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这时我们在澳洲的首套住房,下午刚收到Termite inspection的Report,我会挑精要的几段放在帖子后面,大意是如下:
1. 在Shed里外以及园子的树上都发现白蚁活体
2. 评级为:Moderate, 建议还要进一步检查,可能需要移除一些floor coverings,天花板等设施
3. 现owner于2006年做过perimeter barrier treatment,之后每年有inspection。但报告上说了这么一句话:Was evidence of bridging or breaching of a termite barrier or insufficient slab edge exposure found? Yes
1. 跟settlement agent讨论,尽量搞明白这个report描述的情况实际的严重程度。。。。 但也担心agent的态度,还请同学们分享一下大家对此的看法。
2. 搞明白完善的修复和预防措施是什么,费用去跟卖家协商。。。 可行与否?
3. 严重的话,考虑要不要以及如何做到退房。。。 协议上没有简单写subject to termite inspection, 而是如果卖家不彻底根治或解决的话。。。结合这个房子的shed和顶棚木有council审批的情况,感觉之前下offer实在是太大意了,啥都木有subject to。作为小白用户被对方中介忽悠了。
Were active subterranean termites (live specimens) found: Yes – refer page 3
Was visible evidence of subterranean termite workings or damage found: Yes – refer page 4
P.S. 这里用词是were,是指曾经有白蚁但现在木有吗?
Active termites located externally in timber in shed, timber on ground next to shed and tree in yard – vendor stated that he is under warranty and will get his pest control company to treat the active termites. Recommend confirmation be obtained that this will occur.
Timber Pest Risk Assessment: Due to the level of accessibility for inspection including the presence of obstructions, the overall degree of risk of undetected timber pest attack and conditions conducive to timber pest attack was considered: Moderate
RECOMMENDATION: Where the risk is considered “Moderate” or “Moderate-High” or “High”, a further inspection is strongly recommended of areas that were not readily accessible, and of inaccessible or obstructed areas once access has been provided or the obstruction removed. This may require the moving, lifting or removal of obstructions such as floor coverings, furniture, stored items foliage and insulation. In some instances, it may also require the removal of ceiling and wall linings, and the cutting of traps and access holes. For further advice consult your Timber Pest Detection Consultant.
Active termites located externally in timber in shed, timber on ground next to shed and tree in yard – vendor stated that he is under warranty and will get his pest control company to treat the active termites. Recommend confirmation be obtained that this will occur.
RECOMMENDATION Where evidence of damage to building timbers exists, competent advice (e.g. from a licensed or registered building contractor) should be obtained to determine the extent of any structural damage and as to the need or otherwise for rectification or repair work. See also Item 3.5 ‘Frequency of Future Inspections’ recommendation.
Previous Termite Management Program
Was evidence of a possible previous termite management program noted? (If “Yes” provide details and location including the location of any ‘Termite Treatment Notice’ affixed at the entrance to a crawl space or some other place where it was protected from damage, e.g. in the case of a slab-on-ground construction, in an external electrical meter box).
Sticker in meter box pertaining to previous termite protection stated in 1995 under-slab treatment, 2006 perimeter barrier treatment and inspections 2007 – 2013.
Recommend a minimum of annual inspections and / or re-application of termite barrier to protect dwelling from future termite invasion.