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[News] Let's talk about Kavanaugh and modern feminism

发表于 7-10-2018 09:46:02 | 只看该作者
yping88 发表于 7-10-2018 09:12
Breaking News:

Kavanaugh has been confirmed to make a judge in Supreme Court by the vote 50:48,  ...

a narrow win but he won; it's also a Trump's win

sounds like a joke in the politics of the United States (an allegation between a 15 & a 17 back 30?40? years ago, was so publicised)

I'm interested to see how it goes from here.


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 楼主| 发表于 7-10-2018 09:58:19 | 只看该作者

US needs to steer more conservative. So does OZ. The whole West has been too left. Time to turn the table around.

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发表于 7-10-2018 09:58:31 | 只看该作者
yearshappy 发表于 7-10-2018 09:46
a narrow win but he won; it's also a Trump's win

sounds like a joke  in the politics of the ...

Exactly, this pushes Australia's politics off the first chair as the butt of all jokes, doesn't it!

I, too, am a very keen witness and get ready to be cracked up on what's to come in US' politics!

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发表于 7-10-2018 10:09:33 | 只看该作者
According to federal statute, the Court normally consists of the Chief Justice of the United States and eight associate justices who are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. Once appointed, justices have lifetime tenure unless they resign, retire, or are removed from office.[4] Each justice has a single vote in deciding the cases argued before it; the chief justice's vote counts no more than that of any other justice. However, the Chief Justice—when in the majority—decides who writes the court's opinion. Otherwise, the senior justice in the majority assigns the writing of a decision. In modern discourse, the justices are often categorized as having conservative, moderate, or liberal philosophies of law and of judicial interpretation. While a far greater number of cases in recent history have been decided unanimously, decisions in cases of the highest profile have often come down to just one single vote, thereby exposing the justices' ideological beliefs that track with those philosophical or political categories. The Court meets in the Supreme Court Building in Washington, D.C. Its law-enforcement arm, the United States Marshals Service, is under the oversight of the U.S. Department of Justice.


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发表于 7-10-2018 10:30:11 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yping88 于 7-10-2018 10:33 编辑

Current members of Justice in Supreme Court & their Political party                       

Chief Justice:

John Roberts,               Republican

Associate Justices

Clarence Thomas,         Republican

Ruth Bader Ginsburg,   Democrats

Stephen Breyer,           Democrats

Samuel Alito,               Republican

Sonia Sotomayor,       Democrats

Elena Kagan,               Democrats

Neil Gorsuch,               Republican

Brett Kavanaugh,        Republican

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 楼主| 发表于 7-10-2018 10:39:32 | 只看该作者
yping88 发表于 7-10-2018 09:58
Exactly, this pushes Australia's politics off the first chair as the butt of all jokes, doesn't it ...

Relax dear. Only crack up to laugh.

All these are just staged shows. Brexit was the very first sign but clearly indicated which direction the Anglo-Saxon countries would be steered to. The script was written by the real bosses and all the rest of the people are either part of the show including all the politicians or just audience like us.

There are only left and right among ordinary people. The top politicians are neither left or right. They still have their political stance and beliefs but what they're playing is just their roles assigned by the true bosses based somhow on their stances and characters (人设), but also on their acting capabilities.

Their job is to create concepts, ideologies, to manipulate people's mind and divide them, let them fight each other. Sometimes they need to promote far left ideology to fulfill that purpose but they still need to maintain a basic balance to prevent the whole system to fall apart. If it's too left then it needs to be turned around. That's all what it is about. What saddens me is so many people are just so easy to be manipulated and help the elites to create the division they want, especially the far left ones.

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发表于 7-10-2018 16:18:02 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yping88 于 7-10-2018 17:07 编辑
牧马人 发表于 7-10-2018 10:39
Relax dear. Only crack up to laugh.

All these are just staged shows. Brexit was the very first  ...

Agreed that every political system needs balance, unfortunately, not all of them are doing it very well!

However, I respectfully disagree what you said how people can get manipulated by certain ideology. In my perspective, people under democratic regime come together and get connected over the same or similar ideology and philosophy. United by the common goals, they launch campaigns, organize meet-ups, gather around in the conferences to share what they stand up for, to create propaganda making their ideology heard. Whatever you believe in, you choose to get behind the group (Left or right) who help you achieve your political ideology and ambitions, who make you feel sense of belonging!

