 - 139 and 495 General Skilled Migration. The LCU also
health results for non-migrating family member of the applicants for
Gradute Skilled (Residence) visa (ie. Onshore visa classes 880, 881 and
· 143 Contributory Parent Migrant visa
· 151 Former Resident Visa
· 160-165 Business/Investors/Executive Migration Visa
· 173 Contributory Parent Temporary Visa
· 405 Investor Retirement Visa
· 416 Special Program
· 420 Entertainment Visa
· 422 Medical Practitioner Visa
· 457 Business Long Stay Visa
· e457 Electronic Business Long Stay Visa
· 459 Sponsored Business Long Stay Visa
· 470 Professional Development Visa
· 471 â |