Occupation ID | | | |
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| Child Care Centre Managers | | |
| Health and Welfare Services Managers | | |
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| Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers | | |
| Actuaries, Mathematicians and Statisticians | | |
| Land Economists and Valuers | | |
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| Architects and Landscape Architects | | |
| Cartographers and Surveyors | | |
| Urban and Regional Planners | | |
| Chemical and Materials Engineers | | |
| Civil Engineering Professionals | | |
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| Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers | | |
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| Other Engineering Professionals | | |
| Agricultural and Forestry Scientists | | |
| Medical Laboratory Scientists | | |
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| Other Natural and Physical Science Professionals | | |
| Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teachers | | |
| Secondary School Teachers | | |
| Special Education Teachers | | |
| Medical Imaging Professionals | | |
| Occupational and Environmental Health Professionals | | |
| Optometrists and Orthoptists | | |
| Chiropractors and Osteopaths | | |
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| Speech Professionals and Audiologists | | |
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| Internal Medicine Specialists | | |
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| Other Medical Practitioners | | |
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| ICT Business and Systems Analysts | | |
| Software and Applications Programmers | | |
| Computer Network Professionals | | |
| Telecommunications Engineering Professionals | | |
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| Civil Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians | | |
| Electrical Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians | | |
| Telecommunications Technical Specialists | | |
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| Sheetmetal Trades Workers | | |
| Structural Steel and Welding Trades Workers | | |
| Metal Fitters and Machinists | | |
| Precision Metal Trades Workers | | |
| Bricklayers and Stonemasons | | |
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| Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanics | | |
| Electrical Trades Distribution Workers | | |
| Electronics Trades Workers | | |
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| Boat Builders and Shipwrights | | |
| Dental Hygienists, Technicians and Therapists | | |