In this modern era, freedom of speech, freedom of press have evolved to its finest scale. Everyone can seek information by exhausting all kinds of media avenues or even friends. Nobody is blindfolded or given access to only one side of the information. Nobody is a no-brainer and gets pushed around mentally by anybody or any organization, unless they believe what that organization is pushing forward and reaching at, and they will choose voluntarily to join that particular group and make that ideology and philosophy their own.

Therefore, I contest your opinion on how people can get manipulated and become anybody's followers against their will or being fooled or tricked!  

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 楼主| 发表于 7-10-2018 18:09:16 | 只看该作者
yping88 发表于 7-10-2018 16:18
Agreed that every political system needs balance, unfortunately, not all of them are doing it ve ...

I respect your faith in democracy. I wish it's that ideal but it's not. of course you can manipulate people's mind if you control the media and education. Maybe you also have faith in free media sort of concept? Doesn't exist as well. In authoritarian countries media is run by the government. In democratic countries media is run by centralized corporates.  Look a bit different on the outside but essentially they are all run by the power so they all serve the agenda of different powers. Corporates are not charity. They still have to obey the law but within the tolerance of law there is no moral obligation to prevent them to manipulate people's mind to suit their agenda. Same deal for the education system.

Why are most of the main stream media and the public education system in the West all left oriented in the past decade? The elites wanted it this way. Simple as that. And it was within these years we have had the most leftard activists, protesters and crowds in history. The majority of them happen to be the school kids and young folks. Why? Because they have experienced much in making a living; they have little idea how to raise a family and educate kids. All their resource of information for them are just media and education.

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发表于 9-10-2018 09:54:22 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yping88 于 9-10-2018 09:55 编辑

Wow, what a terrified, media -manipulated world!

Lucky me that I don't read, listen or watch TV much, therefore, I can sleep well at night with only simple thoughts.

Seriously, bro! Can you sleep well at night?

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 楼主| 发表于 9-10-2018 11:56:48 | 只看该作者
yping88 发表于 9-10-2018 09:54
Wow, what a terrified, media -manipulated world!

Lucky me that I don't read, listen or watch TV  ...

Busy day. Will come back tonight. Please fasten your seat belt, Ma'am.

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发表于 9-10-2018 17:42:34 | 只看该作者
牧马人 发表于 9-10-2018 11:56
Busy day. Will come back tonight. Please fasten your seat belt, Ma'am.

"Fasten your seat belt"

Well, I did like always. But, this little fella laughed it off at this traffic regulation!

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 楼主| 发表于 9-10-2018 19:42:04 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 牧马人 于 9-10-2018 19:44 编辑
yping88 发表于 9-10-2018 09:54
Wow, what a terrified, media -manipulated world!

Lucky me that I don't read, listen or watch TV  ...

Don't worry about me, dear. I'm at least suspicious enough to see through most of the games so they can hardly have me. But as a pack of bloody con men they have been really successful haven't they? Otherwise why do so many people buy their '1/3 women have been sexually assaulted' sort of horseshit?

It's their fear mongering game. I'm not terrified at all. But if you buy their narrative you will be. Why not? As a woman living in Australia you have 30% chance to be sexually assaulted. Doesn't that scare the shit out of people? Of course it does if it's true. That's just the first step. After you buy that narrative whatever they sell furthermore you will probably take it. You will feel unsafe. You will believe there are too many sex predators out there looking for their prey. You will kind of agree men are despicable pigs otherwise how on earth can they sexually assault women to such a scale. You will feel you must stand up and do something, something noble to protect women's rights. You will join the protest to yell to scream as loud as you can 'Don't harass!' 'Don't rape!' thinking that can make some change. Then congratulations! Here we have a new modern 'feminist'. Pretty simple stuff. I've just written down the SOP(standard operation procedure) for how a feminist is manufactured.

See the problem here? You don't have to get immersed in their propaganda all the time. You buy one bait you are on the hook to be reeled in. It's really not a pleasure to see so many people so easy to fall in. You mentioned common sense but it's the common sense that failed here. 1/3 of women got sexually assaulted? That would officially make Australia as a shithole as a war torn country like Syria or a completely fuckedup country like SA. Even China is way better  than that. It's not common sense Ma'am. It's an insult to common sense yet so many people buy that w/o any critical thinking or reality check.

This is just one of the so many agenda driven narratives, but clearly the most powerful one. Others like men privilege, pay gap, my body my choice, over-weighted women are beautiful, believe women,,... you name it. We can't have enough horseshit.

