The minimum online trade value for Global Shares is AUD$2,000
International orders received by us will be forwarded to our agents for execution. International orders received after 6.00pm AEST will be forwarded for execution on the next Australian business day. All orders are subject to the rules of the relevant exchange.
Please contact the Client Services Team if you wish to place a sell order for an Exchange not available in the drop down menu.
就这说明,我理解为: 比如我今天晚上半夜2,3点美国股市开市的时候马上下单,单子不是立刻执行,而是要等到明天早上9点澳洲E*trade上班后才处理,但这时候美国股市早就闭市了,真正单子到市场上交易要等到明天晚上澳洲时间半夜1:30分才有效,从下单子到执行,过去了快24小时了,怎么能算是实时交易?