CO要求补料,其中有一项是副申补体检(其他补料暂不在本帖范围内讨论 ),我与她做了一番沟通。
我询问“Regarding her medical examinations, several days ago, she has already completed the medical history information on line in my TRN account and got her e-medical referral letter with HAP ID which is the same as you advised in the email. Under this circumstances, may she go on other items in coming days, leaving only chest X-ray to be done after giving birth(we prefer to do like this if it is possible)?
CO答复"As the secondary applicant is on the family way, the Department encourages her to defer undergoing medical assessment particularly chest x-ray (Form 160) until after the child’s birth. If applicants decide to defer these checks please advise this office immediately."
我们本来是打算先体检其他项,只剩下X光胸片等孩子出世之后再照,争取留下OUTSTANDING的尾项内容越少越好。看CO的回复,她是建议推迟所有的体检。此外,我也询问了体检的医院,医院答复即使先体检其他的内容,医院也必须等到X光照完之后,形成完整的体检报告才能提交移民局。问一下,上面CO说 ‘If applicants decide to defer these checks please advise this office immediately.’,是指如果我决定推迟体检,就邮件通知她就可以了?她不就是this office吗。。。
我询问“Considering our case, would we have possibility to get our visas granted before the newborn baby? ”
CO答复,“I am unable to finalise your visa application unless all mandatory requirements including health and character checks are satisfied. Once the baby is born, please provide the following:Form 1022;Newborn’s birth certificate, biopage copy of passport, and photo;The newborn has to undergo a medical assessment as well.”