● First budget deficit in 15 years: Three consecutive budget deficits before a return to a surplus in 2017-18 of $874 million.
● A $2.7 billion deficit forecast for 2015-16, $1.287 billion deficit expected for 2014-15, before a return to surplus of $2.2 billion in 2018-19.
● State debt: $30.9 billion in 2015-16, growing to $36 billion in 2017-18.
● Asset privatisation: TAB and Fremantle Port joins list of public assets to be off-loaded.
● Household fees and charges up $198.54. Families slugged an extra 4.5 per cent for power and water, and 2.42 per cent more for transport, 10.5 per cent for fire and emergency levy.
● Seniors: Cost of living assistance payment of $200 to be means tested. Fifty per cent council rate rebate and water rebate to be capped at $550 and $600 respectively. The eligible age for WA seniors card holders will rise to 61 from July 1 and 65 by 2023.
● Motorists: To pay an extra $99 a year on their compulsory car registration premiums to pay for no fault insurance scheme.