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发表于 13-12-2018 00:29:29
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 13-12-2018 14:49 编辑
The Emperor, 1804-1812 (35-43yo)
- after 1805, Napoleon came to believe that he could make all of Europe into a Consular France writ large, with the sort of unity unseen since the days of Rome. He remarked 'we need a European law code, a European supreme court, a single currency, the same weights and measures, the same laws; I must make all the peoples of Europe into a single people, and Paris, the capital of the world.
- ... so, ... are now just family estates of the Buonapartes; imperial expansion
- the empire's growth far outpaced its capacity to extend its administration, integrate new territories, and absorb new subjects, 'brutal coloniers'
Downfall, 1812-1815 (43-46yo)
- when he .. into Russian territory in 1812, he brought along some potentially disturbing reading: Voltaire's History of Charles XII.
- he put a brave face, saying 'Gentlemen, remember the words of a Roman emperor ..' ; Genghis Khan
- in 1813, 'A man like me, does not give a shit about the lives of a million men'
- In France , the tightly controlled press; few knew about the losses in Russia
- the reasons for his failure: chance, personality, the nature of the war; the monarchs of Britian, Russia, and Prussia didn't recognize his legitimate sovereign
- he tried to kill himself by taking poison
- Bourbon Restoration lack of understanding of changes: far too much had changed since 1789, the introduction of civic equality, the large-scale transfer of land from the Church and noble emigres, in large part, to the peasantry; Louis XVIII believed, he was the chosen of God, and rather than accepting the constitution FROM the people, he GRANTed to them
Epilogue: 1815-the Present
- since 1815, last 6 yrs of his life on St Helena until 1821, probably with the stomach cancer (suspected poison), died at the age of 51.
- his passion and glory as an inspiration for soldiers, generals, Americas/Latin American countries; influnece on Germany n Italy; in France, the laws and institutions he created still largely stand
- Marxist school put more emphasis on the 'bourgeois revolution' of 1789
- What a novel his life was!
Futher Reading
- in the academic world, he is not even a cottage industry - he is heavy industry
- biographies: two of the best Alan Forrest's Napoleon (London: Quercus, 2011); Napoleon: Soldier of Destiny by Michael Broer (London, 2014)
- focus on political aspect
- the most comprehensive scholarly biography of his ...
- Primary Sources
- Introduction: best of all: Colin Jones, The Great Nation: France from Louis XV to Napoleon (London: Allen Lane, 2002)