1、As a walker, I am not really worried about cyclists.
2、屡见不鲜,司空见惯, common occurrence 常事,平常事,普遍现象,家常便饭,稀松平常
But being jumped at and charged at by dogs on public walking/cycling paths is a common occurrence.
3、‘Off lead don't mean out of control' is acceptable.
4、He is 12 month-old bulldog, very friendly.
5、Our new addition to the family, saved from the pound.
key words:
jump at 猛扑/跳跃/突然袭击
charge at 冲/冲锋/攻击/收费/猛攻/向…方向冲去
acceptable 可接受的,差强人意的,还可以的,尚可的
an addition to the family 新成员,新添成员,家中新添的一员
pound 流浪猫狗的收留所, 待领场/违章停放车辆的扣留场 |