Thank you for your email to the British Council Customer Services team, which has been forwarded to us for further investigation.
Firstly, please allow us to apologize for the inconveniences that may have caused by the test results delay of 15th March. The quality control procedures are in place in order to protect the integrity and security of the IELTS test. Results are routinely analysed by the IELTS Test Partners before they are issued to candidates. With reference to these quality control procedures, your test results are withheld while these checks are being conducted. In the “Notice to Candidates”, it has stated that:
Your result may not be issued 13 days after the test if any of the IELTS Test Partners deem it necessary to review any matter associated with your test.”
Thank you for your email. If you have not already done so please contact the IELTS administrator at the test centre with your complaint. The address details are on the following link:
If you are still not happy with the response please put your complaint in writing, indicating you have already complained to the IELTS administrator, to the following address: general.enquiries@britishcouncil.org
I have notified the appropriate Regional IELTS manager for their information.