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发表于 1-2-2014 10:03:49
Dear Yolanda,
As you are aware I was successful in obtaining a graduate position at a top Australian manufacturing company before the Christmas break. My position deals directly with managing the company’s expenses (Expense Reporting Co-op). I am extremely happy to have achieved this position and I hope this email can inform and help other interns who are looking to secure a grad position.
The grad program for my company consisted of three main stages: a phone interview, assessment centre and face to face interview.
In the phone interview they asked general questions about my university studies and they also wanted to find out what I knew about the company. Speaking about my university studies was fairly straightforward but when it came to speaking about the company my advice to interns is that before a phone interview they should make sure they have done some research on the company. From this research interns should be prepared to talk about their general understanding of what the company does, the company’s clients, the company’s vision and values ect. (candidates may also be required to demonstrate what they know about the company in the face to face interview).
The next stage was the assessment centre where all remaining candidates met at the office and were put into small groups for an activity that was assessed. The activity was not accounting related and just involved your general knowledge (e.g. giving a response to a hypothetical scenario). While it is important to try and obtain an end result that best meets the task requirements, I felt what was more important to the assessors was the way you interact with your group members, alongside your contributions to the task. I find this stage could be quite challenging if you do not have much experience working with people you have never met before. Therefore in this stage I feel teamwork and leadership skills are the most important.
My advice for this stage is to always try and contribute something to your group, monitor the time (you have a limited amount of time so the assessors can see how you work under pressure) and to listen to and acknowledge your team members’ suggestions. Assessors will not like it if you do not speak much but at the same time the assessors will not like it if you are too bossy/controlling. Therefore I recommend interns should try to best maintain a balance of not being too quiet but also not being too dominant.
In the face to face interview stage the interview started off asking about myself and my experiences, my most favourite and least favourite job and my most favourite and least favourite university subject. Then they went into behavioural interview questions that included a time where I showed attention to detail and a time where I had to learn on the fly. When answering the behavioural questions my advice is to use the STAR method taught in university, and in Jeff’s interview guidance session. Many examples of behavioural questions can be found on the internet which I used to practice but I do not recommend memorising answers. I find it is better to be familiar with the many experiences you have had at your work, university and extracurricular activities so you can aim to apply these to any questions. This is a technique Jeff covered and I found Jeff’s interview guidance session to be very helpful in preparation for this stage. If interns are struggling to come up with experiences I find that there are a lot of situations from the internship at Bly that can be used to respond to the questions.
In my interview there were also no technical questions and I feel being a graduate position the interview panel did not expect candidates to have a great deal of experience in the accounting field. The interview panel seemed to be impressed that I took the initiative to build on my accounting skills by taking on an internship at Bly Accounting while studying and they were also impressed by my extracurricular activities, involvement in sport and volunteer work I have done. Therefore when applying for a grad position my advice is that if you have had other experiences that may not be accounting related, but involve certain skills such as team work, problem solving and leadership, it is beneficial to include these experiences in your resume and application.
I wish all my fellow interns the very best in their job hunting. All of the interns I have had the privilege to meet were extremely friendly and supportive. It is great to see Bly Accounting has such a positive work environment. Many thanks to Yolanda for all the fantastic work put into Bly and for her support and assistance. Also many thanks to Jeff, Amy, Scarlet, Lien and Humam for all their help, especially Lien.
Kind regards