ACS评估结果出来了,却被扣减了4年,得不到原计划的8+工作经验15分的加分了,申请261111 ICT business analyst就没有65分了,5555555555555, 请大家帮忙分析指点下,看还有机会申请review只扣2年吗?
本人本科计算机学与技术,研究生计算机应用,工作职位也是business analyst,照理说应该跟提名职位高度相关啊,怎么就扣减了4年了呢?这是怎么评估的啊?可以申请review吗? 如果review又提供什么材料呢?
另外261112 system analyst的职位描述需求感觉跟261111都几乎一样啊, 我能再用原来的材料申请这个吗?
Your skills have been assessed to be suitable for migration under 261111 (ICT Business Analyst) of theANZSCO Code.
Your qualifications have been assessed as follows:
Your Master of Computer Application Technology from **** completed June 2007 has been assessed as comparable to an AQF Master Degree with a major in computing.
Your Bachelor of Computer Science and Technology from **** completed July 2004 has been assessed as comparable to an AQF Bachelor Degree with a major in computing.
The following employment after February 2009 is considered to equate to work at an appropriately skilled level and relevant to 261111 (ICT Business Analyst) of the ANZSCO Code.