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 楼主| 发表于 9-10-2018 20:30:09 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 牧马人 于 9-10-2018 21:43 编辑
yping88 发表于 9-10-2018 09:54
Wow, what a terrified, media -manipulated world!

Lucky me that I don't read, listen or watch TV  ...

The problem I have with modern feminism is it has caused damage to the society, big time! There is some positive like #Metoo drawing attention to the sexual assault problem. But the basic narrative it's based on is a lie that made this movement into a Don Quijote mission, fighting illusionary enemies.

The negative is huge. It's destroying the traditional values for relationship and marriage wholesale. It has pushed liberty to the extreme and the balance between personal liberty and personal accountability is already broken. People have given up relationship, given up marriage, given up raising children, all in the  name of liberty. And what has the fear mongering narratives done? Did #Metoo really make progress of preventing sexual offence? Not very sure given that at the end of the day it's still police officers to tackle the offenders. But is has definitely done a great job in fostering men loathing which makes women more likely to give up relationship.

Some may say 'I'm a independent self sufficient woman. I don't need to give a fuck to relationship.' On the micro level it's absolutely fine. There are women like this though very rare. But on the macro level if too many women are turned this way then it's completely a fuckup. Relationship is good, especially the serious ones, for both men and women. So many women are poisoned by the men loathing, self-victimized sentiment and lead a bitter, miserable, unfulfilled life but they just can't get out. They still desire relationship that's why they keep complaining men are pigs. Well they are somehow correct. There are more and more men like pigs. But who to blame? Just men? Accountability is the key to make relationships work. It's the modern feminism has gone to extreme to undermine personal accountability. If taking that out of men of course they will behave like pigs and so do women!

To a lot of feminists, have you really been accountable for your relationship for your choice of life? The answer is no. Take a look at the so called pro-choice movement. Terminating the lives of their own flesh and blood in the name of liberty. Let the innocent life to bear the consequences of irresponsible pleasure abusing, by death. And they still call that progressive. WTF! If one doesn't even cherish her own flesh and blood, an innocent life, who is gonna cherish her?

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发表于 10-10-2018 21:44:39 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yping88 于 10-10-2018 22:36 编辑
牧马人 发表于 9-10-2018 19:42
Don't worry about me, dear. I'm at least suspicious enough to see through most of the games so t ...

Well, I am still half-asleep, half-awake after a few night shifts, will get back to you later.

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发表于 11-10-2018 16:52:39 | 只看该作者
牧马人 发表于 9-10-2018 19:42
Don't worry about me, dear. I'm at least suspicious enough to see through most of the games so t ...

1 in 5 women have experienced sexual violence since the age of 15.

Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2017). Personal Safety Survey 2016. ABS cat. no. 4906.0. Canberra: ABS. Retrieved from: http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/mf/4906.0

Read the texts carefully, man, and do your math correctly! Heeeheee

Guess you got offended as a decent man by the daunting numbers you have crunched!


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发表于 11-10-2018 17:07:50 | 只看该作者
牧马人 发表于 9-10-2018 19:42
Don't worry about me, dear. I'm at least suspicious enough to see through most of the games so t ...

But, still 20% is a unbearable number for women of any generation to get up and do something about!

Again, you would say that the modern feminists are just the pushovers by the government-run organization's statistics, they don't go through the critical thinking process and try to make sense out of the data presented to them before deciding to support the #MeToo movement and push on this campaign!

Well, you have the freedom to hold onto your belief, bro!


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发表于 11-10-2018 17:31:19 | 只看该作者
This is just one of the so many agenda driven narratives, but clearly the most powerful one. Others like men privilege, pay gap, my body my choice, over-weighted women are beautiful, believe women,,... you name it. We can't have enough horseshit.

Without relying on any statistics, I am afraid that I don't have any issues for these agenda at all! Australia's national value is FAIR WORK, FAIR GO! Women's commitment and contribution to the society or any companies should be appreciated and valued as much as their male counterparts' if they are held the same accountability in their position. Therefore, any modern and democratic society will have to be obliged to see to it that women will not have to fight for their equality right, fight against men privilege and pay gap at all.

As for MY BODY, MY CHOICE, exactly right! What a woman would like to do to their body is totally up to them. Other than a social being, they are their own personal being as well. Anyone should be allowed to take care of themselves first, and the society comes the second! This rule applies to men all the same!

