我觉得有些吃惊,贵网站没有详细的有关论坛礼仪规则,仅仅是要求网友文明发帖,而没有明确说明何为文明,以及什么样的行为是不文明的。在我工作的工作论坛上有很详细的发言规则,称之为Forum etiquette,其内容大部分引用国际普遍认可的netetiquette。有关人身攻击的解释已经不是仅仅局限F字头之类的骂人的话,比如一个简单的定义: 'you' (either stated or implied) combined with a negative comment。翻译过来就是: 你,这个字无论是明示还是暗示,再加一个否定性评论。另外还有很多行为例如 'troll', "flame baiters". 关于troll的定义是A "troll" is a person who intentionally attempts to disrupt, cause controversy, incite an argument, and/or receive negative attention by deliberately posting provocative content.Trolls are generally deceitful and often use ambivalence as a method of covertly insulting, intimidating, or inciting a person or persons for their own sadistic pleasure. They often pick their words very carefully and are therefore able to defend their masked attempts at creating unrest, frequently redirecting the blame onto the community and its supposed failure to understand them properly. Trolling is strictly destructive.
具体我就不翻译了,在我的案例中悉尼宝宝龙明确是在这个范畴之内,这也是初期我为什么会这么反应敏感,因为在我们论坛上她所说的话是会被删除的(no offence)。 我们管理员对这种行为的解释是Do not attack other people, attack their argument — and this does not mean changing "you are an idiot" into "your comments are idiotic". If you take issue with someone else's position, try to explain why you disagree with them in a polite and professional manner, providing suitable supporting evidence as required.