警察叔叔一般不会无缘无故开单的,除非车膜上起很多泡 ,或贴了不和规定的膜( 反光膜 或膜色太深)
All states of Australia require a minimum VLT limit of 35% for the front drivers and passengers window, that simply means that a minimum of 35% of light must pass through the glass after the film is installed. Laws regarding the remainder of the glass behind the driver does vary depending on the type of vehicle, and the state that the vehicle is registered in.
suv 或wagon 类工具车 除前排玻璃用 35% ,后排可以用深色膜。( 在路上大部分车是这样贴的,前排膜浅,后排膜深。这样比较安全)