OVER-WEIGHTED WOMEN ARE BEAUTIFUL, never heard this slogan in any agenda. But, OVER-WEIGHTED WOMEN ARE BEAUTIFUL TOO would talk to me in a meaningful level. YES, those who got bullied, sneered at, looked down on or marginalized just because their nontraditional body weight decided to stand up for themselves, telling both men and women, WE ARE JUST BEAUTIFUL THE WE ARE! This doesn't belong to any feminist movement, that's groups of marginalized over-weighted women fighting for the social unjustice and discrimination imposed upon them simply due to their body weight, asserting their self-esteem and social belongings lost not through the fault of their own.

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发表于 11-10-2018 17:53:35 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yping88 于 11-10-2018 17:54 编辑
牧马人 发表于 9-10-2018 20:30
The problem I have with modern feminism is it has caused damage to the society, big time! There  ...

Regarding the relationship and marriage, it always takes two either to sustain and protect it or break and destroy it! I don't think anyone would walk out of a prosperous and mutually-committed relationship or marriage just because certain campaigns encourage them to!

Here, I am not gonna attack men or women as a whole, because it's not acceptable for me to negatively generalize millions of women and men, who make their due commitment and uphold their oath to their marriage and relationship just because the minority in both genders haven't treated theirs with dignity and grace.

If #MeToo campaign has already impacted (positively or negatively) the society to a scale that you fear of, and it still does nothing to reduce the sexual misconducts against women in any way, what are you gonna label men?

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 楼主| 发表于 11-10-2018 17:58:47 | 只看该作者
yping88 发表于 11-10-2018 16:52
1 in 5 women have experienced sexual violence since the age of 15.

Australian Bureau of Statist ...

I've read it ma'am. At the end of the day a survey is just a bloody survey. The question can be designed to be vague. The answer can be guided subjective. Not to mention you can cherry pick your sample to get any results you want. But if you choose to believe it no matter it represents a scenario 20 times more severe as what the stats show by the police department. Fine by me. It's your rights to do so.


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
yping88 + 50 谢谢分享!



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 楼主| 发表于 11-10-2018 18:12:36 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 牧马人 于 11-10-2018 18:54 编辑
yping88 发表于 11-10-2018 17:31
This is just one of the so many agenda driven narratives, but clearly the most powerful one. Others  ...

Well, if one wants to cut her hair, punch a hole on her nose, get a tattoo then fine coz it is indeed her body. But a baby get a separate DNA. It's another individual life. Another life happens to be in a woman's body is NOT part of her body.

But I know we're not getting anywhere on this. Modern feminism is all about cherry picking. Anything that favors the 'feminists' they will keep it but even their own standard turns against them they can still use double standard to get around it. If a baby is a part of your body they why the heck people need to give seats to you on bus? I can guarantee they are not that feminist when it comes to this. In most of countries that still have death penalty pregnant women are exempt. If it's still just part of her body why can execute her? It's just one life.

Anyway I never get blood on my hands, never will and never will approve people doing so. If anybody else wants to kill or approves killing then it's their choice. I can't respect it and can do nothing about given the law is twisted so much. But I won't be the one who gets hurt. They will get what they deserve, in both micro level and macro level.

And for the over weighted women or men, you can believe how ever beautiful you are and it's your business. But at the end of the day you also get what you deserve, no matter how you feel, in relationship in life and in health.

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发表于 11-10-2018 21:13:18 | 只看该作者
牧马人 发表于 11-10-2018 18:12
Well, if one wants to cut her hair, punch a hole on her nose, get a tattoo then fine coz it is i ...

You know what, bro!

I don't think I should talk about any woman's choice about abortion unless I step into their shoes!

Judging or defending them, either way, I can't start a conversation without comprehending what circumstances they found themselves in. Therefore, talking about anyone's decision to keep or terminate a pregnancy (Which should be between a husband and wife) as an outsider, has already boiled down to further degrading a woman who couldn't keep her baby for whatever reason!

Then, I take a strong stance not to go there!

However, I agree with you that all lives matter and should be respected. However, I also believe that this respect should be extended to the pregnant women who make the informed call to terminate the pregnancy for whatever reasons.  

Here, I think I need to remind you of a fact that many women do sacrifice their own lives to bring a human being into this world!


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 50 我很赞同!



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 楼主| 发表于 11-10-2018 22:27:48 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 牧马人 于 11-10-2018 22:31 编辑
yping88 发表于 11-10-2018 21:13
You know what, bro!

I don't think I should talk about any woman's choice about abortion unless ...

