
标题: 关于EOI提交问题的紧急求助! [打印本页]

作者: Inzaghi    时间: 1-5-2014 23:05
标题: 关于EOI提交问题的紧急求助!

刚刚申请下来的ACS职业评估,申请的职业为263113 (Network Analyst),赶忙提交EOI,结果出现的是不能作为这次的邀请,原因是职业不符??

Skilled - Independent (Subclass 189) (Permanent)
The EOI for this subclass will not be considered for an invitation at this time, because according to the client's claims:
•The client's nominated occupation is not on the relevant occupation list for this subclass

作者: foanagh    时间: 2-5-2014 04:09
看起来是189 的职业列表里没有 263113 ?

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