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[其他] National widely正规太阳能公司sales team招聘Appointment Setter (正规签约合同)

发表于 2-1-2015 02:42:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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(WA - Perth)

1.        协调公司销售团队进行市场开拓
2.        寻找潜在客户并成功预约appointment(会有D2D)
3.        前期客户信息整理,整理备案

1.        英文流利
2.        沟通能力强,有较强的自我调节能力(这行被客户拒绝是太平常的事情啦!)
3.        有车最好,公司在Northbridge,基本出外勤都不用你开自己的车
4.        不怕与陌生人交流,有良好的判断能力
5.        有极强的自我管理及督促能力,毕竟很多时候都需要你独立安排时间和工作量
6.        有团队合作精神及高度的责任感

1.        目前团队入门级Appointment Setter薪水从 $100-$500每天不等 (工作时间:2pm-6pm)
2.        公司会有road trip的工作,食宿全包,薪水会高 20%-50%
3.        表现突出,可以改为sales consultant的合同,有机会带你自己的team
4.        面试成功会有Full training provided (带薪 – condition apply)


If you are interested and meet the qualifications, please send your resume via email to Stanleysun.wa@gmail.com
电话 0426 177 661 (白天有时会在appointment,请先短信)

Solar Appointment Setter - D2D

This is a great job for college students and/or high energy, independent and solar-passionate individuals.
Job Description-
Your job will consist of going to target neighborhoods and finding qualified homeowners interested in getting solar for their home, and setting appointments for our sales consultants to close.
Note- This is a very independent job, I am not a boss who will be breathing down your neck, and you'll have a lot of freedom.
Some people (myself included) strongly prefer this kind of management -- having freedom and not constantly worrying about managing a bunch of relationships with different coworkers, or other time-wasting activities - rather, you will be focusing on working and getting ahead in life.
To be clean cut, independent, have high self-confidence, and be professional and courteous (On the doors, most people are nice enough, if someone is rude just stop talking to them and walk away).
High self-expectations: You should aim for at least 5 quality appointments a day, and hit it. On shorter days, you should aim for at least 3 appointments.
*Note- When setting appointments, schedule them for as soon as possible (don't count appointments scheduled more than a few days out toward your goal #'s because they are far more likely to not confirm or cancel).
Pay and Work Schedule-
The pay structure is quite generous:
$50 per appointment that sits, and a $100 bonus per appointment that ends up being installed.
(You could earn up to $750 only one day‼!)
I expect you to work at least 15 hours a week (though you can work up to 60/hours a week if you desire). Recommended work hours are Monday-Saturday from 1pm-6pm.
Must have own, cell phone, and be clean-cut and presentable.
Must be independent, most of your job you will be working alone, I want people who are confident and comfortable working on their own with little/no supervision.
Must have a positive attitude/personality.
Must be able to handle rejection (and take it lightly).
Must have excellent communication skills overall.
Must be self-motivated. This is not a hard job, but it requires a self-motivated personality.

Please only apply if you have a strong passion and interest in the solar and renewable energy industry and/or have a general desire for the wellbeing of the world.
Previous sales experience strongly preferred - this is ultimately a sales job
Previous door to door experience preferred-- we will consider applicants who dont have door to door experience but we require a very strong work ethic and willing-to-work-hard attitude regardless.
If you are interested and meet the qualifications, please send your resume via email to Stanleysun.wa@gmail.com

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