I don't need to step in to the shoes of either slave owners or slaves to say slavery is immoral neither do you. Why do we have to step into someone's shoes to judge whether terminating innocent lives is right or wrong? Oh, killing her own baby must be so difficult for a woman, poor girl. Oh, Ma'am The majority of murderers did not kill for joy and it was a bloody tough decision for them and it degrade them too. So we are suppose to feel sympathetic for them?

it's not that difficult for one to be against slavery, especially when slaves might rise up, when their roar is heard by everybody and their force becomes fierce. It would be dangerous to be for slavery. It's not difficult for one to be against murder because anybody can be subject to murder including oneself.

But speaking for the unborn is very different. Taking sides with the angry modern feminists is not only safe but also can be somehow empowered. While speaking for the absolutely powerless, voiceless lives will give you nothing. But that's where to people's conscience to the real test. I'm sorry to see that many people just failed this test by choosing saving some inconvenience for some selfish women over LIVES.

And what's the logic in the last bit? Because some women are heroes so I have to approve other women who are scumbags?


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 50 谢谢分享!



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 楼主| 发表于 11-10-2018 22:38:07 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 牧马人 于 11-10-2018 22:45 编辑
yping88 发表于 11-10-2018 17:53
Regarding the relationship and marriage, it always takes two either to sustain and protect it or ...

If #MeToo campaign has already impacted (positively or negatively) the society to a scale that you fear of, and it still does nothing to reduce the sexual misconducts against women in any way, what are you gonna label men?

Is this a valid question? Why do you still take assumption that the focus of #MeToo is on genuine issues? If the issues it's addressing are lies, as a matter of fact they are, rape culture is a lie and 20% or 30% having been sexually assaulted is also a lie, then of course it will do little. Do you really think a few angry birds can scare off rapists? Come on. Rapists are only afraid of cops and guns. So I can guarantee you dear, at least in the US the right wing chicks are a lot safer.

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发表于 12-10-2018 07:39:48 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yping88 于 12-10-2018 08:15 编辑

Ok, my dear friend. Guess it is hardly possible for us to reach an agreement on these issues right now. But, I acknowledge how you feel about them and I treasure your perspective on how valuable the lives are!

Maybe one day, I will come around and totally share your believe, but right now, I am not sure that our debate could reach the same destany. So rather than to upset you further and provoke you to drop off more F bombs, I see fit that we both sit on this debate at this stage.

And, there is a good reason for you to rest assured that Kavanaugh is sitting in the US supreme court now and he will sure rule those issues in your favor!

One thing for sure that I have learned massive from you and I really have enjoyed our arguments/discussion.

Now, let's attend the other topics launched but neglected for days!


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 50 你太有才了!



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 楼主| 发表于 13-10-2018 12:20:50 | 只看该作者
yping88 发表于 12-10-2018 07:39
Ok, my dear friend. Guess it is hardly possible for us to reach an agreement on these issues right n ...

It was absolutely a pleasure having this argument with you. And glad to see it made you think, I believe. That's all what it's about.

Though last week turned out a good one for Kavanaugh I find it hard to rest. The abortion probably won't go much further in the US. But what about oz? Tens of thousand innocent lives get terminated each year in oz, more than the gun violence casualty in the US which many left wingers got pretty upset about but they seem totally cool with the lives killed in abortion and whose bodies were disposed as medical wastes.

They don't have a voice. Then I'll make a voice for them today. This is the least I can do. Heading to Melbourne city now. # MarchForTheBabies


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
yping88 + 50 很给力!



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发表于 13-10-2018 12:52:51 | 只看该作者
牧马人 发表于 13-10-2018 12:20
It was absolutely a pleasure having this argument with you. And glad to see it made you think, I b ...

Good on you, to stand up for what you believe in!

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发表于 13-10-2018 13:00:51 | 只看该作者
牧马人 发表于 13-10-2018 12:20
It was absolutely a pleasure having this argument with you. And glad to see it made you think, I b ...

I understand that you feel the pain to look at those STATISTICS and make this pain personal. Kudos to you on taking actions on it and speaking up for those who are voiceless!

But, I am not trying to make little of your pain here, but TENS OF THOUSANDS? Unbelievable and daunting, isn't it?

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 楼主| 发表于 13-10-2018 14:30:47 | 只看该作者
yping88 发表于 13-10-2018 13:00
I understand that you feel the pain to look at those STATISTICS and make this pain personal. Kudos ...


It's real. The number of abortion is not something people can rig.

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